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- // Swedish version for htmlArea v3.0 - Alpha Release
- // - translated by pat<pat@engvall.nu>
- // term´s and licenses are equal to htmlarea!
- HTMLArea.I18N = {
- // the following should be the filename without .js extension
- // it will be used for automatically load plugin language.
- lang: "se",
- tooltips: {
- bold: "Fet",
- italic: "Kursiv",
- underline: "Understruken",
- strikethrough: "Genomstruken",
- subscript: "Nedsänkt",
- superscript: "Upphöjd",
- justifyleft: "Vänsterjustera",
- justifycenter: "Centrera",
- justifyright: "Högerjustera",
- justifyfull: "Marginaljustera",
- orderedlist: "Numrerad lista",
- unorderedlist: "Punktlista",
- outdent: "Minska indrag",
- indent: "Öka indrag",
- forecolor: "Textfärg",
- backcolor: "Bakgrundsfärg",
- inserthorizontalrule: "Vågrät linje",
- createlink: "Infoga länk",
- insertimage: "Infoga bild",
- inserttable: "Infoga tabell",
- htmlmode: "Visa källkod",
- popupeditor: "Visa i eget fönster",
- about: "Om denna editor",
- help: "Hjälp",
- textindicator: "Nuvarande stil"
- }
- };