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- Code Quality Issues
- Okay, face it. Programmers can get lazy, cut corners, or make mistakes. They
- also can do quick prototypes, and then forget to rewrite them later. Well,
- while I can't list mistakes in here, I can list prototype-like segments
- of code that should be aggressively refactored. This does not list
- optimization issues, that needs to be done after intense profiling.
- docs/examples/demo.php - ad hoc HTML/PHP soup to the extreme
- AttrDef - a lot of duplication, more generic classes need to be created;
- a lot of strtolower() calls, no legit casing
- Class - doesn't support Unicode characters (fringe); uses regular expressions
- Lang - code duplication; premature optimization
- Length - easily mistaken for CSSLength
- URI - multiple regular expressions; missing validation for parts (?)
- CSS - parser doesn't accept advanced CSS (fringe)
- Number - constructor interface inconsistent with Integer
- Strategy
- FixNesting - cannot bubble nodes out of structures, duplicated checks
- for special-case parent node
- RemoveForeignElements - should be run in parallel with MakeWellFormed
- URIScheme - needs to have callable generic checks
- mailto - doesn't validate emails, doesn't validate querystring
- news - doesn't validate opaque path
- nntp - doesn't constrain path
- vim: et sw=4 sts=4