2.9 KB

  1. <?php /*
  2. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  3. */
  4. $MyTasks = "My tasks";
  5. $FavoriteBlogs = "My favorite blogs";
  6. $Navigation = "Navigation";
  7. $TopTen = "Top ten blogs";
  8. $Subtitle = "Subtitle";
  9. $ThisBlog = "This blog";
  10. $NewPost = "New article";
  11. $TaskManager = "Task management";
  12. $MemberManager = "Users management";
  13. $PostFullText = "Text";
  14. $ReadPost = "Read this post";
  15. $Home = "Home";
  16. $FirstPostText = "This is the first article in this blog. Now everybody subscribed to this blog is able to participate";
  17. $NewComment = "Add a new comment";
  18. $ReplyToThisComment = "Reply to this comment";
  19. $ManageTasks = "Manage tasks";
  20. $ManageMembers = "Subscribe / Unsubscribe the user in this blog";
  21. $Register = "Register";
  22. $UnRegister = "Unregister";
  23. $SubscribeMembers = "Subscribe users";
  24. $UnsubscribeMembers = "Unsubscribe users";
  25. $RightsManager = "Users rights management";
  26. $ManageRights = "Manage roles and rights of this user in this blog";
  27. $Task = "Task";
  28. $Tasks = "Tasks";
  29. $Member = "Member";
  30. $Members = "Members";
  31. $Role = "Role";
  32. $Rate = "Rate";
  33. $Roles = "Roles";
  34. $AddTask = "Add a new task";
  35. $AddTasks = "Add a new task";
  36. $AssignTask = "Assign a task";
  37. $AssignTasks = "Assign tasks";
  38. $EditTask = "Edit this task";
  39. $DeleteTask = "Delete this task";
  40. $DeleteSystemTask = "This is a preset task. You can\'t delete a preset task.";
  41. $SelectUser = "User";
  42. $SelectTask = "Task";
  43. $SelectTargetDate = "Date";
  44. $TargetDate = "Date";
  45. $Color = "Color";
  46. $TaskList = "Tasks in this blog";
  47. $AssignedTasks = "Assigned tasks";
  48. $ArticleManager = "Article manager";
  49. $CommentManager = "Comment manager";
  50. $BlogManager = "Blog manager";
  51. $ReadMore = "Read more...";
  52. $DeleteThisArticle = "Delete this article";
  53. $EditThisPost = "Edit this post";
  54. $DeleteThisComment = "Delete this comment";
  55. $NoArticles = "At this time, there are no articles in this blog. If you are the author of this blog, click on the link \'new article\' to write a new one.";
  56. $NoTasks = "You have no task to do at this time.";
  57. $Rating = "Rating";
  58. $RateThis = "Rate this article";
  59. $SelectTaskArticle = "Select an article for this task";
  60. $ExecuteThisTask = "Execute this task";
  61. $WrittenBy = "Written by";
  62. $InBlog = "In the blog";
  63. $ViewPostsOfThisDay = "View posts of this day";
  64. $PostsOf = "Posts of";
  65. $NoArticleMatches = "No article have been found. Check the word spelling or try another search.";
  66. $langTask1 = "Task 1";
  67. $langTask2 = "Task 2";
  68. $langTask3 = "Task 3";
  69. $langTask1Desc = "Task 1 description";
  70. $langTask2Desc = "Task 2 description";
  71. $langTask3Desc = "Task 3 description";
  72. $blog_management = "Blog management";
  73. $langWelcome = "Welcome !";
  74. $langModule = "Module";
  75. $langUserHasPermissionNot = "The user hasn\'t rights";
  76. $langUserHasPermission = "The user has rights";
  77. $langLegend = "Legend";
  78. $langUserHasPermissionByRoleGroup = "The user has rights of its group";
  79. $EditPost = "Edit an article";
  80. $AddBlog = "Create a new blog";
  81. $EditBlog = "Edit the title and the subtitle";
  82. $DeleteBlog = "Delete this blog";
  83. $NoTasks = "No tasks";
  84. $Shared = "Shared";
  85. ?>