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- .. index::
- single: Dashboard
- User Dashboard
- ==============
- ``SonataUserBundle`` provides an easy way to customize the user portal (reachable through the /profile URL).
- Here's a preview:
- .. figure:: ../images/profile_dashboard.png
- :align: center
- :alt: The user profile dashboard
- :width: 700px
- Configuration
- -------------
- The default menu offers profile edition & user password forms.
- Would you like to customize this menu ? you can do so in the `sonata_user` configuration:
- .. code-block:: yaml
- sonata_user:
- profile:
- # Profile show page is a dashboard as in SonataAdminBundle
- dashboard:
- blocks:
- - { position: left, type: sonata.block.service.text, settings: { content: "<h2>Welcome!</h2> This is a sample user profile dashboard, feel free to override it in the configuration! Want to make this text dynamic? For instance display the user's name? Create a dedicated block and edit the configuration!"} }
- - { position: left, type: sonata.order.block.recent_orders, settings: { title: Recent Orders, number: 5, mode: public }}
- - { position: right, type: sonata.timeline.block.timeline, settings: { max_per_page: 15 }}
- - { position: right, type: sonata.news.block.recent_posts, settings: { title: Recent Posts, number: 5, mode: public }}
- - { position: right, type: sonata.news.block.recent_comments, settings: { title: Recent Comments, number: 5, mode: public }}
- # Customize user portal menu by setting links
- menu:
- - { route: 'sonata_user_profile_show', label: 'sonata_profile_title', domain: 'SonataUserBundle'}
- - { route: 'sonata_user_profile_edit', label: 'link_edit_profile', domain: 'SonataUserBundle'}
- - { route: 'sonata_customer_addresses', label: 'link_list_addresses', domain: 'SonataCustomerBundle'}
- - { route: 'sonata_user_profile_edit_authentication', label: 'link_edit_authentication', domain: 'SonataUserBundle'}
- - { route: 'sonata_order_index', label: 'order_list', domain: 'SonataOrderBundle'}
- If you want to display the menu in your action's template, you should inherit the ``SonataUserBundle:Profile:action.html.twig`` template. There you can override the ``sonata_profile_title`` & ``sonata_profile_content`` blocks.
- Dashboard
- ---------
- The ``Profile:show`` page is a dashboard as in SonataAdminBundle (you may see the documentation `here <https://sonata-project.org/bundles/admin/master/doc/reference/dashboard.html>`_). You may specify the blocks you want there, their settings and their positions. By default a simple text is displayed, but it's up to you to put there whatever you want.
- In the sample configuration you may see above, we chose to put this text, plus the latest orders from the customer attached to the customer, the latest user's actions, latest posts & comments on the website.
- Block
- -----
- You also have the ability to customize the block responsible for displaying the menu with the following options:
- * ``menu_name``
- This takes a Knp menu name as the argument and will completely override the menu.
- * ``menu_class``
- The menu ``<ul>`` class(es); by default set to ``nav nav-list``.
- * ``current_class``
- The current ``<li>`` element class(es); by default set to ``active``.
- * ``first_class and last_class``
- The first and last ``<li>`` element class(es) in the menu ; by default empty.
- Menu Factory
- ------------
- The `ProfileMenuBuilder` class is responsible for creating the user menu. It offers two public methods:
- * ``createProfileMenu`` which generates a new ``ItemInterface`` instance
- * ``buildProfileMenu`` which configures an existing ``ItemInterface`` instance.
- The latter method throws an event once configured: ``sonata.user.profile.configure_menu`` of type ``ProfileMenuEvent`` which contains the configured ``ItemInterface`` instance, would you choose to override it.