123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164 |
- <?php /*
- for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
- */
- $langShouldBeCSVFormat = "File should be CSV format. Do not add spaces. Structure should be exactly :";
- $langTracking = "Reporting";
- $langEnter2passToChange = "Enter your password twice to change it. Otherwise, leave the fields empty.";
- $langAuthInfo = "Authentication";
- $langDelImage = "Remove picture";
- $langUpdateImage = "Change picture";
- $langImageWrong = "The file size should be smaller than";
- $langAddImage = "Picture";
- $langCourseManager = "Teacher";
- $password_request = "You have asked to reset your password. If you did not ask, then ignore this mail.";
- $YourPasswordHasBeenEmailed = "Your password has been emailed to you.";
- $lang_enter_email_and_well_send_you_password = "Enter the e-mail address that you used to register and we will send you your password back.";
- $langLogin = "Log In";
- $langAction = "Action";
- $langPreserved = "Preserved";
- $langDeleted = "Deleted";
- $langAdded = "Added";
- $langConfirmUnsubscribe = "Confirm user unsubscription";
- $langCourseName = "Name of course";
- $langSubscribe = "Subscribe";
- $langSee = "Go to";
- $langLastVisits = "My latest visits";
- $langIfYouWantToAddManyUsers = "If you want to add a list of users in
- your course, please contact your web administrator.";
- $langPassTooEasy = "this password is too simple. Use a pass like this ";
- $langGroupUserManagement = "Groups management";
- $langAddedToCourse = "has been registered to your course";
- $langUserAlreadyRegistered = "A user with same name is already registered in this course.";
- $langBackUser = "Back to users list";
- $langUserOneByOneExplanation = "He (she) will receive email confirmation with login and password";
- $langGiveTutor = "Make coach";
- $langRemoveRight = "Remove this right";
- $langGiveAdmin = "Make admin";
- $langUserNumber = "number";
- $langDownloadUserList = "Upload the list";
- $langSend = "Send";
- $langUserAddExplanation = "every line of file to send will necessarily an only
- include 5 fields: <b>First name Last name
- Login Password
- Email</b> separated by tabs and in this order.
- Users will receive email confirmation with login/password.";
- $langUserMany = "Import a user list through a CSV / XML file";
- $langOneByOne = "Add user manually";
- $langNow = "now";
- $langTutor = "Coach";
- $langTitular = "Author";
- $langAddHereSomeCourses = "<font size=2 face=\'Arial, Helvetica\'><big>Modify courses list</big><br><br>Check the courses you want to follow.<br>Uncheck the ones you don\'t want to follow anymore.<br> Then click Ok at the bottom of the list";
- $langStudent = "student";
- $langImportUserList = "Import a list of users";
- $langAddAU = "Add a user";
- $langAddedU = "has been added. An email has been sent to give him his username ";
- $langTheU = "The user";
- $langRegYou = "has registered you to this course";
- $langOneResp = "One of the course administrators";
- $langTaken = "is already in use. Choose another one.";
- $langUserNo = "The username you chose ";
- $langFilled = "You have left some fields empty.";
- $langInC = "in this course";
- $langRole = "Description";
- $UserPicture = "Picture";
- $langProfileReg = "Your new profile has been saved";
- $langEmailWrong = "The email address is not complete or contains some invalid characters";
- $langUserTaken = "This username is already in use";
- $langFields = "You left some fields empty";
- $langAgain = "Try again!";
- $langPassTwo = "You have typed two different passwords";
- $langViewProfile = "View my e-portfolio";
- $langModifProfile = "Modify Profile";
- $langIsReg = "Your modifications have been registered";
- $langNowGoCreateYourCourse = "You can now go to create your course";
- $langNowGoChooseYourCourses = "You can now go to select, in the list, the courses you want to access to";
- $langMailHasBeenSent = "An email has been sent to help you remember your username and password";
- $langPersonalSettings = "Your personal settings have been registered";
- $langManager = "Manager";
- $langFormula = "Yours sincerely";
- $langProblem = "In case of trouble, contact us.";
- $langIs = "is";
- $langAddress = "The address of ";
- $langSettings = "with the following settings :
- Username :";
- $langYouAreReg = "You are registered on";
- $langDear = "Dear";
- $langYourReg = "Your registration on";
- $langUserFree = "This username is already taken. Use your browser\'s back button and choose another.";
- $langEmptyFields = "You left some fields empty. Use your browser\'s back button and try again.";
- $langPassTwice = "You typed two different passwords. Use your browser\'s back button and try again.";
- $langRegAdmin = "Create course areas";
- $langRegStudent = "Follow courses";
- $langConfirmation = "Confirmation";
- $langPass = "Password";
- $langSurname = "Last name";
- $langRegistration = "Registration";
- $langYourAccountParam = "This is your information to connect to";
- $langLoginRequest = "Login request";
- $langDefineHeadings = "Define Headings";
- $langCourseAdministratorOnly = "teacher only";
- $langWorks = "Assignments";
- $langLostPassword = "Password lost";
- $langAdminOfCourse = "Course Admin";
- $langSimpleUserOfCourse = "User of course";
- $langIsTutor = "Coach";
- $langParamInTheCourse = "Status in course";
- $langMember = "member";
- $langLock = "locked";
- $langUnlock = "unlocked";
- $langHaveNoCourse = "no course";
- $langManage = "Manage platform";
- $langAdministrationTools = "Administration Tools";
- $langUserProfileReg = "User e-portfolio has been registered";
- $lang_no_user_account_with_this_email_address = "There is no user account with this e-mail address";
- $langCourses4User = "Courses of this user";
- $langCoursesByUser = "Courses by users";
- $langSubscribeUserToCourse = "Subscribe users to this course";
- $langPreced100 = "Previous 100";
- $langAddmore = "Add registered users";
- $langAddback = "Go to users list";
- $langreg = "Register";
- $langQuit = "Quit";
- $your_password_has_been_reset = "Your password has been reset";
- $langSex = "Sex";
- $langClass = "Class";
- $langEdit = "edit";
- $required = "required";
- $langOptionalTextFields = "Optional fields";
- $langMyCompetences = "My competences";
- $langMyDiplomas = "My diplomas";
- $langMyPersonalOpenArea = "My personal open area";
- $langMyTeach = "What I am able to teach";
- $langMyProductions = "My productions";
- $langFileDeleted = "File has been deleted.";
- $FullUserName = "Full name";
- $SearchForUser = "Search for user";
- $SearchButton = "Search";
- $SearchNoResultsFound = "No search results found";
- $OnlyImagesAllowed = "Only PNG, JPG or GIF images allowed";
- $UsernameWrong = "Your username can only contain letters, numbers and _.-";
- $PasswordRequestFrom = "This is a password request for the e-mail address";
- $CorrespondsToAccount = "This e-mail address corresponds to the following user account.";
- $CorrespondsToAccounts = "This e-mail address corresponds to the following user accounts.";
- $AccountExternalAuthSource = "Dokeos can\'t handle the request automatically because the account has an external authentication source. Please take appropriate measures and notify the user.";
- $AccountsExternalAuthSource = "Dokeos can\'t handle the request automatically because at least one of the accounts has an external authentication source. Please take appropriate measures for all accounts (including those with platform authentication) and notify the user.";
- $RequestSentToPlatformAdmin = "Dokeos can\'t handle the request automatically for this type of account. Your request has been sent to the platform administrator, who will take appropriate measures and notify you of the result.";
- $langphone = "Phone";
- $Unreg = "Unregister";
- $MyProgress = "My progress";
- $ProgressIntroduction = "Start with selecting a course session below.<br />You can then see your progress for every course you are subscribed to.";
- $Select = "Select";
- $NeverExpires = "Never expires";
- $On = "On";
- $ExpirationDate = "Expiration date";
- $ActiveAccount = "Active account";
- $YourAccountHasToBeApproved = "Your account has to be approved";
- $ApprovalForNewAccount = "Approval for new account";
- $ManageUser = "Manage user";
- $SubscribeUserToCourseAsTeacher = "Subscribe teacher users to this course";
- $SendMessage = "Send Message";
- $PasswordEncryptedForSecurity = "Your password is encrypted for security reasons. Thus, after pressing the link an e-mail will be sent to you again with your password.";
- $UsersUnsubscribed = "The selected users have been unsubscribed from the course";
- $SystemUnableToSendEmailContact = "System unable to send email contact ";
- ?>