123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233 |
- ExifTool by Phil Harvey (phil at owl.phy.queensu.ca)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ExifTool is a customizable set of Perl modules plus a full-featured
- application for reading and writing meta information in a wide variety of
- files, including the maker note information of many digital cameras by
- various manufacturers such as Canon, Casio, FLIR, FujiFilm, GE, HP,
- JVC/Victor, Kodak, Leaf, Minolta/Konica-Minolta, Nikon, Nintendo,
- Olympus/Epson, Panasonic/Leica, Pentax/Asahi, Phase One, Reconyx, Ricoh,
- Samsung, Sanyo, Sigma/Foveon and Sony.
- Below is a list of file types and meta information formats currently
- supported by ExifTool (r = read, w = write, c = create):
- File Types
- ------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+------------
- 3FR r | DVB r/w | KEY r | ORF r/w | RWL r/w
- 3G2 r/w | DYLIB r | LA r | OTF r | RWZ r
- 3GP r/w | EIP r | LFP r | PAC r | RM r
- AA r | EPS r/w | LNK r | PAGES r | SEQ r
- AAX r/w | EPUB r | M2TS r | PBM r/w | SO r
- ACR r | ERF r/w | M4A/V r/w | PCD r | SR2 r/w
- AFM r | EXE r | MEF r/w | PDB r | SRF r
- AI r/w | EXIF r/w/c | MIE r/w/c | PDF r/w | SRW r/w
- AIFF r | EXR r | MIFF r | PEF r/w | SVG r
- APE r | EXV r/w/c | MKA r | PFA r | SWF r
- ARW r/w | F4A/V r/w | MKS r | PFB r | THM r/w
- ASF r | FFF r/w | MKV r | PFM r | TIFF r/w
- AVI r | FLA r | MNG r/w | PGF r | TORRENT r
- AZW r | FLAC r | MOBI r | PGM r/w | TTC r
- BMP r | FLV r | MODD r | PLIST r | TTF r
- BTF r | FPF r | MOI r | PICT r | VCF r
- CHM r | FPX r | MOS r/w | PMP r | VRD r/w/c
- COS r | GIF r/w | MOV r/w | PNG r/w | VSD r
- CR2 r/w | GZ r | MP3 r | PPM r/w | WAV r
- CRW r/w | HDP r/w | MP4 r/w | PPT r | WDP r/w
- CS1 r/w | HDR r | MPC r | PPTX r | WEBP r
- DCM r | HTML r | MPG r | PS r/w | WEBM r
- DCP r/w | ICC r/w/c | MPO r/w | PSB r/w | WMA r
- DCR r | ICS r | MQV r/w | PSD r/w | WMV r
- DFONT r | IDML r | MRW r/w | PSP r | WV r
- DIVX r | IIQ r/w | MXF r | QTIF r/w | X3F r/w
- DJVU r | IND r/w | NEF r/w | RA r | XCF r
- DLL r | INX r | NRW r/w | RAF r/w | XLS r
- DNG r/w | ITC r | NUMBERS r | RAM r | XLSX r
- DOC r | J2C r | ODP r | RAR r | XMP r/w/c
- DOCX r | JNG r/w | ODS r | RAW r/w | ZIP r
- DPX r | JP2 r/w | ODT r | RIFF r |
- DR4 r/w/c | JPEG r/w | OFR r | RSRC r |
- DSS r | K25 r | OGG r | RTF r |
- DV r | KDC r | OGV r | RW2 r/w |
- Meta Information
- ----------------------+----------------------+---------------------
- EXIF r/w/c | CIFF r/w | Ricoh RMETA r
- GPS r/w/c | AFCP r/w | Picture Info r
- IPTC r/w/c | Kodak Meta r/w | Adobe APP14 r
- XMP r/w/c | FotoStation r/w | MPF r
- MakerNotes r/w/c | PhotoMechanic r/w | Stim r
- Photoshop IRB r/w/c | JPEG 2000 r | DPX r
- ICC Profile r/w/c | DICOM r | APE r
- MIE r/w/c | Flash r | Vorbis r
- JFIF r/w/c | FlashPix r | SPIFF r
- Ducky APP12 r/w/c | QuickTime r | DjVu r
- PDF r/w/c | Matroska r | M2TS r
- PNG r/w/c | MXF r | PE/COFF r
- Canon VRD r/w/c | PrintIM r | AVCHD r
- Nikon Capture r/w/c | FLAC r | ZIP r
- GeoTIFF r/w/c | ID3 r | (and more)
- See html/index.html for more details about ExifTool features.
- ExifTool can be downloaded from
- http://owl.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/
- The exiftool script can be run right away without the need to install
- Image::ExifTool. For example, from within the exiftool directory you can
- extract the information from one of the included test files by typing:
- ./exiftool t/images/ExifTool.jpg
- If you move the exiftool script to a different directory, you must also
- either move the contents of the lib directory or install the Image::ExifTool
- package so the script can find the necessary libraries.
- Note: If you are using the Windows cmd shell, you may need to rename
- 'exiftool' to 'exiftool.pl' to run it directly from the command line.
- Alternatively, you can run exiftool with the command 'perl exiftool'.
- The exiftool script is a command line application. You run it by typing
- commands in a terminal window. The first step is to determine the name of
- the directory where you downloaded the ExifTool distribution package.
- Assuming, for example, you downloaded it to a folder called "Desktop" in
- your home directory, then you would type the following commands in a
- terminal window to extract and run ExifTool:
- cd ~/Desktop
- gzip -dc Image-ExifTool-##.##.tar.gz | tar -xf -
- cd Image-ExifTool-##.##
- ./exiftool t/images/ExifTool.jpg
- Note: You must replace "##.##" in the above commands with the actual version
- number of ExifTool that you downloaded. These commands extract meta
- information from one of the test images. To use one of your images instead,
- enter the full path name of your file in place of "t/images/ExifTool.jpg".
- You can install the Image::ExifTool package to make it available for use by
- other Perl scripts by typing the following:
- perl Makefile.PL
- make
- make test
- make install
- Notes:
- i) You need root access for the last step above.
- ii) Some Perl installations (like the standard OSX installation) may not
- contain the necessary files to complete the first step above. But no
- worries: You can install ExifTool manually by moving 'exiftool' and the
- 'lib' directory to any directory in your current PATH (ie. /usr/bin).
- iii) In Windows, "dmake" or "nmake" may be used if "make" is not
- available. The "nmake" utility may be downloaded from Microsoft at
- http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q132084 but note
- that is utility is very old, and may not work with Makefiles generated by
- newer Perl versions.
- (Also see html/install.html for more help with installation.)
- Requires Perl version 5.004 or later. No other special libraries are
- required, however the following modules are recommended for decoding
- compressed and/or encrypted information from the indicated file types, and
- for calculating digest values for some information types:
- Archive::Zip (ZIP, DOCX, PPTX, XLSX, ODP, ODS, ODT, EIP, iWork)
- Compress::Zlib (DNG, PNG, PDF, DCM, MIE and SWF files)
- Digest::MD5 (PDF files, IPTC information, and JPG Extended XMP)
- Digest::SHA (PDF with AES-256 encryption)
- IO::Compress::Bzip2 (RWZ files)
- Win32::API (for proper handling of Windows file times)
- Win32API::File (for Windows Unicode file names and file times)
- Win32::FindFile (for Windows Unicode directory support, app only)
- Time::HiRes (allows generation of ProcessingTime tag)
- Copyright 2003-2016, Phil Harvey
- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
- same terms as Perl itself.
- Below is a list of the files/directories included in the full ExifTool
- distribution package:
- Changes - Revision history
- MANIFEST - Full list of distribution files
- META.yml - Standard CPAN dependency file
- Makefile.PL - Makefile for installation
- README - This file
- arg_files/ - Argument files to convert metadata formats:
- exif2iptc.args - Arguments for converting EXIF to IPTC
- exif2xmp.args - Arguments for converting EXIF to XMP
- gps2xmp.args - Arguments for converting GPS to XMP
- iptc2exif.args - Arguments for converting IPTC to EXIF
- iptc2xmp.args - Arguments for converting IPTC to XMP
- iptcCore.args - Complete list of IPTC Core XMP tags
- pdf2xmp.args - Arguments for converting PDF to XMP
- xmp2exif.args - Arguments for converting XMP to EXIF
- xmp2gps.args - Arguments for converting XMP to GPS
- xmp2iptc.args - Arguments for converting XMP to IPTC
- xmp2pdf.args - Arguments for converting XMP to PDF
- config_files/ - Sample ExifTool configuration files:
- ExifTool_config - General example showing basic features
- convert_regions.config - Convert between MWG and MP face regions
- photoshop_paths.config - For extracting or copying Photoshop paths
- picasa_faces.config - Convert from Picasa to MWG/MP face regions
- exiftool - The exiftool application (Perl script)
- fmt_files/ - Output formatting example files:
- gpx.fmt - Format file for creating GPX track
- gpx_wpt.fmt - Format file for creating GPX waypoints
- kml.fmt - Format file for creating KML output files
- html/ - HTML documentation
- html/TagNames/ - HTML tag name documentation
- lib/ - ExifTool Perl library modules
- perl-Image-ExifTool.spec - Red Hat Packaging Manager specification file
- t/ - Verification test code
- t/images/ - Verification test images
- Read the following files included in the full distribution for more
- information:
- html/index.html - Main ExifTool documentation
- html/install.html - Installation instructions
- html/history.html - Revision history
- html/ExifTool.html - API documentation
- html/TagNames/index.html - Tag name documentation
- html/geotag.html - Geotag feature
- html/faq.html - Frequently asked questions
- html/filename.html - Renaming/moving files
- html/metafiles.html - Working with metadata sidecar files
- html/struct.html - Working with structured XMP information
- lib/Image/ExifTool/README - ExifTool library modules documentation
- and if you have installed Image::ExifTool, you can also consult perldoc or
- the man pages:
- perldoc exiftool
- perldoc Image::ExifTool
- perldoc Image::ExifTool::TagNames
- man exiftool
- man Image::ExifTool
- man Image::ExifTool::TagNames
- Note: If the man pages don't work, it is probably because your man path is
- not set to include the installed documentation. See "man man" for
- information about how to set the man path.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------