en.po 13 KB

  1. msgid ""
  2. msgstr ""
  3. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 \n"
  4. msgid "ReservationPeriodToSmall"
  5. msgstr "The reservation period is to short."
  6. msgid "BookingSystem"
  7. msgstr "Booking system"
  8. msgid "BookingPeriodList"
  9. msgstr "Booking period list"
  10. msgid "BookingListView"
  11. msgstr "Booking list"
  12. msgid "BookingCalendarView"
  13. msgstr "Booking calendar view"
  14. msgid "BookingPeriods"
  15. msgstr "Scheduling"
  16. msgid "ResourceList"
  17. msgstr "Resource list"
  18. msgid "GoToCalendarView"
  19. msgstr "Calendar view"
  20. msgid "GoToListView"
  21. msgstr "List view"
  22. msgid "ManageResources"
  23. msgstr "Manage resources"
  24. msgid "EditResource"
  25. msgstr "Edit resource"
  26. msgid "BookIt"
  27. msgstr "Book a resource"
  28. msgid "GoTo"
  29. msgstr "Go to"
  30. msgid "NoTimePicker"
  31. msgstr "No time picker"
  32. msgid "TimePicker"
  33. msgstr "Time picker"
  34. msgid "ManageBookingPeriods"
  35. msgstr "Manage booking periods"
  36. msgid "BookingPeriodToSmall"
  37. msgstr "The booking period is to small."
  38. msgid "BookingPeriodToBig"
  39. msgstr "The booking period is to big."
  40. msgid "BookingPeriodTimePickerError1"
  41. msgstr "A booking period without a timepicker can not be made if the minimum and maximum time of a chunck differs from zero."
  42. msgid "BookingPeriodTimePickerError2"
  43. msgstr "A booking period with a timepicker can not be made if the maximum time is smaller than the minimum time of a chunck."
  44. msgid "BookingPeriodTimePickerError3"
  45. msgstr "A booking period with a timepicker can not be made if the maximum time of a chunck doesn't fit between the start and end date."
  46. msgid "BookingPeriodHasSubscriptions"
  47. msgstr "The booking period has #NUM# active bookings, editing the booking period is not possible"
  48. msgid "TimePickerMaxUsers"
  49. msgstr "* When the timepicker is being used, the maximum number of subscriptions is being ignored."
  50. msgid "TimePickerMinMaxNull"
  51. msgstr "* If the minimum and maximum value of the timepicker is zero, the time can be chosen variably."
  52. msgid "DeleteSelectedBookingPeriod"
  53. msgstr "Delete selected booking periods"
  54. msgid "EditNewBookingPeriod"
  55. msgstr "Edit a booking period"
  56. msgid "BookingPeriodAdded"
  57. msgstr "The booking period has been added"
  58. msgid "BookingPeriodDeleted"
  59. msgstr "The booking period has been deleted"
  60. msgid "ConfirmDeleteBookingPeriod"
  61. msgstr "Are you sure that you want to permantly delete this booking period?"
  62. msgid "DeleteBookingPeriod"
  63. msgstr "Remove this booking period"
  64. msgid "BookingPeriodEdited"
  65. msgstr "The booking period has been edited"
  66. msgid "BookingPeriodDateOverlap"
  67. msgstr "A part of the booking period is already in use in the period from #START# until #END#"
  68. msgid "BookingPeriodSubscribeUntilAfterStart"
  69. msgstr "The subscribe until date is greater then the startdate"
  70. msgid "RepeatFor"
  71. msgstr "Repeat every"
  72. msgid "RepeatUntil"
  73. msgstr "Repeat until"
  74. msgid "BookingPeriodPast"
  75. msgstr "Its not possible to make reservations before the current time"
  76. msgid "ReservationMaxUsersOverrun"
  77. msgstr "The are already more people subscribed then the Max Users you selected"
  78. msgid "AddNewBookingPeriod"
  79. msgstr "Add a new booking period"
  80. msgid "BookingPeriodTimePickerLimitation"
  81. msgstr "It is not possible to make reservations with a timepicker if the start and end date are not the same."
  82. msgid "ResourceTypeName"
  83. msgstr "Resource type"
  84. msgid "AddNewResourceType"
  85. msgstr "Add new resource type"
  86. msgid "ResourceTypeAdded"
  87. msgstr "The resource type has been added"
  88. msgid "ResourceTypeEdited"
  89. msgstr "The resource type has been edited"
  90. msgid "ResourceTypeDeleted"
  91. msgstr "The resource type has been deleted"
  92. msgid "ConfirmDeleteResourceType"
  93. msgstr "Are you sure that you want to permantly delete this resource type?"
  94. msgid "EditResourceType"
  95. msgstr "Edit resource type"
  96. msgid "DeleteResourceType"
  97. msgstr "Delete resource type"
  98. msgid "DeleteSelectedCategories"
  99. msgstr "Delete selected resources"
  100. msgid "NoResourcesType"
  101. msgstr "No resource type yet"
  102. msgid "ResourceType"
  103. msgstr "Category"
  104. msgid "ResourceTypeExist"
  105. msgstr "This resource type already exists"
  106. msgid "ResourceTypeHasItems"
  107. msgstr "The resource type has #NUM# items ! Delete has been aborted"
  108. msgid "ResourceTypeNotDeleted"
  109. msgstr "Some categories could not be removed because they contain resources"
  110. msgid "DeleteSelectedSubscriptions"
  111. msgstr "Delete selected reservation"
  112. msgid "DeleteSubscription"
  113. msgstr "Delete reservation"
  114. msgid "SubscriptionDeleted"
  115. msgstr "Your reservation has been deleted"
  116. msgid "ConfirmDeleteSubscription"
  117. msgstr "Are you sure that you want to delete this reservations?"
  118. msgid "SubscribeInformation"
  119. msgstr "Please confirm if you want to make a reservation from #start# until #end# for #name#"
  120. msgid "SubscribeTimePickerInformation"
  121. msgstr "Please select for #name# a period #from_till between: #start_end"
  122. msgid "ReservationAdded"
  123. msgstr "Reservation added"
  124. msgid "ReservationTresspassing"
  125. msgstr "This reservation is already full, you are not allowed on this page"
  126. msgid "ReservationOutOfDate"
  127. msgstr "The date you have choosen is already in use and/or is not the reservation period from #START# until #END#"
  128. msgid "ReservationAlready"
  129. msgstr "You already booked this resource"
  130. msgid "ReservationMadeTitle"
  131. msgstr "Your booking of #ITEM# was successfull"
  132. msgid "ReservationMadeMessage"
  133. msgstr "Dear Sir/Madam,
  134. Your booking for #ITEM# from #START# until #END# is successfull."
  135. msgid "ReservationDeleteTitle"
  136. msgstr "A booking period of #NAME# has been deleted"
  137. msgid "ReservationDeleteMessage"
  138. msgstr "Dear Sir/Madam,
  139. The reservation period of #NAME# from #START# until #END# has been removed."
  140. msgid "OutPeriod"
  141. msgstr "Out period"
  142. msgid "ReservationFromUntilError"
  143. msgstr "The booking period from #START# until #END# hasn't been made because a part of the booking period is already taken.
  144. "
  145. msgid "Recurrence"
  146. msgstr "Recurrence"
  147. msgid "NoRecurrence"
  148. msgstr "No recurrence"
  149. msgid "UntilRecurrence"
  150. msgstr "Use recurrence"
  151. msgid "TimePickerLimitation"
  152. msgstr "* When the timepicker is being used, the start and enddate must be the same."
  153. msgid "OverviewSubscriptions"
  154. msgstr "Overview subscriptions"
  155. msgid "OverviewReservedPeriods"
  156. msgstr "Overview subscribed periods"
  157. msgid "SubscribedStartDate"
  158. msgstr "Subscribed from end date"
  159. msgid "SubscribedEndDate"
  160. msgstr "Subscribed till end date"
  161. msgid "SubscribedPerson"
  162. msgstr "Subscribed person"
  163. msgid "BookingView"
  164. msgstr "Booking view"
  165. msgid "SubscribeUntil"
  166. msgstr "Subscribe until"
  167. msgid "SubscribeFrom"
  168. msgstr "Subscribe from"
  169. msgid "Notes"
  170. msgstr "Notes"
  171. msgid "SubscriptionPeriod"
  172. msgstr "Subscription Period"
  173. msgid "NoPeriod"
  174. msgstr "No subscription period"
  175. msgid "FixedPeriod"
  176. msgstr "Fixed subscription period"
  177. msgid "ResourceFilter"
  178. msgstr "Resource filter"
  179. msgid "NoReservation"
  180. msgstr "No booking period yet"
  181. msgid "MaxUsers"
  182. msgstr "Maximum subscriptions"
  183. msgid "AutoAccept"
  184. msgstr "Accept users automatically"
  185. msgid "ResourceName"
  186. msgstr "Resource"
  187. msgid "ResourceAdded"
  188. msgstr "Resource added"
  189. msgid "ResourceEdited"
  190. msgstr "Resource edited"
  191. msgid "ResourceDeleted"
  192. msgstr "The resource has been deleted"
  193. msgid "AddNewResource"
  194. msgstr "Add new resource"
  195. msgid "ConfirmDeleteResource"
  196. msgstr "Are you sure that you want to permantly delete this resource?"
  197. msgid "ResourceInactivated"
  198. msgstr "The resource has been disabled"
  199. msgid "ResourceActivated"
  200. msgstr "The resource has been enabled"
  201. msgid "Resource"
  202. msgstr "Assessment"
  203. msgid "OpenBooking"
  204. msgstr "Open booking"
  205. msgid "DeleteResource"
  206. msgstr "Delete resource"
  207. msgid "DeleteSelectedResources"
  208. msgstr "Delete selected resources"
  209. msgid "ResourceExist"
  210. msgstr "The resource already exists"
  211. msgid "AcceptUsers"
  212. msgstr "Accepting users"
  213. msgid "UnacceptedUsers"
  214. msgstr "Unaccepting users"
  215. msgid "DeleteSubscriptions"
  216. msgstr "Deleting subscriptions"
  217. msgid "NoItems"
  218. msgstr "No resources yet"
  219. msgid "ItemNotDeleted"
  220. msgstr "Some resources are not removed because there are pending bookings"
  221. msgid "ItemHasReservations"
  222. msgstr "The resource still has #NUM# active booking(s)"
  223. msgid "NoItemsReservation"
  224. msgstr "There are no resources available for you in here"
  225. msgid "ReservationAccepted"
  226. msgstr "Your booking of #ITEM# is accepted"
  227. msgid "ReservationDenied"
  228. msgstr "Your booking for #ITEM# was refused"
  229. msgid "ReservationForItemAccepted"
  230. msgstr "Dear Sir/Madam,
  231. Your reservation for #ITEM# from #BEGIN till #END has been accepted."
  232. msgid "ReservationForItemDenied"
  233. msgstr "Dear Sir/Madam,
  234. Your booking for #ITEM# from #BEGIN till #END has been rejected."
  235. msgid "ReservationCancelled"
  236. msgstr "Reservation cancelled, #NAME# is temporary unavailable"
  237. msgid "ReservationActive"
  238. msgstr "Reservation is active again, #NAME# is available again"
  239. msgid "ReservationUnavailable"
  240. msgstr "Dear Sir/Madam,
  241. Resource #NAME# is temporarily unavailable so your booking from #BEGIN# till #END# has been cancelled.
  242. You will get an email when it is available again."
  243. msgid "ReservationAvailable"
  244. msgstr "Dear Sir/Madam,
  245. We wish to inform you that #NAME# is available again, so your reservation from #BEGIN# till #END# is active again."
  246. msgid "Resources"
  247. msgstr "Resources"
  248. msgid "EditBookingPeriod"
  249. msgstr "Edit booking period"
  250. msgid "CreateResourceType"
  251. msgstr "Create resource type"
  252. msgid "ModifyResourceType"
  253. msgstr "Edit resource type"
  254. msgid "ViewResourceTypes"
  255. msgstr "View the resource types"
  256. msgid "ViewResources"
  257. msgstr "View the resources"
  258. msgid "ViewBookingPeriods"
  259. msgstr "View the booking periods"
  260. msgid "AlwaysAvailable"
  261. msgstr "Always available"
  262. msgid "SelectResourceTypeAndResource"
  263. msgstr "Select the resource type"
  264. msgid "Step1SelectResourceType"
  265. msgstr "Step 1: Select resource type"
  266. msgid "Step2SelectResource"
  267. msgstr "Step 2: select the resource"
  268. msgid "Step3SelectBookingPeriod"
  269. msgstr "Step 3: select the booking period"
  270. msgid "NoReservations"
  271. msgstr "No reservations"
  272. msgid "ItemRightDeleted"
  273. msgstr "Item permissions removed."
  274. msgid "MItemRights"
  275. msgstr "Item rights"
  276. msgid "MReservationRight"
  277. msgstr "Booking permissions"
  278. msgid "ItemRightEdited"
  279. msgstr "Item permissions updated."
  280. msgid "NoRights"
  281. msgstr "No rights"
  282. msgid "MItemRights2"
  283. msgstr "Item permissions"
  284. msgid "MAddClassgroup"
  285. msgstr "Add class/group"
  286. msgid "EditItemRight"
  287. msgstr "Edit item permissions"
  288. msgid "DeleteItemRight"
  289. msgstr "Delete item permissions"
  290. msgid "MBookingPeriodsRight"
  291. msgstr "Booking period permissions"
  292. msgid "ViewItemRight"
  293. msgstr "View item permissions"
  294. msgid "DeleteSelectedItemRights"
  295. msgstr "Delete selected item permissions"
  296. msgid "SetEditRights"
  297. msgstr "Set edit permissions"
  298. msgid "UnsetEditRights"
  299. msgstr "Remove edit permissions"
  300. msgid "SetDeleteRights"
  301. msgstr "Assign delete permissions"
  302. msgid "UnsetDeleteRights"
  303. msgstr "Remove delete permissions"
  304. msgid "SetMresRights"
  305. msgstr "Set reservation permissions"
  306. msgid "UnsetMresRights"
  307. msgstr "Remove reservation permissions"
  308. msgid "SetViewRights"
  309. msgstr "Assign view permissions"
  310. msgid "UnsetViewRights"
  311. msgstr "Remove viewing permissions"
  312. msgid "SetAllRights"
  313. msgstr "Assign all permissions"
  314. msgid "UnsetAllRights"
  315. msgstr "Remove all permissions"
  316. msgid "ItemCourse"
  317. msgstr "Course item"
  318. msgid "MItemRight"
  319. msgstr "Item permissions"
  320. msgid "EditItem2"
  321. msgstr "Edit item"
  322. msgid "ItemManagerHeader"
  323. msgstr "Item manager"
  324. msgid "LangClass"
  325. msgstr "Class"
  326. msgid "MReservationPeriodsRight"
  327. msgstr "Reservation periods permissions"
  328. msgid "AddNewItem"
  329. msgstr "Add a new item"
  330. msgid "ItemName"
  331. msgstr "Item name"
  332. msgid "ItemDescription"
  333. msgstr "Item description"
  334. msgid "ItemExist"
  335. msgstr "The item exists"
  336. msgid "EditItem"
  337. msgstr "Edit item"
  338. msgid "ItemEdited"
  339. msgstr "Item updated."
  340. msgid "CategoryFilter"
  341. msgstr "Category filter"
  342. msgid "ItemCreator"
  343. msgstr "Item creator"
  344. msgid "DeleteSelectedItems"
  345. msgstr "Delete selected items"
  346. msgid "BookingPeriodTimepickerLimitation"
  347. msgstr "Limitation on booking period timepicker"
  348. msgid "Blackout"
  349. msgstr "Blackout"
  350. msgid "EveryDay"
  351. msgstr "Every day"
  352. msgid "EveryWeek"
  353. msgstr "Every week"
  354. msgid "EveryMonth"
  355. msgstr "Every month"
  356. msgid "ReservationForDenied"
  357. msgstr "Booking denied"
  358. msgid "BookingPeriodTooSmall"
  359. msgstr "The booking period is too small."
  360. msgid "BookingPeriodTooBig"
  361. msgstr "Booking period too long."
  362. msgid "PermissionsStored"
  363. msgstr "Permissions stored"
  364. msgid "PermissionGranted"
  365. msgstr "Permission granted"
  366. msgid "PermissionRevoked"
  367. msgstr "Permission revoked"
  368. msgid "RoleGranted"
  369. msgstr "Role granted"
  370. msgid "RoleRevoked"
  371. msgstr "Role revoked"
  372. msgid "ErrorPleaseGiveRoleName"
  373. msgstr "Please give this role a name"
  374. msgid "RoleDeleted"
  375. msgstr "Role deleted"
  376. msgid "AddRole"
  377. msgstr "Add role"
  378. msgid "RoleComment"
  379. msgstr "The role is the item which will allow you to assign rights to a person or group of people."
  380. msgid "DefaultRole"
  381. msgstr "Default role"
  382. msgid "PermissionsOfRole"
  383. msgstr "Permissions of role"
  384. msgid "IsPlatformRoleNotEditable"
  385. msgstr "Is the platform role not editable?"
  386. msgid "UserPermissions"
  387. msgstr "User's permissions"