courseTools.feature 5.2 KB

  1. # features/courseTools.feature
  2. @common @tools
  3. Feature: Course tools basic testing
  4. In order to use a course
  5. As a teacher
  6. I need to be able to enter a course and each of its tools
  7. Background:
  8. Given I am a platform administrator
  9. And I am a "English" user
  10. # This is executed just before each scenario below
  11. Scenario: Create a course before testing
  12. Given I am on "/main/admin/course_add.php"
  13. When I fill in "title" with "TEMP"
  14. And I press "submit"
  15. Then I should see "Course list"
  16. Scenario: Make sure the course exists
  17. Given course "TEMP" exists
  18. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  19. Scenario: Make sure the course description tool is available
  20. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  21. And I am on "/main/course_description/index.php"
  22. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  23. Scenario: Make sure the documents tool is available
  24. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  25. And I am on "/main/document/document.php"
  26. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  27. Scenario: Make sure the learning path tool is available
  28. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  29. And I am on "/main/newscorm/lp_controller.php"
  30. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  31. Scenario: Make sure the links tool is available
  32. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  33. And I am on "/main/link/link.php"
  34. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  35. Scenario: Make sure the tests tool is available
  36. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  37. And I am on "/main/exercice/exercice.php"
  38. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  39. Scenario: Make sure the announcements tool is available
  40. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  41. And I am on "/main/announcements/announcements.php"
  42. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  43. Scenario: Make sure the assessments tool is available
  44. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  45. And I am on "/main/gradebook/index.php"
  46. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  47. Scenario: Make sure the glossary tool is available
  48. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  49. And I am on "/main/glossary/index.php"
  50. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  51. Scenario: Make sure the attendances tool is available
  52. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  53. And I am on "/main/attendances/index.php"
  54. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  55. Scenario: Make sure the course progress tool is available
  56. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  57. And I am on "/main/course_progress/index.php"
  58. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  59. Scenario: Make sure the agenda tool is available
  60. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  61. And I am on "/main/calendar/agenda.php"
  62. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  63. Scenario: Make sure the forums tool is available
  64. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  65. And I am on "/main/forum/index.php"
  66. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  67. Scenario: Make sure the dropbox tool is available
  68. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  69. And I am on "/main/dropbox/index.php"
  70. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  71. Scenario: Make sure the users tool is available
  72. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  73. And I am on "/main/user/index.php"
  74. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  75. Scenario: Make sure the groups tool is available
  76. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  77. And I am on "/main/group/group.php"
  78. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  79. Scenario: Make sure the chat tool is available
  80. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  81. And I am on "/main/chat/index.php"
  82. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  83. Scenario: Make sure the assignments tool is available
  84. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  85. And I am on "/main/work/work.php"
  86. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  87. Scenario: Make sure the surveys tool is available
  88. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  89. And I am on "/main/survey/index.php"
  90. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  91. Scenario: Make sure the wiki tool is available
  92. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  93. And I am on "/main/wiki/index.php"
  94. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  95. Scenario: Make sure the notebook tool is available
  96. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  97. And I am on "/main/notebook/index.php"
  98. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  99. Scenario: Make sure the projects tool is available
  100. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  101. And I am on "/main/blog/blog_admin.php"
  102. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  103. Scenario: Make sure the reporting tool is available
  104. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  105. And I am on "/main/tracking/courseLog.php"
  106. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  107. Scenario: Make sure the settings tool is available
  108. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  109. And I am on "/main/course_info/infocours.php"
  110. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element
  111. Scenario: Make sure the backup tool is available
  112. Given I am on course "TEMP" homepage
  113. And I am on "/main/course_info/maintenance.php"
  114. Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element