accessCompanyReports.feature 1.5 KB

  1. @administration
  2. Feature: Access to portal reports as admin
  3. In order to analyse reports of time spent on the platform
  4. As an administrator
  5. I need to be able to access the portal reports
  6. Scenario: See the company reports link on the admin page
  7. Given I am a platform administrator
  8. And I am on "/main/admin/index.php"
  9. Then I should see "Reports"
  10. Scenario: Access the company report
  11. Given I am a platform administrator
  12. And I am on "/main/mySpace/company_reports.php"
  13. Then I should not see "not authorized"
  14. Scenario: Access the resumed version of the company report
  15. Given I am a platform administrator
  16. And I am on "/main/admin/company_reports_resumed.php"
  17. Then I should not see "not authorized"
  18. Scenario: See the company reports link on the admin page
  19. Given I am a platform administrator
  20. And I am on "/main/admin/teacher_time_report.php"
  21. Then I should see "Teachers time report"
  22. Scenario: See the company reports link on the admin page
  23. Given I am a platform administrator
  24. And I am on "/main/admin/teacher_time_report.php"
  25. Then I should not see "not authorized"
  26. Scenario: See the company reports link on the admin page
  27. Given I am a platform administrator
  28. And I am on "/main/admin/teachers_time_by_session_report.php"
  29. Then I should see "Teachers time report by session"
  30. Scenario: See the company reports link on the admin page
  31. Given I am a platform administrator
  32. And I am on "/main/admin/teachers_time_by_session_report.php"
  33. Then I should not see "not authorized"