123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816 |
- /* -*- Mode: Javascript; indent-tabs-mode:nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
- /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
- /*************************************************************
- *
- * MathJax/jax/output/HTML-CSS/autoload/multiline.js
- *
- * Implements the HTML-CSS output for <mrow>'s that contain line breaks.
- *
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2010-2017 The MathJax Consortium
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("HTML-CSS Jax Ready",function () {
- var VERSION = "2.7.2";
- var MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml,
- HTMLCSS = MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"];
- //
- // Penalties for the various line breaks
- //
- var PENALTY = {
- newline: 0,
- nobreak: 1000000,
- goodbreak: [-200],
- badbreak: [+200],
- auto: [0],
- toobig: 800,
- nestfactor: 400,
- spacefactor: -100,
- spaceoffset: 2,
- spacelimit: 1, // spaces larger than this get a penalty boost
- fence: 500,
- close: 500
- };
- var ENDVALUES = {linebreakstyle: "after"};
- /**************************************************************************/
- MML.mbase.Augment({
- HTMLlinebreakPenalty: PENALTY,
- /****************************************************************/
- //
- // Handle breaking an mrow into separate lines
- //
- HTMLmultiline: function (span) {
- //
- // Find the parent element and mark it as multiline
- //
- var parent = this;
- while (parent.inferred || (parent.parent && parent.parent.type === "mrow" &&
- parent.isEmbellished())) {parent = parent.parent}
- var isTop = ((parent.type === "math" && parent.Get("display") === "block") ||
- parent.type === "mtd");
- parent.isMultiline = true;
- //
- // Default values for the line-breaking parameters
- //
- var VALUES = this.getValues(
- "linebreak","linebreakstyle","lineleading","linebreakmultchar",
- "indentalign","indentshift",
- "indentalignfirst","indentshiftfirst",
- "indentalignlast","indentshiftlast"
- );
- {VALUES.linebreakstyle = this.Get("infixlinebreakstyle")}
- VALUES.lineleading = HTMLCSS.length2em(VALUES.lineleading,1,0.5);
- //
- // Remove old color and break the span at its best line breaks
- //
- this.HTMLremoveColor(span);
- var stack = HTMLCSS.createStack(span);
- this.HTMLgetScale();
- var state = {
- n: 0, Y: 0,
- scale: this.scale || 1,
- isTop: isTop,
- values: {},
- },
- align = this.HTMLgetAlign(state,{}),
- shift = this.HTMLgetShift(state,{},align),
- start = [],
- end = {
- index:[], penalty:PENALTY.nobreak,
- w:0, W:shift, shift:shift, scanW:shift,
- nest: 0
- },
- broken = false;
- while (this.HTMLbetterBreak(end,state) &&
- (end.scanW >= HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth || end.penalty === PENALTY.newline)) {
- this.HTMLaddLine(stack,start,end.index,state,end.values,broken);
- start = end.index.slice(0); broken = true;
- align = this.HTMLgetAlign(state,end.values);
- shift = this.HTMLgetShift(state,end.values,align);
- if (align === MML.INDENTALIGN.CENTER) {shift = 0}
- end.W = end.shift = end.scanW = shift; end.penalty = PENALTY.nobreak;
- }
- state.isLast = true;
- this.HTMLaddLine(stack,start,[],state,ENDVALUES,broken);
- //
- // Make top-level spans 100% wide.
- // Finish up the space and add the color again
- //
- if (isTop) {
- stack.style.width = "100%";
- if (parent.type === "math") {span.bbox.width = "100%"}
- }
- this.HTMLhandleSpace(span);
- this.HTMLhandleColor(span);
- span.bbox.isMultiline = true;
- return span;
- },
- /****************************************************************/
- //
- // Locate the next linebreak that is better than the current one
- //
- HTMLbetterBreak: function (info,state) {
- if (this.isToken) {return false} // FIXME: handle breaking of token elements
- if (this.isEmbellished()) {
- info.embellished = this;
- return this.CoreMO().HTMLbetterBreak(info,state);
- }
- if (this.linebreakContainer) {return false}
- //
- // Get the current breakpoint position and other data
- //
- var index = info.index.slice(0), i = info.index.shift(),
- m = this.data.length, W, w, scanW, broken = (info.index.length > 0), better = false;
- if (i == null) {i = -1}; if (!broken) {i++; info.W += info.w; info.w = 0}
- scanW = info.scanW = info.W; info.nest++;
- //
- // Look through the line for breakpoints,
- // (as long as we are not too far past the breaking width)
- //
- while (i < m && info.scanW < 1.33*HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth) {
- if (this.data[i]) {
- if (this.data[i].HTMLbetterBreak(info,state)) {
- better = true; index = [i].concat(info.index); W = info.W; w = info.w;
- if (info.penalty === PENALTY.newline) {
- info.index = index;
- if (info.nest) {info.nest--}
- return true;
- }
- }
- scanW = (broken ? info.scanW : this.HTMLaddWidth(i,info,scanW));
- }
- info.index = []; i++; broken = false;
- }
- if (info.nest) {info.nest--}
- info.index = index;
- if (better) {info.W = W; info.w = w}
- return better;
- },
- HTMLaddWidth: function (i,info,scanW) {
- if (this.data[i]) {
- var span = this.data[i].HTMLspanElement();
- scanW += span.bbox.w;
- if (span.style.paddingLeft) {scanW += HTMLCSS.unEm(span.style.paddingLeft)}
- if (span.style.paddingRight) {scanW += HTMLCSS.unEm(span.style.paddingRight)}
- info.W = info.scanW = scanW; info.w = 0;
- }
- return scanW;
- },
- /****************************************************************/
- //
- // Create a new line and move the required elements into it
- // Position it using proper alignment and indenting
- //
- HTMLaddLine: function (stack,start,end,state,values,broken) {
- //
- // Create a box for the line, with empty BBox
- // fill it with the proper elements,
- // and clean up the bbox
- //
- line = HTMLCSS.createBox(stack);
- line.bbox = this.HTMLemptyBBox({});
- state.first = broken; state.last = true;
- this.HTMLmoveLine(start,end,line,state,values);
- this.HTMLcleanBBox(line.bbox);
- //
- // Get the alignment and shift values
- //
- var align = this.HTMLgetAlign(state,values),
- shift = this.HTMLgetShift(state,values,align);
- //
- // Set the Y offset based on previous depth, leading, and current height
- //
- if (state.n > 0) {
- var LHD = HTMLCSS.FONTDATA.baselineskip * state.scale;
- var leading = (state.values.lineleading == null ? state.VALUES : state.values).lineleading * state.scale;
- state.Y -= Math.max(LHD,state.d + line.bbox.h + leading);
- }
- //
- // Place the new line
- //
- HTMLCSS.alignBox(line,align,state.Y,shift);
- //
- // Save the values needed for the future
- //
- state.d = line.bbox.d; state.values = values; state.n++;
- },
- /****************************************************************/
- //
- // Get alignment and shift values from the given data
- //
- HTMLgetAlign: function (state,values) {
- var cur = values, prev = state.values, def = state.VALUES, align;
- if (state.n === 0) {align = cur.indentalignfirst || prev.indentalignfirst || def.indentalignfirst}
- else if (state.isLast) {align = prev.indentalignlast || def.indentalignlast}
- else {align = prev.indentalign || def.indentalign}
- if (align === MML.INDENTALIGN.INDENTALIGN) {align = prev.indentalign || def.indentalign}
- if (align === MML.INDENTALIGN.AUTO) {align = (state.isTop ? this.displayAlign : MML.INDENTALIGN.LEFT)}
- return align;
- },
- HTMLgetShift: function (state,values,align) {
- var cur = values, prev = state.values, def = state.VALUES, shift;
- if (state.n === 0) {shift = cur.indentshiftfirst || prev.indentshiftfirst || def.indentshiftfirst}
- else if (state.isLast) {shift = prev.indentshiftlast || def.indentshiftlast}
- else {shift = prev.indentshift || def.indentshift}
- if (shift === MML.INDENTSHIFT.INDENTSHIFT) {shift = prev.indentshift || def.indentshift}
- if (shift === "auto" || shift === "") {shift = "0"}
- shift = HTMLCSS.length2em(shift,1,HTMLCSS.cwidth);
- if (state.isTop && this.displayIndent !== "0") {
- var indent = HTMLCSS.length2em(this.displayIndent,1,HTMLCSS.cwidth);
- shift += (align === MML.INDENTALIGN.RIGHT ? -indent : indent);
- }
- return shift;
- },
- /****************************************************************/
- //
- // Move the selected elements into the new line's span,
- // moving whole items when possible, and parts of ones
- // that are split by a line break.
- //
- HTMLmoveLine: function (start,end,span,state,values) {
- var i = start[0], j = end[0];
- if (i == null) {i = -1}; if (j == null) {j = this.data.length-1}
- if (i === j && start.length > 1) {
- //
- // If starting and ending in the same element move the subpiece to the new line
- //
- this.data[i].HTMLmoveSlice(start.slice(1),end.slice(1),span,state,values,"paddingLeft");
- } else {
- //
- // Otherwise, move the remainder of the initial item
- // and any others up to the last one
- //
- var last = state.last; state.last = false;
- while (i < j) {
- if (this.data[i]) {
- if (start.length <= 1) {this.data[i].HTMLmoveSpan(span,state,values)}
- else {this.data[i].HTMLmoveSlice(start.slice(1),[],span,state,values,"paddingLeft")}
- }
- i++; state.first = false; start = [];
- }
- //
- // If the last item is complete, move it,
- // otherwise move the first part of it up to the split
- //
- state.last = last;
- if (this.data[i]) {
- if (end.length <= 1) {this.data[i].HTMLmoveSpan(span,state,values)}
- else {this.data[i].HTMLmoveSlice([],end.slice(1),span,state,values,"paddingRight")}
- }
- }
- },
- /****************************************************************/
- //
- // Split an element and copy the selected items into the new part
- //
- HTMLmoveSlice: function (start,end,span,state,values,padding) {
- //
- // Get rid of color, if any (added back in later)
- // Create a new span for the slice of the element
- // Move the selected portion into the slice
- // If it is the last slice
- // Remove the original (now empty) span
- // Rename the Continue-0 span with the original name (for HTMLspanElement)
- // Add back the color
- //
- this.HTMLremoveColor();
- var slice = this.HTMLcreateSliceSpan(span);
- this.HTMLmoveLine(start,end,slice,state,values);
- slice.style[padding] = "";
- this.HTMLcombineBBoxes(slice,span.bbox);
- this.HTMLcleanBBox(slice.bbox);
- if (end.length === 0) {
- span = this.HTMLspanElement();
- var SPAN = span;
- if (this.href) span = span.parentNode;
- span.parentNode.removeChild(span);
- span.nextMathJaxSpan.id = SPAN.id; var n = 0;
- while ((SPAN = SPAN.nextMathJaxSpan)) {
- if (SPAN.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "a") SPAN = SPAN.firstChild;
- var color = this.HTMLhandleColor(SPAN);
- if (color) {color.id += "-MathJax-Continue-"+n; n++}
- }
- }
- return slice;
- },
- /****************************************************************/
- //
- // Create a new span for an element that is split in two
- // Clone the original and update its ID.
- // Link the old span to the new one so we can find it later
- //
- HTMLcreateSliceSpan: function (span) {
- var SPAN = this.HTMLspanElement(), n = 0;
- if (this.href) SPAN = SPAN.parentNode;
- var LAST = SPAN; while (LAST.nextMathJaxSpan) {LAST = LAST.nextMathJaxSpan; n++}
- var SLICE = SPAN.cloneNode(false); LAST.nextMathJaxSpan = SLICE; SLICE.nextMathJaxSpan = null;
- SLICE.id += "-MathJax-Continue-"+n;
- SLICE.bbox = this.HTMLemptyBBox({});
- return span.appendChild(SLICE);
- },
- /****************************************************************/
- //
- // Move an element from its original span to its new location in
- // a split element or the new line's span
- //
- HTMLmoveSpan: function (line,state,values) {
- // FIXME: handle linebreakstyle === "duplicate"
- // FIXME: handle linebreakmultchar
- if (!(state.first || state.last) ||
- (state.first && state.values.linebreakstyle === MML.LINEBREAKSTYLE.BEFORE) ||
- (state.last && values.linebreakstyle === MML.LINEBREAKSTYLE.AFTER)) {
- //
- // Move color and span
- //
- var color = document.getElementById("MathJax-Color-"+this.spanID+HTMLCSS.idPostfix);
- if (color) {line.appendChild(color)}
- var span = this.HTMLspanElement();
- if (this.href) span = span.parentNode;
- line.appendChild(span);
- //
- // If it is last, remove right padding
- // If it is first, remove left padding and recolor
- //
- if (state.last) {span.style.paddingRight = ""}
- if (state.first || state.nextIsFirst) {
- span.style.paddingLeft = "";
- if (color) {this.HTMLremoveColor(span); this.HTMLhandleColor(span)}
- }
- if (state.first && span.bbox.w === 0) {state.nextIsFirst = true}
- else {delete state.nextIsFirst}
- //
- // Update bounding box
- //
- this.HTMLcombineBBoxes(this,line.bbox);
- }
- }
- });
- /**************************************************************************/
- MML.mfenced.Augment({
- HTMLbetterBreak: function (info,state) {
- //
- // Get the current breakpoint position and other data
- //
- var index = info.index.slice(0), i = info.index.shift(),
- m = this.data.length, W, w, scanW, broken = (info.index.length > 0), better = false;
- if (i == null) {i = -1}; if (!broken) {i++; info.W += info.w; info.w = 0}
- scanW = info.scanW = info.W; info.nest++;
- //
- // Create indices that include the delimiters and separators
- //
- if (!this.dataI) {
- this.dataI = [];
- if (this.data.open) {this.dataI.push("open")}
- if (m) {this.dataI.push(0)}
- for (var j = 1; j < m; j++) {
- if (this.data["sep"+j]) {this.dataI.push("sep"+j)}
- this.dataI.push(j);
- }
- if (this.data.close) {this.dataI.push("close")}
- }
- m = this.dataI.length;
- //
- // Look through the line for breakpoints, including the open, close, and separators
- // (as long as we are not too far past the breaking width)
- //
- while (i < m && info.scanW < 1.33*HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth) {
- var k = this.dataI[i];
- if (this.data[k]) {
- if (this.data[k].HTMLbetterBreak(info,state)) {
- better = true; index = [i].concat(info.index); W = info.W; w = info.w;
- if (info.penalty === PENALTY.newline) {
- info.index = index;
- if (info.nest) {info.nest--}
- return true}
- }
- scanW = (broken ? info.scanW : this.HTMLaddWidth(i,info,scanW));
- }
- info.index = []; i++; broken = false;
- }
- if (info.nest) {info.nest--}
- info.index = index;
- if (better) {info.W = W; info.w = w}
- return better;
- },
- HTMLmoveLine: function (start,end,span,state,values) {
- var i = start[0], j = end[0];
- if (i == null) {i = -1}; if (j == null) {j = this.dataI.length-1}
- if (i === j && start.length > 1) {
- //
- // If starting and ending in the same element move the subpiece to the new line
- //
- this.data[this.dataI[i]].HTMLmoveSlice(start.slice(1),end.slice(1),span,state,values,"paddingLeft");
- } else {
- //
- // Otherwise, move the remainder of the initial item
- // and any others (including open and separators) up to the last one
- //
- var last = state.last; state.last = false; var k = this.dataI[i];
- while (i < j) {
- if (this.data[k]) {
- if (start.length <= 1) {this.data[k].HTMLmoveSpan(span,state,values)}
- else {this.data[k].HTMLmoveSlice(start.slice(1),[],span,state,values,"paddingLeft")}
- }
- i++; k = this.dataI[i]; state.first = false; start = [];
- }
- //
- // If the last item is complete, move it
- //
- state.last = last;
- if (this.data[k]) {
- if (end.length <= 1) {this.data[k].HTMLmoveSpan(span,state,values)}
- else {this.data[k].HTMLmoveSlice([],end.slice(1),span,state,values,"paddingRight")}
- }
- }
- }
- });
- /**************************************************************************/
- MML.msubsup.Augment({
- HTMLbetterBreak: function (info,state) {
- if (!this.data[this.base]) {return false}
- //
- // Get the current breakpoint position and other data
- //
- var index = info.index.slice(0), i = info.index.shift(),
- W, w, scanW, broken = (info.index.length > 0), better = false;
- if (!broken) {info.W += info.w; info.w = 0}
- scanW = info.scanW = info.W;
- //
- // Record the width of the base and the super- and subscripts
- //
- if (i == null) {
- this.HTMLbaseW = this.data[this.base].HTMLspanElement().bbox.w;
- this.HTMLdw = this.HTMLspanElement().bbox.w - this.HTMLbaseW;
- }
- //
- // Check if the base can be broken
- //
- if (this.data[this.base].HTMLbetterBreak(info,state)) {
- better = true; index = [this.base].concat(info.index); W = info.W; w = info.w;
- if (info.penalty === PENALTY.newline) {better = broken = true}
- }
- //
- // Add in the base if it is unbroken, and add the scripts
- //
- if (!broken) {this.HTMLaddWidth(this.base,info,scanW)}
- info.scanW += this.HTMLdw; info.W = info.scanW;
- info.index = []; if (better) {info.W = W; info.w = w; info.index = index}
- return better;
- },
- HTMLmoveLine: function (start,end,span,state,values) {
- //
- // Move the proper part of the base
- //
- if (this.data[this.base]) {
- if (start.length > 1) {
- this.data[this.base].HTMLmoveSlice(start.slice(1),end.slice(1),span,state,values,"paddingLeft");
- } else {
- if (end.length <= 1) {this.data[this.base].HTMLmoveSpan(span,state,values)}
- else {this.data[this.base].HTMLmoveSlice([],end.slice(1),span,state,values,"paddingRight")}
- }
- }
- //
- // If this is the end, check for super and subscripts, and move those
- // by moving the stack that contains them, and shifting by the amount of the
- // base that has been removed. Remove the empty base box from the stack.
- //
- if (end.length === 0) {
- var s = this.data[this.sup] || this.data[this.sub];
- if (s && this.HTMLnotEmpty(s)) {
- var box = s.HTMLspanElement().parentNode;
- if (s.href) box = box.parentNode;
- var stack = box.parentNode;
- if (this.data[this.base]) {stack.removeChild(stack.firstChild)}
- for (box = stack.firstChild; box; box = box.nextSibling)
- {box.style.left = HTMLCSS.Em(HTMLCSS.unEm(box.style.left)-this.HTMLbaseW)}
- stack.bbox.w -= this.HTMLbaseW; stack.style.width = HTMLCSS.Em(stack.bbox.w);
- this.HTMLcombineBBoxes(stack,span.bbox);
- span.appendChild(stack);
- }
- }
- }
- });
- /**************************************************************************/
- MML.mmultiscripts.Augment({
- HTMLbetterBreak: function (info,state) {
- if (!this.data[this.base]) {return false}
- //
- // Get the current breakpoint position and other data
- //
- var index = info.index.slice(0); info.index.shift();
- var W, w, scanW, broken = (info.index.length > 0), better = false;
- if (!broken) {info.W += info.w; info.w = 0}
- info.scanW = info.W;
- //
- // Get the bounding boxes and the width of the scripts
- //
- var bbox = this.HTMLspanElement().bbox,
- base = this.data[this.base].HTMLspanElement().bbox;
- var dw = bbox.w - base.w;
- //
- // Add in the prescripts
- //
- info.scanW += bbox.dx; scanW = info.scanW;
- //
- // Check if the base can be broken
- //
- if (this.data[this.base].HTMLbetterBreak(info,state)) {
- better = true; index = [this.base].concat(info.index); W = info.W; w = info.w;
- if (info.penalty === PENALTY.newline) {better = broken = true}
- }
- //
- // Add in the base if it is unbroken, and add the scripts
- //
- if (!broken) {this.HTMLaddWidth(this.base,info,scanW)}
- info.scanW += dw; info.W = info.scanW;
- info.index = []; if (better) {info.W = W; info.w = w; info.index = index}
- return better;
- },
- HTMLmoveLine: function (start,end,span,state,values) {
- var SPAN = this.HTMLspanElement(), data = SPAN.bbox,
- stack = SPAN.firstChild, BOX = {};
- if (HTMLCSS.msiePaddingWidthBug) {stack = stack.nextSibling}
- var box = stack.firstChild;
- //
- // Get the boxes for the scripts (if any)
- //
- while (box) {
- if (box.bbox && box.bbox.name) {BOX[box.bbox.name] = box}
- box = box.nextSibling;
- }
- //
- // If this is the start, move the prescripts, if any.
- //
- if (start.length < 1) {
- if (BOX.presub || BOX.presup) {
- var STACK = HTMLCSS.createStack(span);
- if (BOX.presup) {
- HTMLCSS.addBox(STACK,BOX.presup);
- HTMLCSS.placeBox(BOX.presup,data.dx-BOX.presup.bbox.w,data.u);
- }
- if (BOX.presub) {
- HTMLCSS.addBox(STACK,BOX.presub);
- HTMLCSS.placeBox(BOX.presub,data.dx+data.delta-BOX.presub.bbox.w,-data.v);
- }
- this.HTMLcombineBBoxes(STACK,span.bbox);
- span.appendChild(STACK);
- STACK.style.width = HTMLCSS.Em(data.dx);
- }
- }
- //
- // Move the proper part of the base
- //
- if (this.data[this.base]) {
- if (start.length > 1) {
- this.data[this.base].HTMLmoveSlice(start.slice(1),end.slice(1),span,state,values,"paddingLeft");
- } else {
- if (end.length <= 1) {this.data[this.base].HTMLmoveSpan(span,state,values)}
- else {this.data[this.base].HTMLmoveSlice([],end.slice(1),span,state,values,"paddingRight")}
- }
- }
- //
- // If this is the end, check for super and subscripts, and move those
- // by moving the stack that contains them, and shifting by the amount of the
- // base that has been removed. Remove the empty base box from the stack.
- //
- if (end.length === 0) {
- if (this.data[this.base]) {stack.removeChild(stack.firstChild)}
- for (box = stack.firstChild; box; box = box.nextSibling)
- {box.style.left = HTMLCSS.Em(HTMLCSS.unEm(box.style.left)-data.px)}
- stack.bbox.w -= data.px; stack.style.width = HTMLCSS.Em(stack.bbox.w);
- this.HTMLcombineBBoxes(stack,span.bbox);
- span.appendChild(stack);
- }
- }
- });
- /**************************************************************************/
- MML.mo.Augment({
- //
- // Override the method for checking line breaks to properly handle <mo>
- //
- HTMLbetterBreak: function (info,state) {
- if (info.values && info.values.id === this.spanID) {return false}
- var values = this.getValues(
- "linebreak","linebreakstyle","lineleading","linebreakmultchar",
- "indentalign","indentshift",
- "indentalignfirst","indentshiftfirst",
- "indentalignlast","indentshiftlast",
- "texClass", "fence"
- );
- {values.linebreakstyle = this.Get("infixlinebreakstyle")}
- //
- // Adjust nesting by TeX class (helps output that does not include
- // mrows for nesting, but can leave these unbalanced.
- //
- if (values.texClass === MML.TEXCLASS.OPEN) {info.nest++}
- if (values.texClass === MML.TEXCLASS.CLOSE && info.nest) {info.nest--}
- //
- // Get the default penalty for this location
- //
- var W = info.scanW, mo = (info.embellished||this); delete info.embellished;
- var span = mo.HTMLspanElement(), w = span.bbox.w;
- if (span.style.paddingLeft) {w += HTMLCSS.unEm(span.style.paddingLeft)}
- if (values.linebreakstyle === MML.LINEBREAKSTYLE.AFTER) {W += w; w = 0}
- if (W - info.shift === 0 && values.linebreak !== MML.LINEBREAK.NEWLINE)
- {return false} // don't break at zero width (FIXME?)
- var offset = HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth - W;
- // Adjust offest for explicit first-line indent and align
- if (state.n === 0 && (values.indentshiftfirst !== state.VALUES.indentshiftfirst ||
- values.indentalignfirst !== state.VALUES.indentalignfirst)) {
- var align = this.HTMLgetAlign(state,values),
- shift = this.HTMLgetShift(state,values,align);
- offset += (info.shift - shift);
- }
- //
- var penalty = Math.floor(offset / HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth * 1000);
- if (penalty < 0) {penalty = PENALTY.toobig - 3*penalty}
- if (values.fence) {penalty += PENALTY.fence}
- if ((values.linebreakstyle === MML.LINEBREAKSTYLE.AFTER &&
- values.texClass === MML.TEXCLASS.OPEN) ||
- values.texClass === MML.TEXCLASS.CLOSE) {penalty += PENALTY.close}
- penalty += info.nest * PENALTY.nestfactor;
- //
- // Get the penalty for this type of break and
- // use it to modify the default penalty
- //
- var linebreak = PENALTY[values.linebreak||MML.LINEBREAK.AUTO];
- if (!MathJax.Object.isArray(linebreak)) {
- // for breaks past the width, don't modify penalty
- if (offset >= 0) {penalty = linebreak * info.nest}
- } else {penalty = Math.max(1,penalty + linebreak[0] * info.nest)}
- //
- // If the penalty is no better than the current one, return false
- // Otherwise save the data for this breakpoint and return true
- //
- if (penalty >= info.penalty) {return false}
- info.penalty = penalty; info.values = values; info.W = W; info.w = w;
- values.lineleading = HTMLCSS.length2em(values.lineleading,1,state.VALUES.lineleading);
- values.id = this.spanID;
- return true;
- }
- });
- /**************************************************************************/
- MML.mspace.Augment({
- //
- // Override the method for checking line breaks to properly handle <mspace>
- //
- HTMLbetterBreak: function (info,state) {
- if (info.values && info.values.id === this.spanID) {return false}
- var values = this.getValues("linebreak");
- var linebreakValue = values.linebreak;
- if (!linebreakValue || this.hasDimAttr()) {
- // The MathML spec says that the linebreak attribute should be ignored
- // if any dimensional attribute is set.
- linebreakValue = MML.LINEBREAK.AUTO;
- }
- //
- // Get the default penalty for this location
- //
- var W = info.scanW, span = this.HTMLspanElement(), w = span.bbox.w;
- if (span.style.paddingLeft) {w += HTMLCSS.unEm(span.style.paddingLeft)}
- if (W - info.shift === 0) {return false} // don't break at zero width (FIXME?)
- var offset = HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth - W;
- //
- var penalty = Math.floor(offset / HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth * 1000);
- if (penalty < 0) {penalty = PENALTY.toobig - 3*penalty}
- penalty += info.nest * PENALTY.nestfactor;
- //
- // Get the penalty for this type of break and
- // use it to modify the default penalty
- //
- var linebreak = PENALTY[linebreakValue];
- if (linebreakValue === MML.LINEBREAK.AUTO && w >= PENALTY.spacelimit &&
- !this.mathbackground && !this.background)
- {linebreak = [(w+PENALTY.spaceoffset)*PENALTY.spacefactor]}
- if (!MathJax.Object.isArray(linebreak)) {
- // for breaks past the width, don't modify penalty
- if (offset >= 0) {penalty = linebreak * info.nest}
- } else {penalty = Math.max(1,penalty + linebreak[0] * info.nest)}
- //
- // If the penalty is no better than the current one, return false
- // Otherwise save the data for this breakpoint and return true
- //
- if (penalty >= info.penalty) {return false}
- info.penalty = penalty; info.values = values; info.W = W; info.w = w;
- values.lineleading = state.VALUES.lineleading;
- values.linebreakstyle = "before"; values.id = this.spanID;
- return true;
- }
- });
- //
- // Hook into the mathchoice extension
- //
- MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("TeX mathchoice Ready",function () {
- MML.TeXmathchoice.Augment({
- HTMLbetterBreak: function (info,state) {
- return this.Core().HTMLbetterBreak(info,state);
- },
- HTMLmoveLine: function (start,end,span,state,values) {
- return this.Core().HTMLmoveSlice(start,end,span,state,values);
- }
- });
- });
- //
- // Have maction process only the selected item
- //
- MML.maction.Augment({
- HTMLbetterBreak: function (info,state) {
- return this.Core().HTMLbetterBreak(info,state);
- },
- HTMLmoveLine: function (start,end,span,state,values) {
- return this.Core().HTMLmoveSlice(start,end,span,state,values);
- },
- //
- // Split and move the hit boxes as well
- //
- HTMLmoveSlice: function (start,end,span,state,values,padding) {
- var hitbox = document.getElementById("MathJax-HitBox-"+this.spanID+HTMLCSS.idPostfix);
- if (hitbox) {hitbox.parentNode.removeChild(hitbox)}
- var slice = this.SUPER(arguments).HTMLmoveSlice.apply(this,arguments);
- if (end.length === 0) {
- span = this.HTMLspanElement(); var n = 0;
- while (span) {
- hitbox = this.HTMLhandleHitBox(span,"-Continue-"+n);
- span = span.nextMathJaxSpan; n++;
- }
- }
- return slice;
- }
- });
- //
- // Have semantics only do the first element
- // (FIXME: do we need to do anything special about annotation-xml?)
- //
- MML.semantics.Augment({
- HTMLbetterBreak: function (info,state) {
- return (this.data[0] ? this.data[0].HTMLbetterBreak(info,state) : false);
- },
- HTMLmoveLine: function (start,end,span,state,values) {
- return (this.data[0] ? this.data[0].HTMLmoveSlice(start,end,span,state,values) : null);
- }
- });
- /**************************************************************************/
- MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("HTML-CSS multiline Ready");
- MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(HTMLCSS.autoloadDir+"/multiline.js");
- });