en-language.php 7.6 KB

  1. <?php
  2. //English messages for PhpDig
  3. //Antoine Bajolet - fr - bajolet@toiletoine.net
  4. //Corrections by Brien Louque
  5. //'keyword' => 'translation'
  6. $phpdig_mess = array (
  7. 'one_per_line' =>'Enter one link per line',
  8. 'StopSpider' =>'Stop spider',
  9. 'id' =>'ID',
  10. 'url' =>'URL',
  11. 'days' =>'Days',
  12. 'links' =>'Links',
  13. 'depth' =>'Depth',
  14. 'viewRSS' =>'View RSS for this Page',
  15. 'powered_by' =>'Powered by PhpDig',
  16. 'searchall' =>'Search All',
  17. 'wait' =>'Wait... ',
  18. 'done' =>'Done!',
  19. 'limit' =>'Limit',
  20. 'manage' =>'Here you can manage:',
  21. 'dayscron' =>'- the number of <b>days</b> crontab waits to reindex (0 = ignore)',
  22. 'links_mean' =>'- the max number of <b>links</b> per depth per site (0 = unlimited)',
  23. 'depth_mean' =>'- the max search <b>depth</b> per site (0 = none, depth trumps links)',
  24. 'max_found' =>'Maximum links found is ((links * depth) + 1) when links is greater than zero.',
  25. 'default_vals' =>'Default values',
  26. 'use_vals_from' =>'Use values from',
  27. 'table_present' =>'table if present and use<br/>default values if values absent from table?',
  28. 'admin_msg_1' =>'- To empty tempspider table click delete button <i>without</i> selecting a site',
  29. 'admin_msg_2' =>'- Search depth of zero tries to crawl just that page regardless of links per',
  30. 'admin_msg_3' =>'- Set links per depth to the max number of links to check at each depth',
  31. 'admin_msg_4' =>'- Links per depth of zero means to check for all links at each seach depth',
  32. 'admin_msg_5' =>'- Clean dashes removes \'-\' index pages from blue arrow listings of pages',
  33. 'admin_panel' =>'Admin Panel',
  34. 'choose_temp' =>'Choose a template',
  35. 'select_site' =>'Select a site to search',
  36. 'restart' =>'Restart',
  37. 'narrow_path' =>'Narrow Path to Search',
  38. 'upd_sites' =>'Update sites',
  39. 'upd2' =>'Update Done',
  40. 'links_per' =>'Links per',
  41. 'yes' =>'yes',
  42. 'no' =>'no',
  43. 'delete' =>'delete',
  44. 'reindex' =>'Re-index',
  45. 'back' =>'Back',
  46. 'files' =>'files',
  47. 'admin' =>'Administration',
  48. 'warning' =>'Warning !',
  49. 'index_uri' =>'Which URI would you index?',
  50. 'spider_depth' =>'Search depth',
  51. 'spider_warn' =>'Please ensure that no one else is updating the same site.
  52. A locking mechanism will be included in a later version.',
  53. 'site_update' =>'Update a site or one of its branch',
  54. 'clean' =>'Clean',
  55. 't_index' =>'index',
  56. 't_dic' =>'dictionary',
  57. 't_stopw' =>'common words',
  58. 't_dash' =>'dashes',
  59. 'update' =>'Update',
  60. 'exclude' =>'Delete and exclude branch',
  61. 'excludes' =>'Exclude paths',
  62. 'tree_found' =>'Found tree',
  63. 'update_mess' =>'Re-index or delete a tree ',
  64. 'update_warn' =>'Exclude will delete indexed entries',
  65. 'update_help' =>'Click on the cross to delete the branch
  66. Click on the green sign to update it
  67. Click on the noway sign to exclude from future indexings',
  68. 'branch_start' =>'Select the folder to display on the left side',
  69. 'branch_help1' =>'Select there documents to update individually',
  70. 'branch_help2' =>'Click on the cross to delete a document
  71. Click on the green sign to reindex it',
  72. 'redepth' =>'levels depth',
  73. 'branch_warn' =>'Erase is permanent',
  74. 'to_admin' =>'to admin interface',
  75. 'to_update' =>'to update interface',
  76. 'search' =>'Search',
  77. 'results' =>'results',
  78. 'display' =>'display',
  79. 'w_begin' =>'and operator',
  80. 'w_whole' =>'exact phrase',
  81. 'w_part' =>'or operator',
  82. 'alt_try' =>'Did you mean',
  83. 'limit_to' =>'limit to',
  84. 'this_path' =>'this path',
  85. 'total' =>'total',
  86. 'seconds' =>'seconds',
  87. 'w_common_sing' =>'is a very common word and was ignored.',
  88. 'w_short_sing' =>'is too short a word and was ignored.',
  89. 'w_common_plur' =>'are very common words and were ignored.',
  90. 'w_short_plur' =>'are too short of words and were ignored.',
  91. 's_results' =>'search results',
  92. 'previous' =>'Previous',
  93. 'next' =>'Next',
  94. 'on' =>'on',
  95. 'id_start' =>'Site indexing',
  96. 'id_end' =>'Indexing complete !',
  97. 'id_recent' =>'Was recently indexed',
  98. 'num_words' =>'Num words',
  99. 'time' =>'time',
  100. 'error' =>'Error',
  101. 'no_spider' =>'Spider not launched',
  102. 'no_site' =>'No such site in database',
  103. 'no_temp' =>'No link in temporary table',
  104. 'no_toindex' =>'No content indexed',
  105. 'double' =>'Duplicate of an existing document',
  106. 'spidering' =>'Spidering in progress...',
  107. 'links_more' =>'more new links',
  108. 'level' =>'level',
  109. 'links_found' =>'links found',
  110. 'define_ex' =>'Define exclusions',
  111. 'index_all' =>'index all',
  112. 'end' =>'end',
  113. 'no_query' =>'Select predefined keywords (recommended) by opening the tree with the [+] button below, or type descriptive words in the inputzone, separated by a comma, or type the first letters of a keyword and use autocomplete. Empty the inputzone to re-use autocomplete',
  114. 'pwait' =>'Please wait',
  115. 'statistics' =>'Statistics',
  116. // INSTALL
  117. 'slogan' =>'The smallest search engine in the universe : version',
  118. 'installation' =>'Installation',
  119. 'instructions' =>'Type here the MySql parameters. Specify a valid existing user who can create databases if you choose create or update.',
  120. 'hostname' =>'Hostname :',
  121. 'port' =>'Port (none = default) :',
  122. 'sock' =>'Sock (none = default) :',
  123. 'user' =>'User :',
  124. 'password' =>'Password :',
  125. 'phpdigdatabase' =>'PhpDig database :',
  126. 'tablesprefix' =>'Tables prefix :',
  127. 'instructions2' =>'* optional. Use lowercase characters, 16 characters max.',
  128. 'installdatabase' =>'Install phpdig database',
  129. 'error1' =>'Can\'t find connexion template. ',
  130. 'error2' =>'Can\'t write connexion template. ',
  131. 'error3' =>'Can\'t find init_db.sql file. ',
  132. 'error4' =>'Can\'t create tables. ',
  133. 'error5' =>'Can\'t find all config database files. ',
  134. 'error6' =>'Can\'t create database.<br />Verify user\'s rights. ',
  135. 'error7' =>'Can\'t connect to database<br />Verify connection datas. ',
  136. 'createdb' =>'Create database',
  137. 'createtables' =>'Create tables only',
  138. 'updatedb' =>'Update existing database',
  139. 'existingdb' =>'Write only connection parameters',
  141. 'cleaningindex' =>'Cleaning index',
  142. 'enginenotok' =>' index references targeted an inexistent keyword.',
  143. 'engineok' =>'Engine is coherent.',
  145. 'cleaningdictionnary' =>'Cleaning dictionary',
  146. 'keywordsok' =>'All keywords are in one or more page.',
  147. 'keywordsnotok' =>' keywords where not in one page at least.',
  149. 'cleanupcommon' =>'Cleanup common words',
  150. 'cleanuptotal' =>'Total ',
  151. 'cleaned' =>' cleaned.',
  152. 'deletedfor' =>' deleted for ',
  153. // INDEX ADMIN
  154. 'digthis' =>'Dig this !',
  155. 'databasestatus' =>'DataBase status',
  156. 'entries' =>' Entries ',
  157. 'updateform' =>'Update form',
  158. 'deletesite' =>'Delete site',
  159. // SPIDER
  160. 'spiderresults' =>'Spider results',
  161. // STATISTICS
  162. 'mostkeywords' =>'Most keywords',
  163. 'richestpages' =>'Richest pages',
  164. 'mostterms' =>'Most search terms',
  165. 'largestresults'=>'Largest results',
  166. 'mostempty' =>'Most searchs giving empty results',
  167. 'lastqueries' =>'Last search queries',
  168. 'lastclicks' =>'Last search clicks',
  169. 'responsebyhour'=>'Response time by hour',
  170. // UPDATE
  171. 'userpasschanged' =>'User/Password changed !',
  172. 'uri' =>'URI : ',
  173. 'change' =>'Change',
  174. 'root' =>'Root',
  175. 'pages' =>' pages',
  176. 'locked' => 'Locked',
  177. 'unlock' => 'Unlock site',
  178. 'onelock' => 'A site is locked, because of spidering. You can\'t do this for now',
  179. // PHPDIG_FORM
  180. 'go' =>'Go ...',
  182. 'noresults' =>'No results'
  183. );
  184. ?>