layout_2_col.tpl 2.2 KB

  1. {extends file="default/layout/main.tpl"}
  2. {* Header *}
  3. {block name=header}
  4. {if $show_header == 1 }
  5. {include file="default/layout/main_header.tpl"}
  6. {/if}
  7. {/block}
  8. {block name=body}
  9. {* Main content*}
  10. {if $show_sniff == 1 }
  11. {include file="default/layout/sniff.tpl"}
  12. {/if}
  13. <div class="span9">
  14. {* Content top*}
  15. {if !empty($plugin_content_top)}
  16. <div id="plugin_content_top">
  17. {$plugin_content_top}
  18. </div>
  19. {/if}
  20. {* ?? *}
  21. <section id="home_page">
  22. {$home_page_block}
  23. </section>
  24. {* ?? *}
  25. {$sniff_notification}
  26. {include file="default/layout/page_body.tpl"}
  27. {* Main content*}
  28. <section id="main_content">
  29. {$content}
  30. </section>
  31. {* Announcements *}
  32. <section id="announcements_page">
  33. {$announcements_block}
  34. </section>
  35. {* Hot courses template *}
  36. <section id="hot_courses">
  37. {include file="default/layout/hot_courses.tpl"}
  38. {* fix the bug where the login is at the left side*}
  39. &nbsp;
  40. </section>
  41. {if !empty($plugin_content_bottom)}
  42. <div id="plugin_content_bottom">
  43. {$plugin_content_bottom}
  44. </div>
  45. {/if}
  46. </div>
  47. {* Right column *}
  48. <div class="span3">
  49. {*if user is not login show the login form*}
  50. {if $_u.logged == 0}
  51. {include file="default/layout/login_form.tpl"}
  52. {/if}
  53. {* My account - user picture *}
  54. {$profile_block}
  55. {$account_block}
  56. {$teacher_block}
  57. {* Notices *}
  58. {$notice_block}
  59. {* Links that are not added in the tabs*}
  60. {$navigation_course_links}
  61. {* Reservation block *}
  62. {$reservation_block}
  63. {* Search (xapian)*}
  64. {$search_block}
  65. {* Classes *}
  66. {$classes_block}
  67. {* Skills*}
  68. {$skills_block}
  69. {* Plugin courses sidebar *}
  70. {* Plugins for footer section *}
  71. {if !empty($plugin_menu)}
  72. <div id="plugin_menu">
  73. {$plugin_menu}
  74. </div>
  75. {/if}
  76. </div>
  77. {/block}
  78. {* Footer *}
  79. {block name=footer}
  80. {if $show_footer == 1 }
  81. {include file="default/layout/main_footer.tpl"}
  82. {/if}
  83. {/block}