2.5 KB

  1. <?php /*
  2. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  3. */
  4. $ResourceAdded = "Resource added. You can now go back to the path or add more resources.";
  5. $LearningPath = "Learning Path";
  6. $LevelUp = "level up";
  7. $AddIt = "Add it";
  8. $MainCategory = "main category";
  9. $lang_delete_added_resources = "Delete added resources";
  10. $AddToLinks = "Add to the course links";
  11. $DontAdd = "do not add";
  12. $lang_show_all_added_resources = "Show all added resources";
  13. $ResourcesAdded = "Added new resources";
  14. $BackTo = "Back to";
  15. $ExternalResources = "External resources";
  16. $CourseResources = "Course resources";
  17. $ExternalLink = "External link";
  18. $DropboxAdd = "Add the dropbox page to this chapter.";
  19. $AddAssignmentPage = "Add the upload assignment page to this chapter.";
  20. $Dropbox = "Dropbox";
  21. $Assignments = "Assignments";
  22. $Exercise = "Test";
  23. $Link = "Link";
  24. $Forum = "Forum";
  25. $AdValvas = "Ad Valvas";
  26. $Document = "Document";
  27. $ShowDelete = "Poka&#380; / Skasuj";
  28. $IntroductionText = "Tekst wprowadzaj&#261;cy";
  29. $CourseDescription = "Opis kursu";
  30. $Groups = "Grupy";
  31. $Users = "U&#380;ytkownicy";
  32. $IntroductionTextAdd = "Dodaj stron&#281; zawieraj&#261;c&#261; tekst wprowadzaj&#261;cy do tego rozdzia&#322;u.";
  33. $CourseDescriptionAdd = "Dodaj stron&#281; zawieraj&#261;c&#261; opis tego rozdzia&#322;u kursu.";
  34. $GroupsAdd = "Dodaj do tego rozdzia&#322;u stron&#281; zawieraj&#261;c&#261; grupy.";
  35. $UsersAdd = "Dodaj do tego rozdzia&#322;u stron&#281; zawieraj&#261;c&#261; u&#380;ytkowników.";
  36. $ExportableCourseResources = "Eksportowalne zasoby kursu";
  37. $DokeosRelatedCourseMaterial = "Zasoby kursu zwi&#261;zane z Dokeos\'em";
  38. $LinkTarget = "Cel linka";
  39. $SameWindow = "W tym samym oknie";
  40. $NewWindow = "W nowym oknie";
  41. $StepDeleted1 = "Ten";
  42. $StepDeleted2 = "element w tym narz&#281;dziu zosta&#322; skasowany.";
  43. $Modify = "modyfikuj";
  44. $Chapter = "Rozdzia&#322;";
  45. $NoAgendaItems = "Nie ma &#380;adnych elementów Agendy";
  46. $AgendaAdd = "Dodaj element Agendy";
  47. $UserGroupFilter = "Filtr grupowy u&#380;ytkowników";
  48. $AgendaSortChronologicallyUp = "Sortuj Agend&#281; chronologicznie (rosn&#261;co)";
  49. $ShowCurrent = "Poka&#380; bie&#380;&#261;ce elementy Agendy";
  50. $ModifyCalendarItem = "Modyfikuj element Agendy";
  51. $ItemTitle = "Tytu&#322;";
  52. $Detail = "Szczegó&#322;y";
  53. $EditSuccess = "Edycja powiod&#322;a si&#281;";
  54. $AddCalendarItem = "Dodaj element Agendy";
  55. $AddAnn = "Dodaj og&#322;oszenie";
  56. $ForumAddNewTopic = "Forum: dodaj nowy temat";
  57. $ForumEditTopic = "Forum: edytuj temat";
  58. $ExerciseAnswers = "&#262;wiczenie: Odpowiedzi";
  59. $ForumReply = "Forum: odpowiedz";
  60. ?>