123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320 |
- Documentation
- =============
- Introduction
- ------------
- Zippy is an Object Oriented PHP library that aim to ease the use of the archive
- manipulation by providing a set of adapters that will use command line utilities or PHP
- extensions depending on the environment your run it
- Zippy currently supports the following utilities :
- - `GNU TAR`_
- - `BSD TAR`_
- - `ZIP`_
- And deals with the following archive formats :
- - tar
- - zip
- - tbz2
- - tbz
- - tgz
- Installation
- ------------
- We rely on `composer`_ to use this library. If you do
- not still use composer for your project, you can start with this ``composer.json``
- at the root of your project :
- .. code-block:: json
- {
- "require": {
- "alchemy/zippy": " ~0.1"
- }
- }
- Install composer :
- .. code-block:: bash
- # Install composer
- curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
- # Upgrade your install
- php composer.phar install
- You now just have to autoload the library to use it :
- .. code-block:: php
- <?php
- require 'vendor/autoload.php';
- use Zippy\Zippy;
- $zippy = Zippy::load();
- This is a very short intro to composer.
- If you ever experience an issue or want to know more about composer,
- you will find help on their web site `composer`_.
- Basic Usage
- -----------
- The Zippy library is very simple and consists of a collection of adapters that
- take over for you the most common (de)compression operations (create, list
- update, extract, delete) for the chosen format.
- **Example usage**
- .. code-block:: php
- <?php
- use Alchemy\Zippy;
- $zippy = Zippy::load();
- // creates
- $archiveZip = $zippy->create('archive.zip');
- // updates
- $archiveZip->addMembers(array(
- '/path/to/file',
- '/path/to/file2',
- '/path/to/dir'
- ),
- $recursive = false
- );
- // deletes
- $archiveZip->removeMembers('/path/to/file2');
- // lists
- foreach ($archiveZip as $member) {
- if ($member->isDir()) {
- continue;
- }
- echo $member->getLocation(); // outputs /path/to/file
- }
- // extracts
- $archiveZip->extract('/to/directory');
- Zippy comes with a strategy pattern to get the best adapter according to the
- platform you use and the availability of the utilities.
- The right adapter will be matched when you open or create a new archive.
- **Creates or opens one archive**
- .. code-block:: php
- <?php
- use Alchemy\Zippy;
- $zippy = Zippy::load();
- $archiveZip = $zippy->create('archive.zip');
- $archiveTar = $zippy->open('/an/existing/archive.tar');
- However you may want sometimes gets the adapter for future reuse as the previous
- example is good for one shot only because it will create a new adapter object
- instance each time you create or open an archive.
- **Creates or opens a lot of archives**
- .. code-block:: php
- <?php
- use Alchemy\Zippy;
- $zippy = Zippy::load();
- $zipAdapter = $zippy->getAdapterFor('zip');
- foreach(array('archive.zip', 'archive2.zip', 'archive3.zip') as $path) {
- $archive = $zipAdapter->open($path);
- }
- Also sometimes you will face the problem where Zippy will not be able to handle
- a specific archive format because archive extension is not recognized or follow
- specific named rules.
- Luckily with Zippy You can easily define your strategy to get a specific adapter
- that handle (de)compression for a specific archive format.
- The discrimination factor for getting the right adapter is based upon the
- archive extension.
- So every time you will work with an archive format not
- handled by Zippy you must declare a new strategy for this extension
- to match the proper adapter, see :ref:`add-custom-strategy`.
- Recipes
- -------
- Define custom binary path
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Each binary utility comes with two binary path one for the inflator and the other
- for the deflator. By default if none is provided, zippy will look to find
- the executable by its name;
- .. code-block:: php
- <?php
- use Alchemy\Zippy;
- $zippy = Zippy::load();
- // customize GNU Tar inflator
- $zippy->adapters['gnu-tar.inflator'] = '/usr/local/bin/tar';
- // customize ZIP deflator
- $zippy->adapters['zip.deflator'] = '/usr/local/bin/unzip';
- The following binary are customisable
- - gnu-tar.inflator
- - gnu-tar.deflator
- - bsd-tar.inflator
- - bsd-tar.deflator
- - zip.inflator
- - zip.deflator
- .. _add-custom-strategy:
- Add custom utility strategy
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Zippy provides a way to define your custom strategy based on the file extension
- to get the most adapted adapters according to your needs.
- Each adapters implements a *isSupported()* method which will be executed for
- the defined list of adapters. The first supported adapter will be chosen as
- the archive adapter.
- **Define your custom adapter**
- Your custom adapter class must implements the
- ``Alchemy\Zippy\Adapter\AdapterInterface``.
- .. code-block:: php
- <?php
- use Alchemy\Zippy;
- class CustomAdapter implements Zippy\Adapter\AdapterInterface
- {
- ...
- }
- **Define a new strategy**
- Your custom strategy class must implements the
- ``Alchemy\Zippy\Strategy\FileStrategy``.
- .. code-block:: php
- <?php
- use Alchemy\Zippy;
- class CustomStrategy implements Zippy\Strategy\FileStrategy
- {
- public function getAdapters()
- {
- return array(CustomAdapter::newInstance());
- }
- public function getFileExtension()
- {
- return 'tar.custom';
- }
- }
- **Add your custom strategy into zippy**
- .. code-block:: php
- <?php
- $zippy = Alchemy\Zippy::load();
- // add your strategy
- // This strategy for `tar.custom` files has priority over all previously
- // registered strategies for this extension
- $zippy->addStrategy(new CustomStrategy());
- // use it
- $archiveTarCustom = $zippy->create('archive.tar.custom');
- Handling Exceptions
- -------------------
- Zippy throws different types of exception :
- - ``\Alchemy\Zippy\Exception\NotSupportedException``
- is thrown when current operation is not supported.
- - ``\Alchemy\Zippy\Exception\RunTimeException``
- - ``\Alchemy\Zippy\Exception\InvalidArgumentException``
- All these Exception implements ``\Alchemy\Zippy\Exception\ExceptionInterface``
- so you can catch any of these exceptions by catching this exception interface.
- Report a bug
- ------------
- If you experience an issue, please report it in our `issue tracker`_. Before
- reporting an issue, please be sure that it is not already reported by browsing
- open issues.
- Contribute
- ----------
- You find a bug and resolved it ? You added a feature and want to share ? You
- found a typo in this doc and fixed it ? Feel free to send a `Pull Request`_ on
- GitHub, we will be glad to merge your code.
- Run tests
- ---------
- Zippy relies on `PHPUnit`_ for unit tests. To run tests on your system, ensure
- you have `PHPUnit`_ installed, and, at the root of Zippy execute it :
- .. code-block:: bash
- phpunit
- About
- -----
- Zippy has been written by the `Alchemy`_ dev team for `Phraseanet`_, our DAM
- software. Try it, it's awesome !
- License
- -------
- Zippy is licensed under the `MIT License`_
- .. _composer: http://getcomposer.org/
- .. _GNU TAR: http://www.gnu.org/software/tar/manual/
- .. _BSD TAR: http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=tar&sektion=1
- .. _ZIP: http://www.info-zip.org/
- .. _issue tracker: https://github.com/alchemy-fr/Zippy/issues
- .. _Pull Request: http://help.github.com/send-pull-requests/
- .. _PHPUnit: http://www.phpunit.de/manual/current/en/
- .. _Alchemy: http://alchemy.fr/
- .. _Phraseanet: https://github.com/alchemy-fr/Phraseanet
- .. _MIT License: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT