dropbox.inc.php 7.4 KB

  1. <?php /*
  2. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  3. */
  4. $dropbox_lang["help"] = "Help";
  5. $dropbox_lang["aliensNotAllowed"] = "Only training members can use the dropbox tool. You are not a member of this training.";
  6. $dropbox_lang["dropbox"] = "Dropbox";
  7. $dropbox_lang["queryError"] = "Error in database query. Please contact your system administrator.";
  8. $dropbox_lang["generalError"] = "An error has occured. Please contact your system administrator.";
  9. $dropbox_lang["badFormData"] = "Submit failed: bad form data. Please contact your system administrator.";
  10. $dropbox_lang["noUserSelected"] = "Please select a user to send the file to.";
  11. $dropbox_lang["noFileSpecified"] = "You didn\'t specify a file to upload.";
  12. $dropbox_lang["tooBig"] = "You didn\'t choose a file or the file is too big.";
  13. $dropbox_lang["uploadError"] = "Error uploading file. Please contact your system administrator.";
  14. $dropbox_lang["errorCreatingDir"] = "Can\'t create the directory. Please contact your system administrator.";
  15. $dropbox_lang["installError"] = "Can\'t install the necessary tables for the dropbox tool. Please contact your system administrator.";
  16. $dropbox_lang["uploadFile"] = "Upload document";
  17. $dropbox_lang["authors"] = "Authors";
  18. $dropbox_lang["description"] = "Remarks";
  19. $dropbox_lang["sendTo"] = "Send to";
  20. $dropbox_lang["receivedTitle"] = "Received Files";
  21. $dropbox_lang["sentTitle"] = "Sent Files";
  22. $dropbox_lang["confirmDelete"] = "This will remove the entry from your list only";
  23. $dropbox_lang["all"] = "all documents";
  24. $dropbox_lang["workDelete"] = "Remove entry from list";
  25. $dropbox_lang["sentBy"] = "Sent by";
  26. $dropbox_lang["sentTo"] = "Sent to";
  27. $dropbox_lang["sentOn"] = "on";
  28. $dropbox_lang["anonymous"] = "unknown";
  29. $dropbox_lang["ok"] = "Validate";
  30. $dropbox_lang["lastUpdated"] = "Latest updated on";
  31. $dropbox_lang["lastResent"] = "Latest sent on";
  32. $dropbox_lang["overwriteFile"] = "Overwrite previous versions of same document?";
  33. $dropbox_lang["orderBy"] = "Order by ";
  34. $dropbox_lang["lastDate"] = "date latest sent";
  35. $dropbox_lang["firstDate"] = "date first sent";
  36. $dropbox_lang["title"] = "title";
  37. $dropbox_lang["size"] = "filesize";
  38. $dropbox_lang["author"] = "author";
  39. $dropbox_lang["sender"] = "sender";
  40. $dropbox_lang["recipient"] = "recipient";
  41. $dropbox_lang["docAdd"] = "Document has been added successfully";
  42. $dropbox_lang["fileDeleted"] = "The selected file has been removed from your dropbox.";
  43. $dropbox_lang["mailingAsUsername"] = "Mailing";
  44. $dropbox_lang["mailingInSelect"] = "---Mailing---";
  45. $dropbox_lang["mailingSelectNoOther"] = "Mailing cannot be combined with other recipients";
  46. $dropbox_lang["mailingNonMailingError"] = "Mailing cannot be overwritten by non-mailing and vice-versa";
  47. $dropbox_lang["mailingExamine"] = "Examine mailing zip-file";
  48. $dropbox_lang["mailingNotYetSent"] = "Mailing content files have not yet been sent out...";
  49. $dropbox_lang["mailingSend"] = "Validate";
  50. $dropbox_lang["mailingConfirmSend"] = "Send content files to individuals?";
  51. $dropbox_lang["mailingBackToDropbox"] = "(back to dropbox main window)";
  52. $dropbox_lang["mailingWrongZipfile"] = "Mailing must be zipfile with STUDENTID or LOGINNAME";
  53. $dropbox_lang["mailingZipEmptyOrCorrupt"] = "Mailing zipfile is empty or not a valid zipfile";
  54. $dropbox_lang["mailingZipPhp"] = "Mailing zipfile must not contain php files - it will not be sent";
  55. $dropbox_lang["mailingZipDups"] = "Mailing zipfile must not contain duplicate files - it will not be sent";
  56. $dropbox_lang["mailingFileFunny"] = "no name, or extension not 1-4 letters or digits";
  57. $dropbox_lang["mailingFileNoPrefix"] = "name does not start with";
  58. $dropbox_lang["mailingFileNoPostfix"] = "name does not end with";
  59. $dropbox_lang["mailingFileNoRecip"] = "name does not contain any recipient-id";
  60. $dropbox_lang["mailingFileRecipNotFound"] = "no such learner with";
  61. $dropbox_lang["mailingFileRecipDup"] = "multiple users have";
  62. $dropbox_lang["mailingFileIsFor"] = "is for";
  63. $dropbox_lang["mailingFileSentTo"] = "sent to ";
  64. $dropbox_lang["mailingFileNotRegistered"] = " (not registered for this training)";
  65. $dropbox_lang["mailingNothingFor"] = "Nothing for";
  66. $dropbox_lang["justUploadInSelect"] = "---Just upload---";
  67. $dropbox_lang["justUploadInList"] = "Upload by";
  68. $dropbox_lang["giveFeedback"] = "Give / Edit Feedback";
  69. $dropbox_lang["showFeedback"] = "Show Feedback";
  70. $dropbox_lang["backList"] = "Return to dropbox";
  71. $dropbox_lang["filingFolders"] = "View only folder";
  72. $dropbox_lang["filingRefile"] = "Refile selected files as";
  73. $dropbox_lang["filingSelected"] = "Received/Sent (original folder)";
  74. $dropbox_lang["filingOtherAs"] = "(new foldername) ==>";
  75. $dropbox_lang["filingName"] = "Name";
  76. $ReceivedFiles = "Received Files";
  77. $SentFiles = "Sent Files";
  78. $ReceivedTitle = "Title";
  79. $SentTitle = "Title";
  80. $Authors = "Authors";
  81. $Size = "Size";
  82. $LastResent = "Latest sent on";
  83. $kB = "kB";
  84. $Root = "Root";
  85. $NoSentFilesHere = "There are no <b>sent</b> files to be displayed here.";
  86. $NoReceivedFilesHere = "There are no <b>received</b> files to be displayed here.";
  87. $UploadNewFile = "Share a new file";
  88. $AreYouSureToDelete = "Are you sure you want to delete";
  89. $Feedback = "Feedback";
  90. $CloseFeedback = "Close feedback";
  91. $AddNewFeedback = "Add feedback";
  92. $DropboxFeedbackStored = "The feedback message has been stored";
  93. $AllUsersHaveDeletedTheFileAndWillNotSeeFeedback = "All users have deleted the file so nobody will see the feedback you are adding.";
  94. $FeedbackError = "Feedback error";
  95. $PleaseTypeText = "Please type some text.";
  96. $YouAreNotAllowedToDownloadThisFile = "You are not allowed to download this file.";
  97. $CheckAtLeastOneFile = "Check at least one file.";
  98. $ReceivedFileDeleted = "The received file has been deleted.";
  99. $SentFileDeleted = "The sent file has been deleted.";
  100. $FilesMoved = "The selected files have been moved.";
  101. $ReceivedFileMoved = "The received file has been moved.";
  102. $SentFileMoved = "The sent file has been moved";
  103. $NotMovedError = "The file(s) can not be moved.";
  104. $AddNewCategory = "Add a new folder";
  105. $EditCategory = "Edit this category";
  106. $CategoryName = "Folder name";
  107. $ErrorPleaseGiveCategoryName = "Please give a category name";
  108. $CategoryAlreadyExistsEditIt = "This category already exists, please use a different name";
  109. $CurrentlySeeing = "You are in folder ";
  110. $CategoryStored = "The folder has been created";
  111. $CategoryModified = "The category has been modified.";
  112. $CategoryDeleted = "The category has been deleted.";
  113. $AuthorFieldCannotBeEmpty = "The author field cannot be empty";
  114. $YouMustSelectAtLeastOneDestinee = "You must select at least one destinee";
  115. $InvalidUserDetected = "Invalid user detected";
  116. $InvalidGroupDetected = "Invalid group detected";
  117. $DropboxFileTooBig = "This file\'s volume is too big.";
  118. $TheFileIsNotUploaded = "The file is not uploaded.";
  119. $FileUploadSucces = "The file has successfully been uploaded.";
  120. $MailingNonMailingError = "Mailing cannot be overwritten by non-mailing and vice-versa";
  121. $MailingSelectNoOther = "Mailing cannot be combined with other recipients";
  122. $MailingJustUploadSelectNoOther = "Just Upload cannot be combined with other recipients";
  123. $NoFilesHere = "No files here";
  124. $NoFilesHere = "No files here";
  125. $NewDropboxFileUploaded = "A new file has been sent in the dropbox";
  126. $NewDropboxFileUploadedContent = "A new file has been sent to the Dropbox";
  127. $langAddEdit = "Add / Edit";
  128. $ErrorNoFilesInFolder = "This folder is empty";
  129. $dropbox_lang["upload"] = "Upload";
  130. $AddComment = "Save feedback";
  131. $SentCatgoryDeleted = "The folder has been deleted";
  132. $ReceivedCatgoryDeleted = "The folder has been deleted";
  133. ?>