- Enabled the plugin from the list of plugins.
- Click "Configure" once the plugin was enabled.
- Select tool_enable = Yes and save.
- Go into a course (not course session) and enter the Settings tool.
- In the "Course access" section select "Enable legal terms" and
change the course visibility to "Private" and save.
- Go to a course or a course in a session a new button "Legal" will appear
in the course home.
- Click the button "Legal". Fill the form with the content and a file you want
to be shown to the students. There are other options in the form, like:
- Send an email to all users.
- Delete all previous agreements
- Delete the file.
The file are saved in courses/XX/courselegal/
- Once the form was saved, a new form will appear for the registered users.
The student has to accept the form.
When the form is accepted an email will be sent to the user via email and
then Chamilo message tool
- The user has to click in the URL. Once the user clicked to the URL the user
will have access to the course.