Drawing a best fit chart
require '/path/to/your/vendor/autoload.php';
use CpChart\Data;
use CpChart\Image;
/* Create and populate the Data object */
$data = new Data();
for ($i = 0; $i <= 20; $i++) {
$data->addPoints(rand(10, 30) + $i, "Probe 1");
for ($i = 0; $i <= 20; $i++) {
$data->addPoints(rand(0, 10) + $i, "Probe 2");
$data->setAxisName(0, "Temperatures");
/* Create the Image object */
$image = new Image(700, 230, $data);
/* Turn off Antialiasing */
$image->Antialias = false;
/* Add a border to the picture */
$image->drawRectangle(0, 0, 699, 229, ["R" => 0, "G" => 0, "B" => 0]);
/* Write the chart title */
$image->setFontProperties(["FontName" => ".Forgotte.ttf", "FontSize" => 11]);
$image->drawText(150, 35, "Average temperature", ["FontSize" => 20, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE]);
/* Set the default font */
$image->setFontProperties(["FontName" => ".pf_arma_five.ttf", "FontSize" => 6]);
/* Define the chart area */
$image->setGraphArea(60, 40, 650, 200);
/* Draw the scale */
$scaleSettings = [
"XMargin" => 10,
"YMargin" => 10,
"Floating" => true,
"GridR" => 200,
"GridG" => 200,
"GridB" => 200,
"DrawSubTicks" => true,
"CycleBackground" => true
/* Turn on Antialiasing */
$image->Antialias = true;
/* Draw the line of best fit */
/* Turn on shadows */
$image->setShadow(true, ["X" => 1, "Y" => 1, "R" => 0, "G" => 0, "B" => 0, "Alpha" => 10]);
/* Draw the line chart */
/* Write the chart legend */
$image->drawLegend(580, 20, ["Style" => LEGEND_NOBORDER, "Mode" => LEGEND_HORIZONTAL]);
/* Render the picture (choose the best way) */