12 KB

  1. <?php /*
  2. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  3. */
  4. $langHFor = "Ôîðóìè çà ïîìîù";
  5. $langForContent = "Ôîðóì å ïèñìåíî ñðåäñòâî çà äèñêóñèÿ.
  6. äîêàòî ÷ðåç email ñå îñúùåñòâÿâà äèàëîã ìåæäó äâàìà, ôîðóìèòå ïîçâîëÿâàò îòêðèòà èëè ïîëóîòêðèòà äèñêóöèÿ çà âñè÷êè .</p><p>Ïîãëåäíàòî îò òåõíè÷åñêà ãëåäíà òî÷êà, çà äà èçïîëçâàò ôîðóìèòå, ñòóäåíòèòå ñå íóæäàÿò îò áðàóçúð.</P><p>Çà äà îðãàíèçèðàòå ôîðóìèòå, íàòèñíåòå âúðõó
  7. \'Administer\'. Äèêóñèèòå ñà îðãàíèçèðàíè â ãðóïè è ïîäãðóïè êàêòî ñëåäâà:</p><p><b>Category > Forum > Topic > Answers</b></p>Çà äà ñòðóêòóðèðàòå äèñêóñèèòå íà ñòóäåíòèòå âè, å íåîáõîäèìî äà îðãàíèçèðàòå ôîðóìèòå ïðåäâàðèòåëíî, êàòî îñòàâèòå òå äà ñúçäàâàò òåìèòå è îòãîâîðèòå. Ïî ïîäðàçáèðàíå, ôîðóìèòå ñúäúðæàò ñàìî êàòåãîðèÿòà \'Public\', ïðèìåðåí ôîðóì è ïðèìåðíà òåìà.</p><p>Ïúðâîòî êîåòî òðÿáâà äà íàïðàâèòå å äà èçòðèåòå ïðèìåðíàòà òåìà è äà èçìåíèòå èìåòî íà ïúðâèÿ ôîðóì. Ñëåä òîâà ìîæå äà ñúçäàäåòå, â \'public\' êàòåãîðèÿòà, äðóãè ôîðóìè, ïî ãðóïè èëè ïî òåìàòèêà, êîèòî äà îòãîâàðÿò íà èçèñêâàíèÿòà íà ñõåìàòà âè íà îáó÷åíèå.</p><p>Íå ñìåñâàéòå Êàòåãîðèèòå ñ ôîðóìèòå è íå çàáðàâÿéòå, ÷å åäíà ïðàçíà êàòåãîðèÿ (áåç ôîðóìè) íÿìà äà áúäå âèäèìà çà ñòóäåíòèòå.</p><p>Îïèñàíèåòî íà åäèí ôîðóì ìîæå äà áúäå ñïèñúê íà ÷ëåíîâåòå ìó, îïðåäåëåíèå íà öåëòà ìó èëè çàäà÷à, òåìàòèêà...";
  8. $langHHome = "Help Home Page";
  9. $langHomeContent = "Çà ïî-ãîëÿìî óäîáñòâî, claroline èíñòðóìåíòè ñúäúðæàò ãîòîâè âïèñâàíèÿ.
  10. Âúâ âñåêè èíñòðóìåíò èìà äàäåí ìàëúê ïðèìåð, êîéòî íàãëåäíî èëþñòðèðà ðàáîòàòà ìó. Îò âàñ çàâèñè äàëè ùå èçìåíèòå èëè èçòðèåòå ïðèìåðà.</p><p>Íàïðèìåð, òóê íà ãëàâíàòà ñòðàíèöà íà ñòðàíèöàòà âè,èìà ìàëúê óâîäåí òåêñò ãëàñÿù \'Òîâà å óâîäíèÿ òåêñò íà êóðñà âè. Çà äà ãî çàìåíèòå ñ âàø òåêñò, íàòèñíåòå âúðõó ïðîìåíè ïî-íàäîëó.\' Íàòèñêàòå ïðîìåíè, ðåäàêòèðàòå ãî è íàòèñêàòå ÎÊ. È òîâà å âñè÷êî. Âñåêè èíñòðóìåíò ñëåäâà åäíà è ñúùà ëîãèêà:
  11. äîáàâÿíå, èçòðèâàíå, ðåäàêòèðàíå, êàêâàòî å ëîãèêàòà íà äèíàìè÷íèòå ñàéòîâå.</p><p>ÊÎãàòî ñúçäàâàòå ñàéòà âè, ïîâå÷åòî îò èíñòðóìåíòèòå ñà àêòèâíè. È îòíîâî,
  12. çàâèñè îò âàñ äàëè ùå äåçàêòèâèðàòå òåçè, îò êîèòî íÿìàòå íóæäà. Ïðîñòî òÿáâà äà íàòèñíåòå âúðõó \'äåçàêòèâèðàé\'. Ñëåä òîâà òîçè èíñòðóìåíò ñå ïðåõâúðëÿ â ñèâàòà ÷àñò îò ãëàâíàòà âè ñòðàíèöà è ñòàâà íåâèäèì çà ñòóäåíòèòå âè. Ðàçáèðà ñå, ìîæå äà ãî àêòèâèðàòå îòíîâî êîãàòî ïîæåëàåòå, êàòî ïî òîçè íà÷èí ãî íàïðàâèòå îòíîâî âèäèì çà ñòóäåíòèòå.</p>
  13. <p>Ìîæå äà äîáàâÿòå âàøè ñîáñòâåíè ñòðàíèöè êúì ãëàâíàòà âè ñòðàíèöà. Òå òðÿáâà äà ñà HTML ñòðàíèöè (êîèòî äà ñà ñúçäàäåíè îò êàêúâòî è äà å Òåêñòîâè Ðåäàêòîð èëè Web Êîìïîçèòîð). Èçïîëçâàéòå \'Êà÷è ñòðàíèöàòà è âðúçêà êúì Ãëàâíàòà ñòðàíèöà\' çà äà èçïðàòèòå ñòðàíèöàòà âè êúì ñúðâúðà. Ñòàíäàðòíèÿò header íà ñàéòà âè ùå ñå ñëåå àâòîìàòè÷íî ñ íîâèÿ âè äîêóìåíò, òàêà ÷å ïðîñòî ùå òðÿáâà äà ñå êîíöåíòðèðàòå âúðõó ñúäúðæàíèåòî. Àêî èñêàòå äà ñå ïðåõâúðëÿòå îò Ãëàâíàòà âè ñòðàíèöà êúì äðóãè ñàéòîâå èëè ñòðàíèöè, êúäåòî è äà å â Èíòåðíåò (äîðè âúòðå âúâ âàøèÿ ñàéò), èçïîëçâàéòå \'Äîáàâåòå âðúçêà êúì Çàãëàâíàòà ñòðàíèöà\' Ñòðàíèöèòå, êîèòî ñòå äîáàâèëè êúì Ãëàâíàòà ñòðàíèöà ìîãàò äà áúäàò äåàêòèâèðàíè ñëåä êàòî ñà èçòðèòè, êàòî ñòàíäàðòíèòå èíñòðóìåíòè ìîãàò äà áúäàò äåçàêòèâèðàíè, íî íå è èçòðèòè.</p><p>Ñëåä êàòî ñàéòà âè å ãîòîâ îòèäåòå êúì \'Ðåäàêòèðàéòå èíôîðìàöèÿòà çà êóðñà\' è ðåøåòå êàêâà ñòåïåí íà ïîâåðèòåëíîñò æåëàåòå
  14. Ïî ïîäðàçáèðàíå êóðñà âè å ñêðèò (òúé êàòî ðàáîòèòå âúðõó íåãî).</p>";
  15. $langHClar = "Start Help";
  16. $langClarContent = "Here, professors and assistants create and administer
  17. courses websites. Students read (documents, agendas, informations) and,
  18. sometimes, make exercices, publish papers, participate to
  19. forum discussions...</p><b>Registration</b><p>The following instructions
  20. only apply if your version of claroline allows self-registration (some sites
  21. register you automatically). <br>If you are a Student, you
  22. just need to register selecting \'Follow courses (student)\', then choose
  23. the courses you would like to follow.</p><p>If you are a Professor or an
  24. Assistant, register too, but select \'Create courses (professor)\'. You will
  25. then have to fill a form with Course Code, Faculty and Course Title. Once
  26. this validated, you will be driven to the site you have just created and
  27. allowed to modify its content and organisation according to your
  28. requirements. </p><p>The \'To do\' option is to allow feedback to your claroline website administrators.
  29. Things that you might post here include faults or suggestions for improvements. The \'To do\'
  30. list is linked to on the Home Page of the campus (once
  31. logged in).</p>
  32. <p>The support forum is different. It connects all Claroline users worldwide.
  33. If you don\'t find the answer to a question inside your claroline campus and environment,
  34. post a message there.</p>
  35. <p>The link to Registration (if present) is on the Home Page of the campus
  36. (top right).</p><b>Login</b><p>On your next visits, type login/password
  37. and Ok to access your courses. The URL of the site is";
  38. $langHDoc = "Help Documents";
  39. $langDocContent = "<p>The Documents tool is similar to the FileManager of
  40. your desktop computer.</p><p>You can upload files of any type (HTML, Word,
  41. Powerpoint, Excel, Acrobat, Flash, Quicktime, etc.). Your only concern
  42. must be that your students have the corresponding software to read them.
  43. Some file types can contain viruses, it is your responsibilty not to
  44. upload virus contaminated files. It is a worthwhile precaution to check documents with
  45. antivirus software before uploading them.</p>
  46. <p>The documents are presented in alphabetical order.<br><b>Tip : </b>If
  47. you want to present them in a different order, numerate them: 01, 02,
  48. 03...</p>
  49. <p>You can :</p>
  50. <h4>Upload a document</h4>
  51. <ul>
  52. <li>Select the file on your computer using the Browse button <input
  53. type=submit value=Browse name=submit2>
  54. on the right of your screen.</li>
  55. <li>
  56. Launch the upload with the Upload Button <input type=submit value=Upload name=submit2>.
  57. </li>
  58. </ul>
  59. <h4>
  60. Rename a document (a directory)
  61. </h4>
  62. <ul>
  63. <li>
  64. click on the <img src=../img/rename.gif width=20 height=20 align=baseline>
  65. button in the Rename column
  66. </li>
  67. <li>
  68. Type the new name in the field (top left)
  69. </li>
  70. <li>
  71. Validate by clicking <input type=submit value=Ok name=submit24>.
  72. </li>
  73. </ul>
  74. <h4>
  75. Delete a document (or a directory)
  76. </h4>
  77. <ul>
  78. <li>
  79. Click on <img src=../img/delete.gif width=20 height=20>
  80. in column \'Delete\'.
  81. </li>
  82. </ul>
  83. <h4>
  84. Make a document (or directory) invisible to students
  85. </h4>
  86. <ul>
  87. <li>
  88. Click on <img src=../img/visible.gif width=20 height=20>
  89. in column \'Visible/invisible\'.
  90. </li>
  91. <li>
  92. The document (or directory) still exists but it is not visible by students anymore.
  93. </li>
  94. <li>
  95. To make it invisible back again, click on
  96. <img src=../document/../img/invisible.gif width=24 height=20>
  97. in column \'Visible/invisible\'
  98. </li>
  99. </ul>
  100. <h4>
  101. Add or modify a comment to a document (or a directory)
  102. </h4>
  103. <ul>
  104. <li>
  105. Click on <img src=../document/../img/comment.gif width=20 height=20> in column \'Comment\'
  106. </li>
  107. <li>
  108. Type new comment in the corresponding field (top right).
  109. </li>
  110. <li>
  111. Validate by clicking <input type=submit value=OK name=submit2>
  112. .</li>
  113. </ul>
  114. <p>
  115. To delete a comment, click on <img src=../document/../img/comment.gif width=20 height=20>,
  116. delete the old comment in the field and click
  117. <input type=submit value=OK name=submit22>.
  118. <hr>
  119. <p>
  120. You can organise your content through filing. For this:
  121. </p>
  122. <h4>
  123. <b>
  124. Create a directory
  125. </b>
  126. </h4>
  127. <ul>
  128. <li>
  129. Click on
  130. <img src=../document/../img/dossier.gif width=20 height=20>
  131. \'Create a directory\' (top left)
  132. </li>
  133. <li>
  134. Type the name of your new directory in the corresponding field (top left)
  135. </li>
  136. <li>
  137. Validate by clicking <input type=submit value=OK name=submit23>.
  138. </li>
  139. </ul>
  140. <h4>
  141. Move a document (or directory)
  142. </h4>
  143. <ul>
  144. <li>
  145. Click on button <img src=../document/../img/deplacer.gif width=34 height=16>
  146. in column \'Move\'
  147. </li>
  148. <li>
  149. Choose the directory into which you want to move the document (or directory) in the corresponding scrolling menu (top left) (note: the word \'root\' means you cannot go upper than that level in the document tree of the server).
  150. </li>
  151. <li>
  152. Validate by clicking on <input type=submit value=OK name=submit232>.
  153. </li>
  154. </ul>
  155. <center>
  156. <p>";
  157. $langHUser = "Help Users";
  158. $langUserContent = "<b>Roles</b><p>Roles have no computer related function.
  159. They do not give rights on operating the system. They just indicate to
  160. Humans, who is who. You can modify them by clicking on \'modify\' under
  161. \'role\', then typing whatever you want: professor, assistant, student,
  162. visitor, expert...</P><hr>
  163. <b>Admin rights</b>
  164. <p>Admin rights, on the other hand, correspond to the technical
  165. authorisation to modify the content and organisation of the course
  166. website. For the moment, you can only choose between giving all the admin
  167. rights and giving none of them.</P>
  168. <p>To allow an assistant, for instance, to co-admin the site, you need to
  169. register him in the course or be sure he is already registerd, then click
  170. on \'modify\' under \'admin rights\', then click \'all\', then \'Ok\'.</P><hr>
  171. <b>Co-chairmen</b>
  172. <p>To mention in the header of the course website the name of a
  173. co-chairmen, use the tool \'Modify course information\' (orange tools). This
  174. modification does not register your co-chairmen as a user of the course.
  175. The field \'Professors\' is completely independant of the Users
  176. list.</p><hr>
  177. <b>Add a user</b>
  178. <p>To add a user for your course, fill the fields and validate. The person
  179. will receive an email telling him/her you have registered him/her and telling
  180. him/her or reminding him/her his/her login and password.</p>";
  181. $langGroupContent = "<p><b>Introduction</b></p>
  182. <p>This tool allows to create and manage work groups.
  183. At creation (Create groups), groups are emtpy. There are
  184. many ways to fill them:
  185. <ul><li>automatically (\'Fill groups\'),</li>
  186. <li>manually (\'Edit\'),</li>
  187. <li>self-registration by students diants (Groups settings: \'Self registration allowed...\').</li>
  188. </ul>
  189. These three ways can be combined. You can, for instance, ask students to self-register first.
  190. Then discover that some of them didn\'t and decide then to fill groups automatically in
  191. order to complete them. You can also edit each group to compose membership one student
  192. at a time after or before self-registration and/or automatical filling.</p>
  193. <p>Groups filling, whether automatical or manual, works only if there are already students
  194. registered in the course (don\'t mix registration to the course with registration into groups).
  195. Students list is visible in <b>Users</b> tool. </p><hr noshade size=1>
  196. <p><b>Create groups</b></p>
  197. <p>To create new groups, click on \'Create new group(s)\' and determine number of groups to
  198. create. Maximum number of members is optional but we suggest to chose one. If you leave max. field
  199. unchanged, groups size maximum will be infinite.</p><hr noshade size=1>
  200. <p><b>Group settings</b></p>
  201. <p>You can determine Group settings globally (for all groups).
  202. <b>Students are allowed to self-register in groups</b>:
  203. <p>You create empty groups, students self-register.
  204. If you have defined a maximum number, full groups do not accept new members.
  205. This method is good for teachers who do not know students list when
  206. creating groups.</p>
  207. <b>Outils</b>:</p>
  208. <p>Every group possesses either a forum (private or public) or a Documents area
  209. (a shared file manager) or (most frequent) both.</p>
  210. <hr noshade size=1>
  211. <p><b>Manual edit</b></p>
  212. <p>Once groups created (Create groups), you see at bottom of page, a list of groups
  213. with a series of informations and functions
  214. <ul><li><b>Edit</b> to modify manually Group name, description, tutor,
  215. members list.</li>
  216. <li><b>Delete</b> deletes a group.</li></ul>
  217. <hr noshade size=1>";
  218. $langClarContent3 = "</p><p><b>Educational Theory</b><p>For the professors,
  219. prepare a course on the internet is a question of Educational Theory
  220. too.";
  221. $langClarContent4 = "is at your disposal to help you during the different
  222. steps of your teaching project evolution: from tool design to its
  223. integration in a clear and coherent strategy and objective evaluation of
  224. its impact on student learning.</p>";
  225. ?>