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- $langEmpty = "You left some fields empty.<br>Use the <b>Back</b> button on your browser and try again.<br>If you ignore your training code, see the Training Program";
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- $langMyTeach = "What I am able to teach";
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- $EndTime = "End Time";
- $langYouWereCalled = "You were invited to chat with";
- $langDoYouAccept = "Do you accept it ?";
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- $SelectGroupsUsers = "Select groups/users";
- $Student = "Learner";
- $Teacher = "Trainer";
- $Send2All = "You did not select a user / group. The announcement is visible for every learner";
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- $Incomplete = "Incomplete";
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- $FormHasErrorsPleaseComplete = "The form contains incorrect or incomplete data. Please check your input.";
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- $InvalidDate = "Invalid date";
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- $EditRight = "Edit";
- $DeleteRight = "Delete";
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- $SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight = "Focus on right";
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- $RightValueModified = "The value has been modified.";
- $course_rights = "Roles & rights overview";
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- $MoveTo = "Move to";
- $Delete = "Delete";
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- $AddRight = "Add";
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- $myInactiveSessions = "My inactive sessions";
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- $langMyActiveSessions = "My active Sessions";
- $langMyInActiveSessions = "My inactive sessions";
- $langMySpace = "Reporting";
- $ExtensionActivedButNotYetOperational = "This extension has been actived but can't be operational for the moment.";
- $MyStudents = "My users";
- $Progress = "Progress";
- $Or = "or";
- $Uploading = "Uploading...";
- $AccountExpired = "Account expired";
- $AccountInactive = "Account inactive";
- $ActionNotAllowed = "Action not allowed";
- $SubTitle = "Sub-title";
- $NoResourcesToRecycle = "No resource to recycle";
- $noOpen = "Could not open";
- $TempsFrequentation = "Frequentation time";
- $Progression = "Progress";
- $NoCourse = "The training could not be found";
- $Teachers = "Trainers";
- $Session = "Session";
- $Sessions = "Training sessions";
- $NoSession = "The session could not be found";
- $NoStudent = "The learner could not be found";
- $Students = "Learners";
- $NoResults = "No results found";
- $Tutors = "Coaches";
- $Tel = "Tel";
- $NoTel = "No tel";
- $SendMail = "Send mail";
- $RdvAgenda = "Agenda appointment";
- $VideoConf = "Chamilo LIVE";
- $MyProgress = "Progress";
- $NoOnlineStudents = "Nobody online";
- $InCourse = "In training";
- $UserOnlineListSession = "Users online - In my training sessions";
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- $To = "To";
- $Content = "Content";
- $year = "year";
- $Years = "years";
- $Day = "Day";
- $Days = "days";
- $PleaseStandBy = "Please stand by...";
- $AvailableUntil = "Until";
- $HourMinuteDivider = "h";
- $Visio_classroom = "Virtual classroom";
- $Survey = "Survey";
- $More = "More";
- $ClickHere = "Click here";
- $Here = "here";
- $SaveQuestion = "Save question";
- $ReturnTo = "You can now return to the";
- $Horizontal = "Horizontal";
- $Vertical = "Vertical";
- $DisplaySearchResults = "Display search results";
- $DisplayAll = "Display all";
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- $SessionFuture = "Not yet begun";
- $DateFormatLongWithoutDay = "%B %d, %Y";
- $InvalidDirectoryPleaseCreateAnImagesFolder = "Invalid folder: Please create a folder with the name images in your documents tool so that the images can be uploaded in this folder";
- $UsersConnectedToMySessions = "Online in my sessions";
- $Category = "Category";
- $DearUser = "Dear user";
- $YourRegistrationData = "Your registration data";
- $ResetLink = "Click here to recover your password";
- $VisibilityChanged = "The visibility has been changed.";
- $MainNavigation = "Main navigation";
- $SeeDetail = "See detail";
- $GroupSingle = "Group";
- $PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Please try to login again from the homepage";
- $PleaseLoginAgainFromFormBelow = "Please try to login again using the form below";
- $AccessToFaq = "Access to the Frequently Asked Questions";
- $Faq = "Frequently Asked Question";
- $RemindInactivesLearnersSince = "Remind learners inactive since";
- $RemindInactiveLearnersMailSubject = "Inactivity on %s";
- $RemindInactiveLearnersMailContent = "Dear user,<br /><br /> you are not active on %s since more than %s days.";
- $OpenIdAuthentication = "OpenID authentication";
- $UploadMaxSize = "Upload max size";
- $Unknown = "Unknown";
- $MoveUp = "Move up";
- $MoveDown = "Move down";
- $UplUnableToSaveFileFilteredExtension = "File upload failed: this file extension or file type is prohibited";
- $OpenIDURL = "OpenID URL";
- $UplFileTooBig = "The file is too big to upload.";
- $UplGenericError = "The file you uploaded was not received succesfully. Please try again later or contact the administrator of this portal.";
- $MyGradebook = "Assessments";
- $Gradebook = "Assessments";
- $OpenIDWhatIs = "What is OpenID?";
- $OpenIDDescription = "OpenID eliminates the need for multiple logins across different websites, simplifying your online experience. You get to choose the OpenID Provider that best meets your needs and most importantly that you trust. At the same time, your OpenID can stay with you, no matter which Provider you move to. And best of all, the OpenID technology is not proprietary and is completely free.For businesses, this means a lower cost of password and account management, while drawing new web traffic. OpenID lowers user frustration by letting users have control of their login.<br /><br /><a href=\"http://openid.net/what/\">Read on...</a>";
- $NoManager = "No manager";
- $ExportiCal = "iCal export";
- $ExportiCalPublic = "Export in iCal format as public event";
- $ExportiCalPrivate = "Export in iCal format as private event";
- $ExportiCalConfidential = "Export in iCal format as confidential event";
- $MoreStats = "More stats";
- $Drh = "Human Resources Manager";
- $MinDecade = "decade";
- $MinYear = "year";
- $MinMonth = "month";
- $MinWeek = "week";
- $MinDay = "day";
- $MinHour = "hour";
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- $MinMonths = "months";
- $MinWeeks = "weeks";
- $MinDays = "days";
- $MinHours = "hours";
- $MinMinutes = "minutes";
- $HomeDirectory = "Home";
- $DocumentCreated = "Documented created";
- $ForumAdded = "The forum has been added";
- $ForumThreadAdded = "Forum thread added";
- $ForumAttachmentAdded = "Forum attachment added";
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- $ExerciseFinished = "Test Finished";
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- $UserNativeLanguage = "Native language";
- $UserResidenceCountry = "Country of residence";
- $AddAnAttachment = "Add attachment";
- $FileComment = "File comment";
- $FileName = "File name";
- $SessionsAdmin = "Training sessions admin";
- $MakeChangeable = "Make changeable";
- $MakeUnchangeable = "Make unchangeable";
- $UserFields = "Profile attributes";
- $FieldShown = "The field is now visible for the user.";
- $CannotShowField = "Cannot make the field visible.";
- $FieldHidden = "The field is now invisible for the user.";
- $CannotHideField = "Cannot make the field invisible";
- $FieldMadeChangeable = "The field is now changeable by the user: the user can now fill or edit the field";
- $CannotMakeFieldChangeable = "The field can not be made changeable.";
- $FieldMadeUnchangeable = "The field is now made unchangeable: the user cannot fill or edit the field.";
- $CannotMakeFieldUnchangeable = "The field cannot be made unchangeable";
- $Folder = "Folder";
- $CloseOtherSession = "The chat is not available because another training has been opened in another page. To avoid this, please make sure you remain inside the same training for the duration of your chat session. To join the chat session again, please re-launch the chat from the training homepage.";
- $FileUploadSucces = "The file has successfully been uploaded.";
- $Yesterday = "Yesterday";
- $Submit = "Submit";
- $Department = "Department";
- $BackToNewSearch = "Back to start new search";
- $Step = "Step";
- $SomethingFemininAddedSuccessfully = "added successfully";
- $SomethingMasculinAddedSuccessfully = "added successfully";
- $DeleteError = "Delete error";
- $StepsList = "Steps list";
- $AddStep = "Add step";
- $StepCode = "Step code";
- $Label = "Label";
- $UnableToConnectTo = "Unable to connect to";
- $NoUser = "No user";
- $SearchResultsFor = "Search results for:";
- $SelectFile = "Select a file";
- $WarningFaqFileNonWriteable = "Warning - The FAQ file, located in the /home/ directory of your portal, is not writable. Your text will not be saved until the file permissions are changed.";
- $AddCategory = "Add category";
- $NoExercises = "No tests";
- $NotAllowedClickBack = "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page. Please click your browser's \"Back\" button or follow the link below to return to the previous page.";
- $Exercise = "Tests";
- $Result = "Result";
- $AttemptingToLoginAs = "Attempting to login as %s %s (id %s)";
- $LoginSuccessfulGoToX = "Login successful. Go to %s";
- $FckMp3Autostart = "Start audio automatically";
- $Learner = "Learner";
- $IntroductionTextUpdated = "Intro was updated";
- $Align = "Align";
- $Width = "Width";
- $VSpace = "V Space";
- $HSpace = "H Space";
- $Border = "Border";
- $Alt = "Alt";
- $Height = "Height";
- $ImageManager = "Image manager";
- $ImageFile = "Image File";
- $ConstrainProportions = "Constrain proportions";
- $InsertImage = "Insert image";
- $AccountActive = "Account active";
- $GroupSpace = "Group area";
- $GroupWiki = "Wiki";
- $ExportToPDF = "Export to PDF";
- $CommentAdded = "You comment has been added";
- $BackToPreviousPage = "Back to previous page";
- $ListView = "List view";
- $NoOfficialCode = "No code";
- $Owner = "Owner";
- $DisplayOrder = "Display order";
- $SearchFeatureDoIndexDocument = "Index document text?";
- $SearchFeatureDocumentLanguage = "Document language for indexation";
- $With = "with";
- $GeneralCoach = "General coach";
- $SaveDocument = "Save document";
- $CategoryDeleted = "The category has been deleted.";
- $CategoryAdded = "Category added";
- $IP = "IP";
- $Qualify = "Mark activity";
- $Words = "Words";
- $GoBack = "Go back";
- $Details = "Details";
- $EditLink = "Edit link";
- $LinkEdited = "Assessment edited";
- $ForumThreads = "Forum threads";
- $GradebookVisible = "Visible";
- $GradebookInvisible = "Invisible";
- $Phone = "Phone";
- $InfoMessage = "Information message";
- $ConfirmationMessage = "Confirmation message";
- $WarningMessage = "Warning message";
- $ErrorMessage = "Error message";
- $Glossary = "Glossary";
- $Coach = "Coach";
- $Condition = "Condition";
- $CourseSettings = "Course settings";
- $EmailNotifications = "Email notifications";
- $UserRights = "User rights";
- $Theming = "Graphical theme";
- $Qualification = "Score";
- $OnlyNumbers = "Only numbers";
- $ReorderOptions = "Reorder options";
- $EditUserFields = "Edit user fields";
- $OptionText = "Text";
- $FieldTypeDoubleSelect = "Double select";
- $FieldTypeDivider = "Visual divider";
- $ScormUnknownPackageFormat = "Unknown package format";
- $ResourceDeleted = "The resource has been deleted";
- $AdvancedParameters = "Advanced settings";
- $GoTo = "Go to";
- $SessionNameAndCourseTitle = "Session and training name";
- $CreationDate = "Creation date";
- $LastUpdateDate = "Latest update";
- $ViewHistoryChange = "View changes history";
- $langNameOfLang['asturian'] = "asturian";
- $SearchGoToLearningPath = "Go to course";
- $SearchLectureLibrary = "Lectures library";
- $SearchImagePreview = "Preview image";
- $SearchAdvancedOptions = "Advanced search options";
- $SearchResetKeywords = "Reset keywords";
- $SearchKeywords = "Keywords";
- $IntroductionTextDeleted = "Intro was deleted";
- $SearchKeywordsHelpTitle = "Keywords search help";
- $SearchKeywordsHelpComment = "Select keywords in one or more fields and click the search button.<br /><br />To select more than one keyword in a field, use Ctrl+click.";
- $Validate = "Validate";
- $SearchCombineSearchWith = "Combine keywords with";
- $SearchFeatureNotEnabledComment = "The full-text search feature is not enabled in Chamilo. Please contact the Chamilo administrator.";
- $Top = "Top";
- $YourTextHere = "Your text here";
- $OrderBy = "Order by";
- $Notebook = "Notebook";
- $FieldRequired = "Mandatory field";
- $BookingSystem = "Booking system";
- $Any = "Any";
- $SpecificSearchFields = "Specific search fields";
- $SpecificSearchFieldsIntro = "Here you can define the fields you want to use for indexing content. When you are indexing one element you should add one or many terms on each field separated by comas.";
- $AddSpecificSearchField = "Add a specific search field";
- $SaveSettings = "Save settings";
- $NoParticipation = "There are no participants";
- $Subscribers = "Subscribers";
- $Accept = "Accept";
- $Reserved = "Reserved";
- $SharedDocumentsDirectory = "Shared documents directory";
- $Gallery = "Gallery";
- $Audio = "Audio";
- $GoToQuestion = "Go to question";
- $Level = "Level";
- $Duration = "Duration";
- $SearchPrefilterPrefix = "Specific Field for prefilter";
- $SearchPrefilterPrefixComment = "This option let you choose the Specific field to use on prefilter search type.";
- $MaxTimeAllowed = "Max. time (minutes)";
- $Class = "Class";
- $Select = "Validate";
- $Booking = "Booking";
- $ManageReservations = "Booking";
- $DestinationUsers = "Destination users";
- $AttachmentFileDeleteSuccess = "The attached file has been deleted";
- $AccountURLInactive = "Account inactive for this URL";
- $MaxFileSize = "Maximum file size";
- $SendFileError = "An error has been detected while receiving your file. Please check your file is not corrupted and try again.";
- $Expired = "Expired";
- $InvitationHasBeenSent = "The invitation has been sent";
- $InvitationHasBeenNotSent = "The invitation hasn't been sent";
- $Outbox = "Outbox";
- $Overview = "Overview";
- $ApiKeys = "API keys";
- $GenerateApiKey = "Generate API key";
- $MyApiKey = "My API key";
- $DateSend = "Date sent";
- $Deny = "Deny";
- $ThereIsNotQualifiedLearners = "There are no qualified learners";
- $ThereIsNotUnqualifiedLearners = "There are no unqualified learners";
- $SocialNetwork = "Social network";
- $BackToOutbox = "Back to outbox";
- $Invitation = "Invitation";
- $SeeMoreOptions = "See more options";
- $TemplatePreview = "Template preview";
- $NoTemplatePreview = "Preview not available";
- $ModifyCategory = "Edit category";
- $Photo = "Photo";
- $MoveFile = "Move the file";
- $Filter = "Filter";
- $Subject = "Subject";
- $Message = "Message";
- $MoreInformation = "More information";
- $MakeInvisible = "Make invisible";
- $MakeVisible = "Make Visible";
- $Image = "Image";
- $SaveIntroText = "Save intro text";
- $CourseName = "Training name";
- $SendAMessage = "Send a message";
- $Menu = "Menu";
- $BackToUserList = "Back to user list";
- $GraphicNotAvailable = "Graphic not available";
- $BackTo = "Back to";
- $HistoryTrainingSessions = "History training sessions";
- $ConversionFailled = "Conversion failled";
- $AlreadyExists = "Already exists";
- $TheNewWordHasBeenAdded = "The new word has been added";
- $CommentErrorExportDocument = "Some of the documents are too complex to be treated automatically by the document converter";
- $EventType = "Event type";
- $DataType = "Data type";
- $Value = "Value";
- $System = "System";
- $ImportantActivities = "Important activities";
- $SearchActivities = "SearchActivities";
- $Parent = "Parent";
- $SurveyAdded = "Survey added";
- $WikiAdded = "Wiki added";
- $ReadOnly = "Read only";
- $Unacceptable = "Unacceptable";
- $DisplayTrainingList = "Display training list";
- $HistoryTrainingSession = "History training";
- $Until = "Until";
- $FirstPage = "First page";
- $LastPage = "Last page";
- $Coachs = "Coachs";
- $ThereAreNoRegisteredDatetimeYet = "There is no date/time registered yet";
- $CalendarList = "Calendar list of attendances";
- $AttendanceCalendarDescription = "The attendance calendar allows you to register attendance lists (one per real session the students need to attend). Add new attendance lists here.";
- $CleanCalendar = "Clean the calendar of all lists";
- $AddDateAndTime = "Add a date and time";
- $AttendanceSheet = "Attendance sheet";
- $GoToAttendanceCalendar = "Go tho the attendance calendar";
- $AttendanceCalendar = "Attendance calendar";
- $QualifyAttendanceGradebook = "Qualify the attendance list in the gradebook";
- $CreateANewAttendance = "Create a new attendance list";
- $Attendance = "Attendance";
- $langNameOfLang['bosnian'] = "bosnian";
- $langNameOfLang['czech'] = "czech";
- $langNameOfLang['dari'] = "dari";
- $langNameOfLang['dutch_corporate'] = "dutch corporate";
- $langNameOfLang['english_org'] = "english for organisations";
- $langNameOfLang['friulian'] = "friulian";
- $langNameOfLang['georgian'] = "georgian";
- $langNameOfLang['hebrew'] = "hebrew";
- $langNameOfLang['korean'] = "korean";
- $langNameOfLang['latvian'] = "latvian";
- $langNameOfLang['lithuanian'] = "lithuanian";
- $langNameOfLang['macedonian'] = "macedonian";
- $langNameOfLang['norwegian'] = "norwegian";
- $langNameOfLang['pashto'] = "pashto";
- $langNameOfLang['persian'] = "persian";
- $langNameOfLang['quechua_cusco'] = "quechua from Cusco";
- $langNameOfLang['romanian'] = "romanian";
- $langNameOfLang['serbian'] = "serbian";
- $langNameOfLang['slovak'] = "slovak";
- $langNameOfLang['swahili'] = "swahili";
- $langNameOfLang['trad_chinese'] = "traditional chinese";
- $ChamiloInstallation = "Chamilo installation";
- $langNameOfLang['ukrainian'] = "ukrainian";
- $langNameOfLang['yoruba'] = "yoruba";
- $New = "New";
- $YouMustToInstallTheExtensionLDAP = "You must install the extension LDAP";
- $AddAdditionalProfileField = "Add user profile field";
- $InvitationDenied = "Invitation denied";
- $UserAdded = "The user is added";
- $UpdatedIn = "Updated on";
- $Metadata = "Metadata";
- $langAddMetadata = "View/Edit Metadata";
- $SendMessage = "Send message";
- $SeeForum = "See forum";
- $SeeMore = "See more";
- $NoDataAvailable = "No data available";
- $Created = "Created";
- $LastUpdate = "Last update";
- $UserNonRegisteredAtTheCourse = "User not registered in course";
- $EditMyProfile = "Edit my profile";
- $Announcements = "Announcements";
- $Password = "password";
- $DescriptionGroup = "Groupe description";
- $Installation = "Installation";
- $ReadTheInstallationGuide = "Read the installation guide";
- $SeeBlog = "See blog";
- $Blog = "Blog";
- $BlogPosts = "Blog Posts";
- $BlogComments = "Blog comments";
- $ThereAreNotExtrafieldsAvailable = "There are not extra fields available";
- $StartToType = "Start to type, then click on this bar to validate tag";
- $InstallChamilo = "Install chamilo";
- $ChamiloURL = "Chamilo URL";
- $TitleColumnGradebook = "Column header in Competences Report";
- $QualifyWeight = "Weight in Report";
- $ThematicAdvance = "Thematic advance";
- $EditProfile = "Edit profile";
- $TabsDashboard = "Dashboard";
- $Dashboard = "Dashboard";
- $DashboardPlugins = "Dashboard plugins";
- $SelectBlockForDisplayingInsideBlocksDashboardView = "Select blocks to display in the dashboard blocks view";
- $ColumnPosition = "Position (column)";
- $EnableDashboardBlock = "Enable dashboard block";
- $ThereAreNoEnabledDashboardPlugins = "There is no enabled dashboard plugin";
- $Enabled = "Enabled";
- $ThematicAdvanceQuestions = "What is the current progress you have reached with your students inside your course? How much do you think is remaining in comparison to the complete program?";
- $ThematicAdvanceHistory = "Advance history";
- $Homepage = "Homepage";
- $Attendances = "Attendances";
- $CountDoneAttendance = "# attended";
- $AssignUsers = "Assign users";
- $AssignCourses = "Assign courses";
- $AssignSessions = "Assign sessions";
- $Timezone = "Timezone";
- $DashboardPluginsHaveBeenUpdatedSucesslly = "Dashboard plugins have been updated sucessfully";
- $LoginEnter = "Login";
- $AttendanceSheetDescription = "The attendance sheets allow you to specify a list of dates in which you will report attendance to your courses";
- $ThereAreNoRegisteredLearnersInsidetheCourse = "There are no registered learners inside the course";
- $GoToAttendanceCalendarList = "Go to the calendar list of attendance dates";
- $ToolCourseDescription = "Course description";
- $ToolDocument = "Documents";
- $ToolLearnpath = "Learning path";
- $ToolLink = "Links";
- $ToolQuiz = "Tests";
- $ToolAnnouncement = "Announcements";
- $ToolGradebook = "Assessments";
- $ToolGlossary = "Glossary";
- $ToolAttendance = "Attendances";
- $ToolCalendarEvent = "Agenda";
- $ToolForum = "Forums";
- $ToolDropbox = "Dropbox";
- $ToolUser = "Users";
- $ToolGroup = "Groups";
- $ToolChat = "Chat";
- $ToolStudentPublication = "Assignments";
- $ToolSurvey = "Surveys";
- $ToolWiki = "Wiki";
- $ToolNotebook = "Notebook";
- $ToolBlogManagement = "Projects";
- $ToolTracking = "Reporting";
- $ToolCourseSetting = "Settings";
- $ToolCourseMaintenance = "Backup";
- $AreYouSureToDeleteAllDates = "Are you sure you want to delete all dates?";
- $AddADateTime = "Add a date time";
- $ThematicControl = "Thematic control";
- $ThematicDetails = "Thematic view with details";
- $ThematicList = "Thematic view as list";
- $Thematic = "Thematic";
- $ThematicPlan = "Thematic plan";
- $EditThematicPlan = "Edit tematic advance";
- $EditThematicAdvance = "Edit thematic advance";
- $ThereIsNoStillAthematicSection = "There is not still a thematic section";
- $NewThematicSection = "New thematic section";
- $DeleteAllThematics = "Delete all thematics";
- $ThematicDetailsDescription = "Details of topics and their respective plan and progress. To indicate a topic as completed, select its date following the chronological order and the system will display all previous dates as completed.";
- $SkillToAcquireQuestions = "What skills are to be acquired bu the end of this thematic section?";
- $SkillToAcquire = "Skills to acquire";
- $InfrastructureQuestions = "What infrastructure is necessary to achieve the goals of this topic normally?";
- $Infrastructure = "Infrastructure";
- $AditionalNotesQuestions = "Which other elements are necessary?";
- $DurationInHours = "Duration in hours";
- $ThereAreNoAttendancesInsideCourse = "There is no attendance sheet in this course";
- $YouMustSelectAtleastAStartDate = "You must select a start date";
- $EditTematicAdvance = "Edit tematic advance";
- $AditionalNotes = "Additional notes";
- $StartDateFromAnAttendance = "Start date taken from an attendance date";
- $StartDateCustom = "Custom start date";
- $StartDateOptions = "Start date options";
- $ThematicAdvanceConfiguration = "Thematic advance configuration";
- $InfoAboutAdvanceInsideHomeCourse = "Information on thematic advance on course homepage";
- $DisplayAboutLastDoneAdvance = "Display information about the last completed topic";
- $DisplayAboutNextAdvanceNotDone = "Display information about the next uncompleted topic";
- $InfoAboutLastDoneAdvance = "Information about the last completed topic";
- $InfoAboutNextAdvanceNotDone = "Information about the next uncompleted topic";
- $ThereIsNoAThematicSection = "There is no thematic section";
- $ThereIsNoAThematicAdvance = "There is no thematic advance";
- $StillDoNotHaveAThematicPlan = "There is no thematic plan for now";
- $NewThematicAdvance = "New thematic advance";
- $DurationInHoursMustBeNumeric = "Duration must be numeric";
- $CreateAThematicSection = "Create a thematic section";
- $EditThematicSection = "Edit thematic section";
- $ToolCourseProgress = "Course progress";
- $SelectAnAttendance = "Select an attendance";
- $ResultsHiddenByExerciseSetting = "Results hidden by the exercise setting";
- $ThematicSectionHasBeenCreatedSuccessfull = "Thematic section has been created success full";
- $NowYouShouldAddThematicPlanXAndThematicAdvanceX = "Now you should add thematic plan %s and thematic advance %s";
- $QualificationNumeric = "Numeric score under";
- $Literal0 = "zero";
- $Literal1 = "one";
- $Literal2 = "two";
- $Literal3 = "three";
- $Literal4 = "four";
- $Literal5 = "five";
- $Literal6 = "six";
- $Literal7 = "seven";
- $Literal8 = "eight";
- $Literal9 = "nine";
- $Literal10 = "ten";
- $Literal11 = "eleven";
- $Literal12 = "twelve";
- $Literal13 = "thirteen";
- $Literal14 = "fourteen";
- $Literal15 = "fifteen";
- $Literal16 = "sixteen";
- $Literal17 = "seventeen";
- $Literal18 = "eighteen";
- $Literal19 = "nineteen";
- $Literal20 = "twenty";
- $DateTime = "Date & time";
- $Item = "Item";
- $Never = "Never";
- $ReportABug = "Report a bug";
- $Letters = "Letters";
- $MaximumOfParticipants = "Maximum number of members";
- $ContactInformation = "Contact information";
- $PersonName = "Your name";
- $CompanyName = "Your company's name";
- $PersonRole = "Your job's description";
- $HaveYouThePowerToTakeFinancialDecisions = "Do you have the power to take financial decisions on behalf of your company?";
- $CompanyCountry = "Your company's home country";
- $CompanyCity = "Company city";
- $WhichLanguageWouldYouLikeToUseWhenContactingYou = "Preferred contact language";
- $SendInformation = "Send information";
- $YouMustAcceptLicence = "You must accept the licence";
- $SelectOne = "Select one";
- $ContactInformationHasBeenSent = "Contact information has been sent";
- $ContactInformationDescription = "Dear user,<br />
- <br />You are about to start using one of the best open-source e-learning platform on the market. Like many other open-source project, this project is backed up by a large community of students, teachers, developers and content creators who would like to promote the project better.<br />
- <br />
- By knowing a little bit more about you, one of our most important users, who will manage this e-learning system, we will be able to let people know that our software is used and let you know when we organize events that might be relevant to you.<br />
- <br />
- By filling this form, you accept that the Chamilo association or its members might send you information by e-mail about important events or updates in the Chamilo software or community. This will help the community grow as an organized entity where information flow, with a permanent respect of your time and your privacy.<br />
- <br />
- Please note that you are <b>not required</b> to fill this form. If you want to remain anonymous, we will loose the opportunity to offer you all the privileges of being a registered portal administrator, but we will respect your decision. Simply leave this form empty and click \"Next\".<br /><br />";
- $CompanyActivity = "Your company's activity";
- $DateUnLock = "Unlock date";
- $DateLock = "Lock date";
- $GoToStudentDetails = "Go to student details";
- $RepeatDate = "Repeat date";
- $ToAttend = "To attend";
- $HaveFun = "Have fun,";
- $ClearSearchResults = "Clear search results";
- ?>