exercice.inc.php 5.9 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3. +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  4. | CLAROLINE version 1.3.0 $Revision: 1997 $ |
  5. +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  6. | Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL) |
  7. +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  8. | $Id: exercice.inc.php 1997 2004-07-07 14:55:42Z olivierb78 $ |
  9. | English Translation |
  10. +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  11. | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
  12. | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License |
  13. | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 |
  14. | of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
  15. +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  16. | Authors: Thomas Depraetere <depraetere@ipm.ucl.ac.be> |
  17. | Hugues Peeters <peeters@ipm.ucl.ac.be> |
  18. | Christophe Gesché <gesche@ipm.ucl.ac.be> |
  19. | Olivier Brouckaert <oli.brouckaert@skynet.be> |
  20. +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  21. | Translator : |
  22. | Thomas Depraetere <depraetere@ipm.ucl.ac.be> |
  23. | Andrew Lynn <Andrew.Lynn@strath.ac.uk> |
  24. | Olivier Brouckaert <oli.brouckaert@skynet.be> |
  25. +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  26. */
  27. /***************************************************************
  28. * Language translation
  29. ****************************************************************
  30. GOAL
  31. ****
  32. Translate the interface in chosen language
  33. *****************************************************************/
  34. // general
  35. $langExercice="Test";
  36. $langExercices="Tests";
  37. $langQuestion="Question";
  38. $langQuestions="Questions";
  39. $langAnswer="Answer";
  40. $langAnswers="Answers";
  41. $langActivate="Enable";
  42. $langDeactivate="Disable";
  43. $langComment="Comment";
  44. $langUser="User";
  45. // exercice.php
  46. $langNoEx="There is no test for the moment";
  47. $langNoResult="There is no result yet";
  48. $langNewEx="New test";
  49. $langYourResults="Your results";
  50. $langStudentResults="Your member's results";
  51. // exercise_admin.inc.php
  52. $langExerciseType="Test type";
  53. $langExerciseName="Test name";
  54. $langExerciseDescription="Test description";
  55. $langSimpleExercise="On an unique page";
  56. $langSequentialExercise="One question per page (sequential)";
  57. $langRandomQuestions="Random questions";
  58. $langGiveExerciseName="Please give the test name";
  59. $langSound="Audio or video file";
  60. $langDeleteSound="Delete the audio or video file";
  61. // question_admin.inc.php
  62. $langNoAnswer="There is no answer for the moment";
  63. $langGoBackToQuestionPool="Go back to the question pool";
  64. $langGoBackToQuestionList="Go back to the question list";
  65. $langQuestionAnswers="Answers to the question";
  66. $langUsedInSeveralExercises="Warning ! This question and its answers are used in several tests. Would you like to modify them";
  67. $langModifyInAllExercises="in all tests";
  68. $langModifyInThisExercise="only in the current test";
  69. // statement_admin.inc.php
  70. $langAnswerType="Answer type";
  71. $langUniqueSelect="Multiple choice (Unique answer)";
  72. $langMultipleSelect="Multiple choice (Multiple answers)";
  73. $langFillBlanks="Fill in blanks";
  74. $langMatching="Matching";
  75. $langAddPicture="Add a picture (.GIF, .JPG or .PNG)";
  76. $langReplacePicture="Replace the picture";
  77. $langDeletePicture="Delete the picture";
  78. $langQuestionDescription="Optional comment";
  79. $langGiveQuestion="Please type the question";
  80. // answer_admin.inc.php
  81. $langWeightingForEachBlank="Please enter a weighting for each blank";
  82. $langUseTagForBlank="use square brackets [...] to define one or more blanks";
  83. $langQuestionWeighting="Weighting";
  84. $langTrue="True";
  85. $langMoreAnswers="+answ";
  86. $langLessAnswers="-answ";
  87. $langMoreElements="+elem";
  88. $langLessElements="-elem";
  89. $langTypeTextBelow="Please type your text below";
  90. $langDefaultTextInBlanks="[British people] live in the [United Kingdom].";
  91. $langDefaultMatchingOptA="rich";
  92. $langDefaultMatchingOptB="good looking";
  93. $langDefaultMakeCorrespond1="Your dady is";
  94. $langDefaultMakeCorrespond2="Your mother is";
  95. $langDefineOptions="Please define the options";
  96. $langMakeCorrespond="Match them";
  97. $langFillLists="Please fill the two lists below";
  98. $langGiveText="Please type the text";
  99. $langDefineBlanks="Please define at least one blank with square brackets [...]";
  100. $langGiveAnswers="Please type the question's answers";
  101. $langChooseGoodAnswer="Please check the correct answer";
  102. $langChooseGoodAnswers="Please check one or more correct answers";
  103. // question_list_admin.inc.php
  104. $langNewQu="Create a question";
  105. $langQuestionList="Question list of the test";
  106. $langMoveUp="Move up";
  107. $langMoveDown="Move down";
  108. $langGetExistingQuestion="Get a question from the base";
  109. $langFinishTest="Finish Test";
  110. // question_pool.php
  111. $langQuestionPool="Question pool";
  112. $langOrphanQuestions="Orphan questions";
  113. $langNoQuestion="There is no question for the moment";
  114. $langAllExercises="All tests";
  115. $langFilter="Filter";
  116. $langGoBackToEx="Go back to the test";
  117. $langReuse="Re-use";
  118. // admin.php
  119. $langExerciseManagement="Tests management";
  120. $langQuestionManagement="Question / Answer management";
  121. $langQuestionNotFound="Question not found";
  122. // exercice_submit.php
  123. $langExerciseNotFound="Test not found or not visible";
  124. $langAlreadyAnswered="You already answered the question";
  125. // exercise_result.php
  126. $langElementList="Elements list";
  127. $langResult="Result";
  128. $langScore="Score";
  129. $langCorrespondsTo="Corresponds to";
  130. $langExpectedChoice="Expected choice";
  131. $langYourTotalScore="Your total score is";
  132. ?>