2.1 KB

  1. <?php /*
  2. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  3. */
  4. $GeneralDescription = "Description";
  5. $GeneralDescriptionQuestions = "What is the goal of the training? Are there prerequisites? How is this training connected to other trainings?";
  6. $GeneralDescriptionInformation = "Describe the training (number of hours, sser number, location) and trainer (name, office, Tel., e-mail, office hours . . . .).";
  7. $Objectives = "Objectives";
  8. $ObjectivesInformation = "What are the objectives of the training (competences, skills, outcomes)?";
  9. $ObjectivesQuestions = "What should the end results be when the learner has completed the training? What are the activities performed during the training?";
  10. $Topics = "Topics";
  11. $TopicsInformation = "List of topics included in the training. Importance of each topic. Level of difficulty. Structure and inter-dependence of the different parts.";
  12. $TopicsQuestions = "How does the training progress? Where should the learner pay special care? Are there identifiable problems in understanding different areas? How much time should one dedicate to the different areas of the training?";
  13. $Methodology = "Methodology";
  14. $MethodologyQuestions = "What methods and activities help achieve the objectives of the training? What would the schedule be?";
  15. $MethodologyInformation = "Presentation of the activities (conference, papers, group research, labs...).";
  16. $CourseMaterial = "Training material";
  17. $CourseMaterialQuestions = "Is there a training book, a collection of papers, a bibliography, a list of links on the internet?";
  18. $CourseMaterialInformation = "Short description of the course materials.";
  19. $HumanAndTechnicalResources = "Resources";
  20. $HumanAndTechnicalResourcesQuestions = "Consider the trainers, coaches, a technical helpdesk, training managers, and/or materials available.";
  21. $HumanAndTechnicalResourcesInformation = "Identify and describe the different contact persons and technical devices available.";
  22. $Assessment = "Assessment";
  23. $AssessmentQuestions = "How will learners be assessed? Are there strategies to develop in order to master the topic?";
  24. $AssessmentInformation = "Criteria for skills acquisition.";
  25. ?>