5.9 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  4. */
  5. $langProfessors = "Trainers";
  6. $langExplanation = "Once you click on \"Create a training\", a training is created with a section for Tests, Project based learning, Assessments, Courses, Dropbox, Agenda and much more. Logging in as trainer provides you with editing privileges for this training.";
  7. $langEmpty = "You left some fields empty.<br>Use the <b>Back</b> button on your browser and try again.<br>If you ignore your training code, see the Training Program";
  8. $langCodeTaken = "This training code is already in use. <br>Use the <b>Back</b> button on your browser and try again";
  9. $langFormula = "Yours sincerely";
  10. $langMessage = "When you remove the test forum, it will remove all messages in that forum too.";
  11. $langExerciceEx = "Sample test";
  12. $langAntique = "Irony";
  13. $langSocraticIrony = "Socratic irony is...";
  14. $langManyAnswers = "(more than one answer can be true)";
  15. $langRidiculise = "Ridiculise one's interlocutor in order to have him concede he is wrong.";
  16. $langNoPsychology = "No. Socratic irony is not a matter of psychology, it concerns argumentation.";
  17. $langAdmitError = "Admit one's own errors to invite one's interlocutor to do the same.";
  18. $langNoSeduction = "No. Socratic irony is not a seduction strategy or a method based on the example.";
  19. $langForce = "Compell one's interlocutor, by a series of questions and sub-questions, to admit he doesn't know what he claims to know.";
  20. $langIndeed = "Indeed. Socratic irony is an interrogative method. The Greek \"eirotao\" means \"ask questions\"";
  21. $langContradiction = "Use the Principle of Non Contradiction to force one's interlocutor into a dead end.";
  22. $langNotFalse = "This answer is not false. It is true that the revelation of the interlocutor's ignorance means showing the contradictory conclusions where lead his premisses.";
  23. $langAgenda = "Agenda";
  24. $langVideo = "Video";
  25. $langCourseProgram = "Description";
  26. $langAnnouncements = "Announcements";
  27. $langAddPageHome = "Upload page and link to Homepage";
  28. $langLinkSite = "Add link to page on Home Page";
  29. $langModifyInfo = "Settings";
  30. $langCourseDesc = "Description";
  31. $langAgendaTitle = "Tuesday the 11th of December - First meeting. Room: LIN 18";
  32. $langAgendaText = "General introduction to project management";
  33. $langMicro = "Street interviews";
  34. $langGoogle = "Quick and powerful search engine";
  35. $langIntroductionText = "Welcome to this training!";
  36. $langIntroductionTwo = "This page allows users and groups to publish documents.";
  37. $langCourseDescription = "Training description";
  38. $langProfessor = "Trainer";
  39. $langAnnouncementEx = "This is an announcement example. Only trainers are allowed to publish announcements.";
  40. $langJustCreated = "You just created the training area";
  41. $langEnter = "Back to training list";
  42. $langGroups = "Groups";
  43. $langCreateCourseGroups = "Groups";
  44. $langCatagoryMain = "Main";
  45. $langCatagoryGroup = "Groups forums";
  46. $langLn = "Language";
  47. $langCreateSite = "Create a training";
  48. $langFieldsRequ = "All fields required";
  49. $langEx = "e.g. <i>Innovation management</i>";
  50. $langFac = "Category";
  51. $langTargetFac = "This is the department or any other category where the training is delivered";
  52. $langMax = "max. 20 characters, e.g. <i>INNOV21</i>";
  53. $langDoubt = "If you are unsure of your training code, consult the training details.";
  54. $langProgram = "Training Program</a>. If your training has no code, whatever the reason, invent one. For instance <i>INNOVATION</i> if the training is about Innovation Management";
  55. $langScormtool = "Courses";
  56. $langScormbuildertool = "Scorm Path builder";
  57. $langPathbuildertool = "Authoring tool";
  58. $langOnlineConference = "Conference";
  59. $langAgendaCreationTitle = "Training creation";
  60. $langAgendaCreationContenu = "This training has been created on this moment.";
  61. $langOnlineDescription = "Conference description";
  62. $langDropbox = "Doc share";
  63. $langOnly = "Only";
  64. $langRandomLanguage = "Shuffle selection in aivailable languages";
  65. $langImages = "Images";
  66. $langAudio = "Audio";
  67. $langFlash = "Flash";
  68. $langForumLanguage = "english";
  69. $langNewCourse = "New training";
  70. $langAddNewCourse = "Add a new training";
  71. $langRestoreCourse = "Restore a training";
  72. $langOtherProperties = "Other properties found in the archive";
  73. $langSysId = "System ID";
  74. $langDepartment = "Department";
  75. $langDepartmentUrl = "Department URL";
  76. $langScoreShow = "Show score";
  77. $langVisibility = "Visibility";
  78. $langVersionDb = "Database version used at archive time";
  79. $langLastVisit = "Latest visit";
  80. $langLastEdit = "Latest edit";
  81. $langExpire = "Expiration";
  82. $langChoseFile = "Select file";
  83. $langFtpFileTips = "File on a FTP server";
  84. $langHttpFileTips = "File on a Web (HTTP) server";
  85. $langLocalFileTips = "File on the platform server";
  86. $langPostFileTips = "File on your local computer";
  87. $langOtherCategory = "Other category";
  88. $langMinimum = "minimum";
  89. $langMaximum = "maximum";
  90. $langRestoreACourse = "restore a training";
  91. $langBackup = "Backup";
  92. $langCopy = "Copy training content";
  93. $langRecycle = "Recycle training";
  94. $AnnouncementExampleTitle = "This is an announcement example";
  95. $Wikipedia = "Free online encyclopedia";
  96. $DefaultGroupCategory = "Default groups";
  97. $DefaultCourseImages = "Gallery";
  98. $ExampleForumCategory = "Example Forum Category";
  99. $ExampleForum = "Example Forum";
  100. $ExampleThread = "Example Thread";
  101. $ExampleThreadContent = "Example content";
  102. $IntroductionWiki = "The word Wiki is short for WikiWikiWeb. Wikiwiki is a Hawaiian word, meaning \"fast\" or \"speed\". In a wiki, people write pages together. If one person writes something wrong, the next person can correct it. The next person can also add something new to the page. Because of this, the pages improve continuously.";
  103. $CreateCourseArea = "Create this training";
  104. $CreateCourse = "Create a training";
  105. $Create = "Create";
  106. $MessageOfNewCourseToAdmin = "This message is to inform you that has created a new course on platform";
  107. $NewCourseCreatedIn = "New course created in";
  108. $ExplicationTrainers = "The trainer is set as you for now. You can change this setting later in the training configuration settings";
  109. ?>