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- <?php
- $Tools = "Tools";
- $langDownloadFile = "Upload file";
- $langTooBig = "You haven\'t selected a file or the file is too big.";
- $langListDeleted = "The whole list has been deleted.";
- $langDocModif = "paper title modified";
- $langDocAdd = "The file has been added to the list of publications.";
- $langDocDel = "File deleted";
- $langTitleWork = "File Title";
- $langAuthors = "Authors";
- $langDelList = "Delete whole list";
- $langWorkDelete = "Delete";
- $langWorkModify = "Modify";
- $langWorkConfirmDelete = "Do you really want to delete this file";
- $langAllFiles = "Actions on all files";
- $lang_default_upload = "Default setting for the visibility of newly posted files";
- $lang_new_visible = "New documents are visible for all users";
- $lang_new_unvisible = "New documents are only visible for the course manager(s)";
- $lang_doc_unvisible = "Your file is only visible for the teacher(s) of this course and will therefore not be visible for you.";
- $langDelLk = "Delete Link";
- $langMustBeRegisteredUser = "Only registered users of this course can publish documents.";
- $langListDel = "Delete list";
- $langWork = "Assignments";
- $langNameDir = "Rename directory";
- $langFileExists = "File already exists";
- $langDirCr = "Create directory";
- $langCurrentDir = "current folder";
- $UploadADocument = "Upload a document";
- $EditToolOptions = "Edit Tool Options";
- $DocumentDeleted = "Document deleted";
- $SendMailBody = "A user posted a document in the Assignments tool of your course.";
- $DirDelete = "Delete directory";
- $ValidateChanges = "Validate changes";
- ?>