12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 |
- {#
- This file is part of the Sonata package.
- (c) Thomas Rabaix <thomas.rabaix@sonata-project.org>
- For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- file that was distributed with this source code.
- #}
- {% block num_pages %}
- {{ admin.datagrid.pager.page }} / {{ admin.datagrid.pager.lastpage }}
- -
- {% endblock %}
- {% block num_results %}
- {% transchoice admin.datagrid.pager.nbresults with {'%count%': admin.datagrid.pager.nbresults} from 'SonataAdminBundle' %}list_results_count{% endtranschoice %}
- -
- {% endblock %}
- {% block max_per_page %}
- <label class="control-label" for="{{ admin.uniqid }}_per_page">{% trans from 'SonataAdminBundle' %}label_per_page{% endtrans %}</label>
- <select class="per-page small form-control" id="{{ admin.uniqid }}_per_page" style="width: auto">
- {% for per_page in admin.getperpageoptions %}
- <option {% if per_page == admin.datagrid.pager.maxperpage %}selected="selected"{% endif %} value="{{ admin.generateUrl('list', {'filter': admin.datagrid.values|merge({'_page': 1, '_per_page': per_page})}) }}">
- {{- per_page -}}
- </option>
- {% endfor %}
- </select>
- {% endblock %}