123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371 |
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # File: picasa_faces.config
- #
- # Description: User-defined Composite tag definitions to convert face regions
- # in .picasa.ini files to MWG region tags (Metadata Working Group
- # region, used by Picasa) and MP region tags (used by Microsoft
- # Photo Library).
- #
- # Tag definitions and examples:
- #
- # PicasaToMWGRegion
- # This will create the MWG region tag but will filter out the regions
- # that are still unnamed in Picasa. Picasa defaults to naming these
- # regions 'ffffffffffffffff' but normally will not save these to file.
- # Example:
- # exiftool -config picasa_faces.config "-RegionInfo<PicasaToMWGRegion" FILE
- #
- # PicasaToMPRegion
- # This will create the MP region tag but will filter out the regions that
- # are still unnamed in Picasa. Picasa defaults to naming these regions
- # 'ffffffffffffffff' but normally will not save these to file.
- # Example:
- # exiftool -config picasa_faces.config "-RegionInfoMP<PicasaToMPRegion" FILE
- #
- # PicasaRegionNames
- # Returns a list of the region names associated with the file. This
- # allows copying of the region names to XMP:Subject and/or IPTC:Keywords.
- # It also allows checking to see if regions need to be updated.
- # Example:
- # exiftool -config picasa_faces.config "-XMP:Subject<PicasaRegionNames" FILE
- #
- # PicasaToMWGRegionUnfiltered
- # This will create the MWG region tag. This version does not filter out
- # the unnamed regions. Picasa normally will filter out unnamed regions
- # when it saves regions in the file.
- # Example:
- # exiftool -config picasa_faces.config "-RegionInfo<PicasaToMWGRegionUnfiltered" FILE
- #
- # PicasaToMPRegionUnfiltered
- # This will create the MP region tag. This version does not filter out
- # the unnamed regions. Picasa normally will filter out unnamed regions
- # when it saves regions in the file.
- # Example:
- # exiftool -config picasa_faces.config "-RegionInfoMP<PicasaToMPRegionUnfiltered" FILE
- #
- # Notes: The face names are loaded from the Picasa contacts file, which
- # defaults to:
- #
- # C:/Users/MainUser/AppData/Local/PicasaData/Google/Picasa2/contacts/contacts.xml
- #
- # The default contacts file may be changed by editing the value
- # of $contactXML below, or on the command line with ExifTool 9.90
- # or later via the -userParam option, eg:
- # -userparam PicasaContactsFile=/path/to/contacts.xml
- #
- # Requires: ExifTool version 8.82 or later (9.90 or later for -userparam)
- #
- # Revisions: 2015/03/07 - Bryan K. Williams (aka StarGeek) Created
- # 2015/03/12 - PH Minor changes, optimizations and reformatting
- # 2015/05/11 - BKW Fix bug where Picasa writes region data for
- # rotated NEF and CR2 images as if the orientation
- # is not rotated.
- # 2015/05/12 - PH Minor code tweaks
- # 2015/10/26 - BKW Round off area sizes to 7 decimal places
- # 2016/01/18 - BKW Improved rounding algorithm
- #
- # References: http://u88.n24.queensu.ca/exiftool/forum/index.php/topic,6354.0.html
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Picasa contacts file name
- my $contactXML = 'C:/Users/MainUser/AppData/Local/PicasaData/Google/Picasa2/contacts/contacts.xml';
- # local variables
- my $lastIniFile = ''; # path of last .picasa.ini file loaded
- my $lastContactFile = ''; # path of last contacts.xml file loaded
- # raw file types that need additional processing to get regions correct
- my %isRawFile = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
- my %contactHash; # lookup for loaded contacts.xml entries
- my %fileHash; # lookup for loaded .picasa.ini entries
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Load Picasa's contacts.xml and .picasa.ini files.
- # Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) .picasa.ini directory
- # Returns: 1 if files were loaded and parsed, undef on error
- # Notes: If file has already been loaded, it isn't reloaded
- sub LoadPicasaFiles($$)
- {
- local (*CONTACTS, *INI);
- my ($et, $iniDir) = @_;
- # check ExifTool version to see if there might be
- # a command line setting for the contact file
- my $contactFile = ($Image::ExifTool::VERSION >= 9.89 and
- defined($et->Options(UserParam => 'PicasaContactsFile'))) ?
- $et->Options(UserParam => 'PicasaContactsFile') : $contactXML;
- # load Picasa contacts.xml file unless done already
- unless ($contactFile eq $lastContactFile) {
- $lastContactFile = $contactFile;
- undef %contactHash;
- # Picasa's default setting for unnamed faces.
- $contactHash{'ffffffffffffffff'} = 'unnamed';
- if (open(CONTACTS, $contactFile)) {
- require Image::ExifTool::HTML;
- while (<CONTACTS>) {
- /name="(.*?)"/ or next;
- my $name = $1;
- /id="([a-f0-9]+)"/ or next;
- my $id = $1;
- $contactHash{$id} = Image::ExifTool::HTML::UnescapeHTML($name);
- }
- close(CONTACTS);
- } else {
- local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = undef; # stop ExifTool from catching the warning
- warn "Error reading contacts file $contactFile\n";
- }
- }
- # load .picasa.ini file from the specified directory
- my $iniFile = "$iniDir/.picasa.ini";
- if ($iniFile eq $lastIniFile) {
- return %fileHash ? 1 : undef;
- }
- $lastIniFile = $iniFile;
- open(INI, $iniFile) or return undef;
- my $section = '';
- while (<INI>) {
- # Process New Section
- /^\s*\[(.+)\][\n\r]*$/ and $section = $1, next;
- # process entry (all we care about are the "faces" lines)
- /^faces=(.*)$/ or next;
- my @temp = split /;/, $1;
- foreach (@temp) {
- /rect64\(([\da-f]{1,16})\),([\da-f]{1,16})/ or next;
- # the string in parens after "rect64" is a 64 bit number in hex,
- # but Picasa doesn't add leading zeroes, so the length of the string
- # cannot be assumed to be 16 bytes. Handle this as two 32-bit numbers
- # for compatibility with 32-bit systems.
- my $hi = hex(substr($1, 0, -8));
- my $lo = hex(substr($1, -8));
- my $x0 = ($hi >> 16) /65535;
- my $y0 = ($hi & 0xffff)/65535;
- my $x1 = ($lo >> 16) /65535;
- my $y1 = ($lo & 0xffff)/65535;
- push @{ $fileHash{$section} }, {
- ContactID => $2,
- # round to 8 decimals (Picasa will ignore regions with greater than 10 decimals)
- X => int($x0*100000000+.5)/100000000,
- Y => int($y0*100000000+.5)/100000000,
- W => int(($x1 - $x0)*100000000+.5)/100000000,
- H => int(($y1 - $y0)*100000000+.5)/100000000,
- };
- }
- }
- close(INI);
- return %fileHash ? 1 : undef;
- }
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Rotate region to specified orientation (for RAW file types only)
- # Input: 0) rectangle array ref (x,y,w,h), 1) EXIF orientation value, 2) file type
- sub RotateRegion($$$)
- {
- my ($rect, $orientation, $fileType) = @_;
- if ($orientation and $fileType and $isRawFile{$fileType}) {
- my ($x,$y,$w,$h) = @$rect;
- if ($orientation == 8) { # CW 90
- @$rect = (1-$h-$y, $x, $h, $w);
- } elsif ($orientation == 3) { # CW 180
- @$rect = (1-$x-$w, 1-$y-$h, $w, $h);
- } elsif ($orientation == 6) { # CW 270
- @$rect = ($y, 1-$x-$w, $h, $w);
- }
- }
- }
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # User-defined tag definitions
- #
- %Image::ExifTool::UserDefined = (
- 'Image::ExifTool::Composite' => {
- #
- # Versions that filter out unnamed regions (ContactID=ffffffffffffffff)
- #
- PicasaToMWGRegion => {
- Require => {
- 0 => 'Directory',
- 1 => 'FileName',
- 2 => 'ImageWidth',
- 3 => 'ImageHeight',
- },
- Desire => {
- 4 => 'Orientation',
- 5 => 'FileType',
- },
- ValueConv => sub {
- my ($val, $et) = @_;
- LoadPicasaFiles($et, $$val[0]) or return undef; # load contacts.xml and Picasa.ini
- my $filename = $$val[1];
- my @regList;
- # convert to local variables for readability, and make
- # sure there is a region associated with the current file
- my $contactHashRef = \%contactHash;
- my $tempArrayRef = $fileHash{$filename} or return undef;
- foreach my $tempHash (@$tempArrayRef) {
- next if $$tempHash{ContactID} eq 'ffffffffffffffff';
- my $name = $$contactHashRef{$$tempHash{ContactID}};
- next unless defined $name;
- my @rect = @$tempHash{'X','Y','W','H'};
- RotateRegion(\@rect, $$val[4], $$val[5]);
- push @regList, {
- Area => {
- X => $rect[0] + $rect[2] / 2,
- Y => $rect[1] + $rect[3] / 2,
- W => $rect[2],
- H => $rect[3],
- Unit => 'normalized',
- },
- Name => $name,
- Type => 'Face',
- };
- }
- # make sure a region exists, otherwise return undef
- return @regList ? {
- AppliedToDimensions => { W => $$val[2], H => $$val[3], Unit => 'pixel' },
- RegionList => \@regList,
- } : undef;
- },
- },
- PicasaToMPRegion => {
- Require => {
- 0 => 'Directory',
- 1 => 'FileName',
- },
- Desire => {
- 2 => 'Orientation',
- 3 => 'FileType',
- },
- ValueConv => sub {
- my ($val, $et) = @_;
- LoadPicasaFiles($et, $$val[0]) or return undef; # load contacts.xml and Picasa.ini
- my $filename = $$val[1];
- my @regList;
- # convert to local variables for readability, and make
- # sure there is a region associated with the current file
- my $contactHashRef = \%contactHash;
- my $tempArrayRef = $fileHash{$filename} or return undef;
- foreach my $tempHash (@$tempArrayRef) {
- next if $$tempHash{ContactID} eq 'ffffffffffffffff';
- my $name = $$contactHashRef{$$tempHash{ContactID}};
- next unless defined $name;
- my @rect = @$tempHash{'X','Y','W','H'};
- RotateRegion(\@rect, $$val[2], $$val[3]);
- push @regList, {
- PersonDisplayName => $name,
- Rectangle => join(', ', @rect),
- };
- }
- # make sure a region exists, otherwise return undef
- return @regList ? { Regions => \@regList } : undef;
- },
- },
- PicasaRegionNames => {
- Require => {
- 0 => 'Directory',
- 1 => 'FileName',
- },
- ValueConv => sub {
- my ($val, $et) = @_;
- LoadPicasaFiles($et, $$val[0]) or return undef; # load contacts.xml and Picasa.ini
- my $filename = $$val[1];
- my @regList;
- # convert to local variables for readability, and make
- # sure there is a region associated with the current file
- my $contactHashRef = \%contactHash;
- my $tempArrayRef = $fileHash{$filename} or return undef;
- foreach my $tempHash (@$tempArrayRef) {
- next if $$tempHash{ContactID} eq 'ffffffffffffffff';
- my $name = $$contactHashRef{$$tempHash{ContactID}};
- push @regList, $name if defined $name;
- }
- # make sure a region exists, otherwise return undef
- return @regList ? \@regList : undef;
- },
- },
- #
- # Versions that do not filter out unnamed regions (ContactID=ffffffffffffffff)
- # Picasa normally does not add these regions when it saves names to the file.
- #
- PicasaToMWGRegionUnfiltered => {
- Require => {
- 0 => 'Directory',
- 1 => 'FileName',
- 2 => 'ImageWidth',
- 3 => 'ImageHeight',
- },
- Desire => {
- 4 => 'Orientation',
- 5 => 'FileType',
- },
- ValueConv => sub {
- my ($val, $et) = @_;
- LoadPicasaFiles($et, $$val[0]) or return undef; # load contacts.xml and Picasa.ini
- my $filename = $$val[1];
- my @regList;
- # convert to local variables for readability, and make
- # sure there is a region associated with the current file
- my $contactHashRef = \%contactHash;
- my $tempArrayRef = $fileHash{$filename} or return undef;
- foreach my $tempHash (@$tempArrayRef) {
- my @rect = @$tempHash{'X','Y','W','H'};
- RotateRegion(\@rect, $$val[4], $$val[5]);
- push @regList, {
- Area => {
- X => $rect[0] + $rect[2] / 2,
- Y => $rect[1] + $rect[3] / 2,
- W => $rect[2],
- H => $rect[3],
- Unit => 'normalized',
- },
- Name => $$contactHashRef{$$tempHash{ContactID}} || 'unnamed',
- Type => 'Face',
- };
- }
- # make sure a region exists, otherwise return undef
- return @regList ? {
- AppliedToDimensions => { W => $$val[2], H => $$val[3], Unit => 'pixel' },
- RegionList => \@regList,
- } : undef;
- },
- },
- PicasaToMPRegionUnfiltered => {
- Require => {
- 0 => 'Directory',
- 1 => 'FileName',
- },
- Desire => {
- 2 => 'Orientation',
- 3 => 'FileType',
- },
- ValueConv => sub {
- my ($val, $et) = @_;
- LoadPicasaFiles($et, $$val[0]) or return undef; # load contacts.xml and Picasa.ini
- my $filename = $$val[1];
- my @regList;
- # convert to local variables for readability, and make
- # sure there is a region associated with the current file
- my $contactHashRef = \%contactHash;
- my $tempArrayRef = $fileHash{$filename} or return undef;
- foreach my $tempHash (@$tempArrayRef) {
- my @rect = @$tempHash{'X','Y','W','H'};
- RotateRegion(\@rect, $$val[2], $$val[3]);
- push @regList, {
- PersonDisplayName => $$contactHashRef{$$tempHash{ContactID}} || 'unnamed',
- Rectangle => join(', ', @rect),
- }
- }
- # make sure a region exists, otherwise return undef
- return @regList ? { Regions => \@regList } : undef;
- },
- },
- },
- );
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1; #end