1.1 KB

  1. <?php /*
  2. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  3. */
  4. $ResourceAdded = "Resource added. You can now go back to the path or add more resources.";
  5. $LearningPath = "Learning Path";
  6. $LevelUp = "level up";
  7. $AddIt = "Add it";
  8. $MainCategory = "main category";
  9. $lang_delete_added_resources = "Delete added resources";
  10. $AddToLinks = "Add to the course links";
  11. $DontAdd = "do not add";
  12. $lang_show_all_added_resources = "Show all added resources";
  13. $ResourcesAdded = "Added new resources";
  14. $BackTo = "Back to";
  15. $ExternalResources = "External resources";
  16. $CourseResources = "Course resources";
  17. $ExternalLink = "External link";
  18. $DropboxAdd = "Add the dropbox page to this chapter.";
  19. $AddAssignmentPage = "Add the upload assignment page to this chapter.";
  20. $Exercise = "Test";
  21. $Link = "Link";
  22. $AdValvas = "Ad Valvas";
  23. $Document = "Document";
  24. $IntroductionText = "Åéóáãùãéêü êåßìåíï";
  25. $CourseDescription = "ðåñéãñáöÞ óôï êáôÜëïãï ìáèçìÜôùí";
  26. $Groups = "ÏìÜäåò ×ñçóôþí";
  27. $Users = "×ñÞóôåò";
  28. $Modify = "Ôñïðïðïßçóç";
  29. $Detail = "ËåðôïìÝñåéåò";
  30. $EditSuccess = "Ç äéüñèùóç ôùí óôïé÷åßùí ôçò åñãáóßáò Ýãéíå ìå åðéôõ÷ßá!";
  31. $AddAnn = "ÐñïóèÞêç Áíáêïßíùóçò";
  32. ?>