The base interface from which all CodeGenerator classes implement provides the minimal functionality necessary. It's API is as follows:
interface Zend\Code\Generator\GeneratorInterface
public function generate();
implements Zend\Code\Generator\GeneratorInterface
, and
adds some properties for tracking whether content has changed as well as the amount of indentation
that should appear before generated content. Its API is as follows:
abstract class Zend\Code\Generator\AbstractGenerator
implements Zend\Code\Generator\GeneratorInterface
public function __construct(Array|Traversable $options = [])
public function setOptions(Array $options)
public function setSourceContent($sourceContent)
public function getSourceContent()
public function setSourceDirty($isSourceDirty = true)
public function isSourceDirty()
public function setIndentation($indentation)
public function getIndentation()
The constructor passes the $options
parameter to setOptions()
Like most classes in Zend Framework, setOptions()
compares an option key to existing setters in
the class, and passes the value on to that method if found.
and getSourceContent()
are intended to either set the default content for the
code being generated, or to replace said content once all generation tasks are complete.
is a base class for generating class members --
properties and methods -- and provides accessors and mutators for establishing visibility; whether
or not the member is abstract, static, or final; and the name of the member. Its API is as
abstract class Zend\Code\Generator\AbstractMemberGenerator
extends Zend\Code\Generator\AbstractGenerator
public function setAbstract($isAbstract)
public function isAbstract()
public function setStatic($isStatic)
public function isStatic()
public function setVisibility($visibility)
public function getVisibility()
public function setName($name)
public function getName()
is intended for generating arbitrary procedural code to include
within a file. As such, you simply set content for the object, and it will return that content when
you invoke generate()
The API of the class is as follows:
class Zend\Code\Generator\BodyGenerator extends Zend\Code\Generator\AbstractGenerator
public function setContent($content)
public function getContent()
public function generate()
is intended for generating PHP classes. The basic
functionality just generates the PHP class itself, as well as optionally the related PHP
DocBlock. Classes may implement or inherit from other classes, and may be marked as abstract.
Utilizing other code generator classes, you can also attach class constants, properties, and
The API is as follows:
class Zend\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator extends Zend\Code\Generator\AbstractGenerator
public static function fromReflection(
Zend\Code\Reflection\ClassReflection $reflectionClass
public function addConstants(Array $properties)
public function addConstant($property)
public function getConstants()
public function getConstant($propertyName)
public function removeConstant($constantName)
public function setDocblock(Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlockGenerator $docblock)
public function getDocblock()
public function setName($name)
public function getName()
public function setAbstract($isAbstract)
public function isAbstract()
public function setExtendedClass($extendedClass)
public function getExtendedClass()
public function hasExtentedClass()
public function removeExtentedClass()
public function setImplementedInterfaces(Array $implementedInterfaces)
public function getImplementedInterfaces()
public function addProperties(Array $properties)
public function addProperty($property)
public function getProperties()
public function getProperty($propertyName)
public function removeProperty($propertyName)
public function addMethods(Array $methods)
public function addMethod(
Array $parameters = [],
$flags = Zend\Code\Generator\MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC,
$body = null,
$docBlock = null
public function getMethods()
public function getMethod($methodName)
public function hasMethod($methodName)
public function hasUse($use)
public function removeUse($use)
public function hasUseAlias($use)
public function removeUseAlias($use)
public function hasImplementedInterface($implementedInterface)
public function removeImplementedInterface($implementedInterface)
public function isSourceDirty()
public function generate()
The addProperty()
method accepts an array of information that may be used to generate a
instance -- or simply an instance of
. Likewise, addMethod()
accepts either an array of
information for generating a Zend\Code\Generator\MethodGenerator
instance or a concrete instance
of that class.
Note that setDocBlock()
expects an instance of Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlockGenerator
can be used to generate arbitrary PHP docblocks, including
all the standard docblock features: short and long descriptions and annotation tags.
Annotation tags may be set using the setTag()
and setTags()
methods; these each take either an
array describing the tag that may be passed to the Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlock\Tag
or an instance of that class.
The API is as follows:
class Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlockGenerator extends Zend\Code\Generator\AbstractGenerator
public static function fromReflection(
Zend\Code\Reflection\DocblockReflection $reflectionDocblock
public function setShortDescription($shortDescription)
public function getShortDescription()
public function setLongDescription($longDescription)
public function getLongDescription()
public function setTags(Array $tags)
public function setTag($tag)
public function getTags()
public function generate()
is intended for creating arbitrary annotation tags for inclusion
in PHP docblocks. Tags are expected to contain a name (the portion immediately following the '@'
symbol) and a description (everything following the tag name).
The class API is as follows:
class Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlock\Tag
extends Zend\Code\Generator\AbstractGenerator
public static function fromReflection(
Zend\Code\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag\TagInterface $reflectionTag
public function setName($name)
public function getName()
public function setDescription($description)
public function getDescription()
public function generate()
is a specialized version of
, and represents a method parameter. The tag name is therefor
known ("param"), but due to the format of this annotation tag, additional information is required in
order to generate it: the parameter name and data type it represents.
The class API is as follows:
class Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlock\Tag\ParamTag
extends Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlock\Tag
public static function fromReflection(
Zend\Code\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag\TagInterface $reflectionTagParam
public function setDatatype($datatype)
public function getDatatype()
public function setParamName($paramName)
public function getParamName()
public function generate()
Like the param docblock tag variant, Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlock\Tag\ReturnTag
is an annotation
tag variant for representing a method return value. In this case, the annotation tag name is known
("return"), but requires a return type.
The class API is as follows:
class Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlock\Tag\ParamTag
extends Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlock\Tag
public static function fromReflection(
Zend\Code\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag\TagInterface $reflectionTagReturn
public function setDatatype($datatype)
public function getDatatype()
public function generate()
is used to generate the full contents of a file that will
contain PHP code. The file may contain classes or arbitrary PHP code, as well as a file-level
docblock if desired.
When adding classes to the file, you will need to pass either an array of information to pass to the
constructor, or an instance of that class. Similarly, with
docblocks, you will need to pass information for the Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlockGenerator
constructor to consume or an instance of the class.
The API of the class is as follows:
class Zend\Code\Generator\FileGenerator extends Zend\Code\Generator\AbstractGenerator
public static function fromReflectedFilePath(
$usePreviousCodeGeneratorIfItExists = true,
$includeIfNotAlreadyIncluded = true)
public static function fromReflection(Zend\Code\Reflection\FileReflection $reflectionFile)
public function setDocblock(Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlockGenerator $docblock)
public function getDocblock()
public function setRequiredFiles($requiredFiles)
public function getRequiredFiles()
public function setClasses(Array $classes)
public function getClass($name = null)
public function setClass($class)
public function setFilename($filename)
public function getFilename()
public function getClasses()
public function setBody($body)
public function getBody()
public function isSourceDirty()
public function generate()
is used internally by
to keep track of class members -- properties and methods alike.
These are indexed by name, using the concrete instances of the members as values.
The API of the class is as follows:
class Zend\Code\Generator\Member\ContainerGenerator extends ArrayObject
public function __construct($type = self::TYPE_PROPERTY)
describes a class method, and can generate both the code and
the docblock for the method. The visibility and status as static, abstract, or final may be
indicated, per its parent class, Zend\Code\Generator\AbstractMemberGenerator
. Finally, the
parameters and return value for the method may be specified.
Parameters may be set using setParameter()
or setParameters()
. In each case, a parameter should
either be an array of information to pass to the Zend\Code\Generator\ParameterGenerator
constructor or an instance of that class.
The API of the class is as follows:
class Zend\Code\Generator\MethodGenerator
extends Zend\Code\Generator\AbstractMemberGenerator
public static function fromReflection(
Zend\Code\Reflection\MethodReflection $reflectionMethod
public function setDocblock(Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlockGenerator $docblock)
public function getDocblock()
public function setFinal($isFinal)
public function setParameters(Array $parameters)
public function setParameter($parameter)
public function getParameters()
public function setBody($body)
public function getBody()
public function generate()
may be used to specify method parameters. Each parameter
may have a position (if unspecified, the order in which they are registered with the method will be
used), a default value, and a data type; a parameter name is required.
The API of the class is as follows:
class Zend\Code\Generator\ParameterGenerator extends Zend\Code\Generator\AbstractGenerator
public static function fromReflection(
Zend\Code\Reflection\ParameterReflection $reflectionParameter
public function setType($type)
public function getType()
public function setName($name)
public function getName()
public function setDefaultValue($defaultValue)
public function getDefaultValue()
public function setPosition($position)
public function getPosition()
public function getPassedByReference()
public function setPassedByReference($passedByReference)
public function generate()
public function omitDefaultValue()
There are several problems that might occur when trying to set NULL
, booleans or arrays as default
values. For this the value holder object Zend\Code\Generator\ParameterDefaultValueGenerator
can be
used, for example:
$parameter = new Zend\Code\Generator\ParameterGenerator();
new Zend\Code\Generator\ValueGenerator("null")
new Zend\Code\Generator\ValueGenerator("['foo', 'bar']")
Internally setDefaultValue()
also converts the values which can't be expressed in PHP into the
value holder.
describes a class property, which may be either a constant
or a variable. In each case, the property may have an optional default value associated with it.
Additionally, the visibility of variable properties may be set, per the parent class,
The API of the class is as follows:
class Zend\Code\Generator\PropertyGenerator
extends Zend\Code\Generator\AbstractMemberGenerator
public static function fromReflection(
Zend\Code\Reflection\PropertyReflection $reflectionProperty
public function setConst($const)
public function isConst()
public function setDefaultValue($defaultValue)
public function getDefaultValue()
public function generate()
public function omitDefaultValue()