911 B

  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  4. */
  5. $lang_height = "Aukštis";
  6. $lang_resizing_comment = "resize the image to the following dimensions (in pixels)";
  7. $lang_width = "Plotis";
  8. $lang_resizing = "Keisti dydį";
  9. $lang_no_resizing_comment = "Show all images in their original size. No resizing is done. Scrollbars will automatically appear if the image is larger than your monitor size.";
  10. $lang_show_thumbnails = "Show Thumbnails";
  11. $lang_click_thumbnails = "Click on one of the thumbnails";
  12. $lang_set_slideshow_options = "Set Slideshow Options";
  13. $lang_slideshow_options = "Skaidrių nustatymai";
  14. $lang_no_resizing = "Nekeisti dydžio (default)";
  15. $lang_exit_slideshow = "Išeiti";
  16. $SlideShow = "Skaidrės";
  17. $lang_previous_slide = "Buvusi skaidrė";
  18. $lang_next_slide = "Kita skaidrė";
  19. $lang_image = "Paveikslėlis";
  20. $lang_of = "išjungta";
  21. $lang_view_slideshow = "Rodyti skaidres";
  22. ?>