client.conf.php 1.2 KB

  1. <?php //$id: $
  2. /**
  3. * This script defines variables in use in the search plugin for this particular host in the client scripts
  4. * @package
  5. * @author Yannick Warnier <>
  6. */
  7. /**
  8. * Variables
  9. */
  10. //// Addressing variables
  11. // $search_url is the relative URL from the HTTP root of this portal, to the
  12. // 'searchit.php' script. Something like /plugin/search/client/searchit.php
  13. $search_url = '/plugin/search/client/searchit.php';
  14. // $server_url is the URL of the server containing the search engine XML
  15. // interface (the contents of the server/www directory in this plugin package)
  16. // and, more precisely, the absolute web path to the search.php script
  17. $server_url = '';
  18. //// Language variables
  19. // The name to be displayed on the 'Search' button
  20. $lang_search_button = 'Search';
  21. // The text to be suffixed to the number of search results found
  22. $lang_search_found = 'r&eacute;sultats trouv&eacute;s.';
  23. // The text to be suffixed to the number of seconds the search took
  24. $lang_seconds = 'secondes';
  25. // the text to be shown if no results were found
  26. $lang_no_result_found = 'La recherche n\'a pas renvoy&eacute; de r&eacute;sultat.';
  27. ?>