createUser.feature 1.1 KB

  1. @administration
  2. Feature: Users management as admin
  3. In order to add users
  4. As an administrator
  5. I need to be able to create new users
  6. Scenario: See the users list link on the admin page
  7. Given I am a platform administrator
  8. And I am on "/main/admin/index.php"
  9. Then I should see "Users list"
  10. Scenario: See the user creation link on the admin page
  11. Given I am a platform administrator
  12. And I am on "/main/admin/index.php"
  13. Then I should see "Add a user"
  14. Scenario: Create a user with only basic info
  15. Given I am a platform administrator
  16. And I am on "/main/admin/user_add.php"
  17. When I fill in "firstname" with "Sammy"
  18. And I fill in "lastname" with "Marshall"
  19. And I fill in "username" with "smarshall"
  20. And I fill in "email" with ""
  21. And I press "submit"
  22. Then I should see "The user has been added"
  23. Scenario: Search and delete a user
  24. Given I am a platform administrator
  25. And Admin top bar is disabled
  26. And I am on "/main/admin/user_list.php"
  27. And I fill in "keyword" with "smarshall"
  28. And I press "submit"
  29. When I follow "Delete"
  30. Then I should see "The user has been deleted"