123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445 |
- <?php /*
- for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
- */
- $langStatDB = "Tracking DB. Useful only if several DB";
- $langEnableTracking = "Enable Tracking";
- $langInstituteShortName = "Organisation short name";
- $langWarningResponsible = "Use this script only after backup. Claroline team is not responsible if you lost or corrupted data";
- $langEG = "e. g.";
- $langDBHost = "Database Host";
- $langDBLogin = "Database Username";
- $langDBPassword = "Database Password";
- $langMainDB = "Main claroline DB";
- $langAllFieldsRequired = "all fields required";
- $langPrintVers = "Printable version";
- $langLocalPath = "Corresponding local path";
- $langAdminEmail = "Administrator email";
- $langAdminName = "Administrator name";
- $langAdminSurname = "Administrator surname";
- $langAdminLogin = "Administrator login";
- $langAdminPass = "Administrator password";
- $langEducationManager = "Education manager";
- $langCampusName = "Your campus\' name";
- $langDBSettingIntro = "
- Install script will create claroline main DB. Please note that Claroline
- will need to create many DBs (unless you select option \"One\" below). If you are allowed only one
- DB for your website by your Hosting Services, Claroline will not work.";
- $langStep1 = "Step 1 of 6 ";
- $langStep2 = "Step 2 of 6 ";
- $langStep3 = "Step 3 of 6 ";
- $langStep4 = "Step 4 of 6 ";
- $langStep5 = "Step 5 of 6 ";
- $langStep6 = "Step 6 of 6 ";
- $langCfgSetting = "Config settings";
- $langDBSetting = "MySQL database settings";
- $langMainLang = "Main language";
- $langLicence = "License";
- $langLastCheck = "Last check before install";
- $langRequirements = "Requirements";
- $langDbPrefixForm = "MySQL Prefix";
- $langDbPrefixCom = "Leave empty if not requested";
- $langEncryptUserPass = "Encrypt user passwords in database";
- $langSingleDb = "Use one or several DB for Claroline";
- $langAllowSelfReg = "Allow self-registration";
- $langRecommended = "(recommended)";
- ?>