english.php 4.8 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. *
  4. * @copyright (c) 2014 Valery Fremaux
  5. * @license GNU General Public License - http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
  6. * @author Valery Fremaux <valery.fremaux@gmail.com>
  7. */
  8. $strings['archiverealroot'] = 'Archive container real root (no symlinks here)';
  9. $strings['backtoindex'] = 'Back to instance index';
  10. $strings['badconnection'] = 'Connection FAILED';
  11. $strings['cancel'] = 'Cancel';
  12. $strings['choose'] = 'choose...';
  13. $strings['clearcache'] = 'Clear Twig cache';
  14. $strings['clearmastercache'] = 'Clear Twig cache for master';
  15. $strings['closewindow'] = 'Close this window';
  16. $strings['connectionok'] = 'Connection OK';
  17. $strings['continue'] = 'Continue';
  18. $strings['coursefolder'] = 'Physical dir';
  19. $strings['courserealroot'] = 'Course container real root (no symlinks here)';
  20. $strings['datalocation'] = 'Data location';
  21. $strings['datapathavailable'] = 'Data path is available and ready to be used as : <br/>';
  22. $strings['datapathnotavailable'] = 'Data path exists but has already files in it at <br/>';
  23. $strings['datapathcreated'] = 'Data path has been created as :<br/>';
  24. $strings['dbgroup'] = 'Database Settings';
  25. $strings['dbhost'] = 'DB Host';
  26. $strings['dbpassword'] = 'DB Password';
  27. $strings['dbprefix'] = 'Database prefix';
  28. $strings['dbuser'] = 'DB Username';
  29. $strings['deleteifempty'] = 'Delete if empty';
  30. $strings['deleteinstances'] = 'Remove instance';
  31. $strings['destroyinstances'] = 'Full delete instance';
  32. $strings['distributevalue'] = 'Distribute configuration value';
  33. $strings['edit'] = 'Edit instance info';
  34. $strings['emptysite'] = 'New empty site';
  35. $strings['enable_virtualisation'] = 'Enable';
  36. $strings['enabled'] = 'enabled';
  37. $strings['enableinstances'] = 'Enable';
  38. $strings['enabling'] = 'General enabling';
  39. $strings['errormuststartwithcourses'] = 'the course folder MUST start with \'courses_\' to avoid directory conflicts';
  40. $strings['homerealroot'] = 'Home container real root (no symlinks here)';
  41. $strings['hostdefinition'] = 'Host definition';
  42. $strings['hostlist'] = 'Other hosts';
  43. $strings['institution'] = 'Institution';
  44. $strings['lastcron'] = 'Last cron';
  45. $strings['maindatabase'] = 'Main database';
  46. $strings['manage_instances'] = 'Go to instance manager';
  47. $strings['newinstance'] = 'Add new instance';
  48. $strings['no'] = 'No';
  49. $strings['plugin_comment'] = 'Allows virtualizing chamilo.';
  50. $strings['plugin_title'] = 'Virtual Chamilo';
  51. $strings['proxysettings'] = 'Proxy settings';
  52. $strings['registerinstance'] = 'Register an instance';
  53. $strings['rootweb'] = 'Web root';
  54. $strings['savechanges'] = 'Save changes';
  55. $strings['selectall'] = 'Select all';
  56. $strings['selectnone'] = 'Deselect all';
  57. $strings['sendconfigvalue'] = 'Distribute a configuration value';
  58. $strings['setconfigvalue'] = 'Set a configuration value';
  59. $strings['singledatabase'] = 'Single database';
  60. $strings['sitename'] = 'Site Name';
  61. $strings['snapshotinstance'] = 'Snapshot';
  62. $strings['snapshotmaster'] = 'Snapshot master Chamilo';
  63. $strings['statisticsdatabase'] = 'Statistics database';
  64. $strings['successfinishedcapture'] = 'Capture of chamilo is finished';
  65. $strings['sync_settings'] = 'Synchronize settings';
  66. $strings['tableprefix'] = 'Table prefix';
  67. $strings['template'] = 'Template';
  68. $strings['templating'] = 'Templating';
  69. $strings['testconnection'] = 'Test DB connexion';
  70. $strings['testdatapath'] = 'Test data location';
  71. $strings['trackingenabled'] = 'Tracking enabled';
  72. $strings['userpersonaldatabase'] = 'User personal database';
  73. $strings['vchamilo'] = 'Virtual Chamilo';
  74. $strings['vchamilosnapshot1'] = 'STEP 1 OF 3 : Directories for snapshot have been created. Continue with database backup ...';
  75. $strings['vchamilosnapshot2'] = 'STEP 2 OF 3 : Databases have been backed up. Continue with saving files... beware this step can be long if a lot of content resides in the instance...';
  76. $strings['vchamilosnapshot3'] = 'STEP 3 OF 3 : Files saved.';
  77. $strings['withselection'] = 'With selection: ';
  78. $strings['yes'] = 'Yes';
  79. $strings['mysqlcmds'] = 'Mysql commands location';
  80. $strings['mysqlcmd'] = 'Full path to mysql client command';
  81. $strings['mysqldumpcms'] = 'Full path to mysqldump command';
  82. $strings['sitenameinputerror'] = "Site Name is empty or invalid";
  83. $strings['institutioninputerror'] = "Institution is empty or invalid";
  84. $strings['rootwebinputerror'] = "Root web is empty or invalid";
  85. $strings['databaseinputerror'] = "Database empty";
  86. $strings['coursefolderinputerror'] = "Data location is empty";
  87. $strings['httpproxyhost'] = "HTTP proxy host";
  88. $strings['httpproxyport'] = "HTTP proxy port";
  89. $strings['httpproxybypass'] = "HTTP proxy URL bypass";
  90. $strings['httpproxyuser'] = "HTTP proxy user";
  91. $strings['httpproxypassword'] = "HTTP proxy password";
  92. $strings['variable'] = 'Variable';
  93. $strings['subkey'] = 'Subkey';
  94. $strings['category'] = 'Category';
  95. $strings['accessurl'] = 'Access URL';
  96. $strings['value'] = 'Value';
  97. $strings['syncall'] = 'Sync all the selection';
  98. $strings['syncthis'] = 'Sync this setting';