804 B

  1. <?php /*
  2. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  3. */
  4. $langCourseProgram = "课程简介";
  5. $langThisCourseDescriptionIsEmpty = "此课程目前没有简介.";
  6. $langEditCourseProgram = "创建和编辑课程简介";
  7. $QuestionPlan = "给领导的问题";
  8. $langInfo2Say = "发送给用户的信息";
  9. $langOuAutreTitre = "标题";
  10. $langNewBloc = "其他";
  11. $langAddCat = "添加分类";
  12. $langAdd = "添加";
  13. $langValid = "可用的";
  14. $langBackAndForget = "返回和取消记忆";
  15. $CourseDescriptionUpdated = "&#35838;&#31243;&#25551;&#36848;&#26356;&#26032;&#23436;&#25104;";
  16. $CourseDescriptionDeleted = "&#35838;&#31243;&#25551;&#36848;&#21024;&#38500;&#23436;&#25104;";
  17. $CourseDescriptionIntro = "To create a course description, click on a heading and fill the correct form field.<br><br> Click then OK and fill another heading.";
  18. ?>