123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778 |
- <?php
- /*
- for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
- */
- $langInvalidId = "Login failed - incorrect login or password.";
- $langWelcome = "Welcome !";
- $langPass = "Pass";
- $langEnter = "Back to training list";
- $langReg = "Register";
- $langMenu = "Menu";
- $langAdvises = "Advises";
- $langCourseDoesntExist = "<b>Warning :</b> This training does not exist";
- $langGetCourseFromOldPortal = "click here to get this training from your old portal";
- $langOtherCourses = "other training";
- $langSupportForum = "Support forum";
- $langCategories = "categories";
- $langBackToHomePage = "Categories Overview";
- $lang_No_course_publicly_available = "No training publicly available.";
- $langLostPassword = "I lost my password";
- $lang_edit_my_course_list = "Edit training list";
- $langAgenda = "Agenda";
- $langValvas = "Latest announcements";
- $langUp = "Up";
- $langCatList = "Categories";
- $langCourseList = "Training list";
- $langHelptwo = "Help";
- $langRegAll = "register";
- $EussMenu = "menu";
- $Opinio = "Opinion";
- $Intranet = "Intranet";
- $Englin = "English";
- $langInvalidForSelfRegistration = "Login failed - if you are not registered, you can do so using the <a href=claroline/auth/inscription.php>registration form</a>";
- $langSubCat = "sub-categories";
- $langMenuGeneral = "Help";
- $langMenuUser = "My account";
- $langMenuAdmin = "Portal Admin";
- $langUsersOnLineList = "Online users list";
- $langTotalOnLine = "Total online";
- $langRefresh = "Refresh";
- $langMe = "me";
- $langSystemAnnouncements = "Portal news";
- $langHelpMaj = "Help";
- $langNotRegistered = "Not Registered";
- $langAdmin = "Portal admin";
- $Login = "Login";
- $langRegisterForCourse = "Register for training";
- $langUnregisterForCourse = "Unregister from training";
- $langCombinedCourse = "Combined course";
- $Platform = "Portal";
- $Refresh = "Refresh";
- $TotalOnLine = "total users online";
- $langCourseClosed = "(the training is currently closed)";
- $ViewOpenCourses = "View open training";
- $langCompetences = "Competences";
- $langDiplomas = "Diplomas";
- $langTeach = "What s/he can teach";
- $langProductions = "Productions";
- $langSendChatRequest = "Send a chat proposal to this person";
- $langRequestDenied = "The invitation has been rejected.";
- $UsageDatacreated = "Usage data created";
- $SessionView = "Display training ordered by training sessions";
- $CourseView = "Display the full list of the training";
- $DropboxFileAdded = "Dropbox file added";
- $NewMessageInForum = "New message posted in the forum";
- $FolderCreated = "New folder created";
- $LinkAdded = "Assessment added";
- $AnnouncementAdded = "Announcement has been added";
- $AgendaAdded = "Event added";
- $LoginEnter = "Login";
- $Messages = "Messages";
- $Inbox = "Inbox";
- $Comppose = "Comppose";
- $PendingInvitations = "Pending invitations";
- $YouDoNotHaveAnySessionInItsHistory = "You do not have any training session in its history";
- $PortalHomepageDefaultIntroduction = "<h2>Congratulations! You have successfully installed your e-learning portal!</h2> <p>You can now complete the installation by following three easy steps:<br /> <ol> <li>Configure you portal by going to the administration section, and select the Portal -> <a href=\"main/admin/settings.php\">Configuration settings</a> entry.</li> <li>Add some life to your portal by creating users and/or training. You can do that by inviting new people to create their accounts or creating them yourself through the <a href=\"main/admin/\">administration</a>'s Users and Training sections.</li> <li>Edit this page through the <a href=\"main/admin/configure_homepage.php\">Edit portal homepage</a> entry in the administration section.</li> </ol> <p>You can always find more information about this software on our website: <a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org\">http://www.chamilo.org</a>.</p> <p>Have fun, and don't hesitate to join the community and give us feedback through <a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org/forum\">our forum</a>.</p>";
- $Username = "User name";
- $Profile = "Profile";
- ?>