phpDocumentor.ini 2.4 KB

  1. ;; phpDocumentor.ini
  2. ;;
  3. ;; contains all the runtime values that are configurable.
  4. ;; This is moved from, to remove the necessity to edit the php code and
  5. ;; simplify debugging
  6. [DEBUG]
  7. ;; If you want to see the internals of the parser in action, set this to true
  9. ;; set to true if you want to eliminate extra whitespace in doc comments (slows things down quite a bit)
  11. [_phpDocumentor_options]
  12. ;; this is the value that will be displayed as the root directory
  13. Program_Root =
  14. ;; uncomment this to set the path phpDocumentor looks in to find user files
  15. ;userdir = user/
  16. ;; Use useconfig if you want to be able to run phpdoc with no command-line options (!!)
  17. ;; change the value of useconfig to an .ini file that is in users/ (like greg.ini)
  18. ;[_phpDocumentor_setting]
  19. ;useconfig = default
  20. ;; set max memory usage size to be very high, to avoid it crashing it the middle of its run
  21. ;; due to using a boatload of memory
  22. ;;memory_limit = 512M
  23. [_phpDocumentor_phpfile_exts]
  24. php
  25. php3
  26. php4
  27. phtml
  28. inc
  29. ;; deprecated in 1.2
  30. ;; this list is informational only - the following tags will be parsed as
  31. ;; having meaning, everything else will be treated as text by the output
  32. ;; converter, meaning in the HTML converter, all other tags will be htmlentitied
  33. ;[_phpDocumentor_html_allowed]
  34. ;ul
  35. ;ol
  36. ;li
  37. ;p
  38. ;strong
  39. ;pre
  40. ;a
  41. ;code
  42. ;br
  43. ;var
  44. ;samp
  45. ;kbd
  46. [_phpDocumentor_tags_allowed]
  47. abstract
  48. access
  49. author
  50. ;; Added to support PHPUnit's @assert tag
  51. assert
  52. category
  53. copyright
  54. ;; added to support Imagick tests
  55. covers
  56. ;; for Zend IDE support - minimal at best
  57. desc
  58. deprec
  59. deprecated
  60. example
  61. exception
  62. filesource
  63. final
  64. global
  65. ignore
  66. internal
  67. license
  68. link
  69. magic
  70. name
  71. package
  72. param
  73. parameter
  74. return
  75. ;; alias for @return
  76. returns
  77. see
  78. since
  79. source
  80. static
  81. staticvar
  82. subpackage
  83. throws
  84. todo
  85. TODO
  86. tutorial
  87. uses
  88. var
  89. version
  90. ;; compat tags, things wont parse right in incorrectly documented code without them
  91. ;; hopefully better error handling in handleDockeyword allows these to go away
  92. ;; this is a dumb tag included for pear compatability see bug# 558028
  93. extends
  94. private
  95. public
  96. [_phpDocumentor_inline_doc_tags_allowed]
  97. example
  98. inheritdoc
  99. internal
  100. link
  101. source
  102. tutorial
  103. [_phpDocumentor_inline_tutorial_tags_allowed]
  104. category
  105. example
  106. id
  107. link
  108. toc
  109. tutorial
  110. ;; custom files to include in RIC
  111. ;; these MUST be in upper-case
  112. [_phpDocumentor_RIC_files]
  113. README
  114. INSTALL
  116. FAQ
  117. NEWS