en.po 11 KB

  1. msgid ""
  2. msgstr ""
  3. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 \n"
  4. msgid "langLineNumber"
  5. msgstr "Line Number"
  6. msgid "langLine"
  7. msgstr "line"
  8. msgid "langLines"
  9. msgstr "lines"
  10. msgid "langLineOrLines"
  11. msgstr "line(s)"
  12. msgid "langMoveUp"
  13. msgstr "Move up"
  14. msgid "langMoveDown"
  15. msgstr "Move down"
  16. msgid "langAddNewHeading"
  17. msgstr "Add new heading"
  18. msgid "langCourseAdministratorOnly"
  19. msgstr "Teachers only"
  20. msgid "langDefineHeadings"
  21. msgstr "Define Headings"
  22. msgid "langBackToUsersList"
  23. msgstr "Back to users list"
  24. msgid "langTracking"
  25. msgstr "Reporting"
  26. msgid "langCourseManager"
  27. msgstr "Teacher"
  28. msgid "langModRight"
  29. msgstr "change rights of"
  30. msgid "langNoAdmin"
  31. msgstr "has from now on <b>no</b> rights on this page"
  32. msgid "langAllAdmin"
  33. msgstr "has from now on <b>all</b> rights on this page"
  34. msgid "langModRole"
  35. msgstr "Change role of"
  36. msgid "langRole"
  37. msgstr "Description"
  38. msgid "langIsNow"
  39. msgstr "is from now on"
  40. msgid "langInC"
  41. msgstr "in this training"
  42. msgid "langFilled"
  43. msgstr "You have left some fields empty."
  44. msgid "langUserNo"
  45. msgstr "The login you chose"
  46. msgid "langTaken"
  47. msgstr "is already in use. Choose another one."
  48. msgid "langTutor"
  49. msgstr "Coach"
  50. msgid "langUnreg"
  51. msgstr "Unsubscribe"
  52. msgid "langGroupUserManagement"
  53. msgstr "Groups management"
  54. msgid "langUnregister"
  55. msgstr "Unregister"
  56. msgid "langAddAUser"
  57. msgstr "Add a user"
  58. msgid "UsersUnsubscribed"
  59. msgstr "The selected users have been unsubscribed from the training"
  60. msgid "ThisStudentIsSubscribeThroughASession"
  61. msgstr "This learner is subscribed in this training through a training session. You cannot edit his information"
  62. msgid "NoDataAvailable"
  63. msgstr "No data available"
  64. msgid "AddToFriends"
  65. msgstr "Are you sure you want to add this contact to your friends ?"
  66. msgid "AddPersonalMessage"
  67. msgstr "Add a personal message"
  68. msgid "Friends"
  69. msgstr "Friends"
  70. msgid "PersonalData"
  71. msgstr "Profile"
  72. msgid "Contacts"
  73. msgstr "Contacts"
  74. msgid "SocialInformationComment"
  75. msgstr "This screen allows you to organise your contacts"
  76. msgid "AttachContactsToGroup"
  77. msgstr "Attach contacts to group"
  78. msgid "ContactsList"
  79. msgstr "Contacts list"
  80. msgid "AttachToGroup"
  81. msgstr "Add to a group"
  82. msgid "SelectOneContact"
  83. msgstr "Select one contact"
  84. msgid "SelectOneGroup"
  85. msgstr "Select one group"
  86. msgid "AttachContactsPersonal"
  87. msgstr "Add personal contacts"
  88. msgid "AttachContactsToGroupSuccesfuly"
  89. msgstr "Successfully added contacts to group"
  90. msgid "InvitationDenied"
  91. msgstr "Invitation denied"
  92. msgid "AddedContactToList"
  93. msgstr "Added contact to list"
  94. msgid "ContactsGroupsComment"
  95. msgstr "This screen is a list of contacts sorted by groups"
  96. msgid "YouDontHaveContactsInThisGroup"
  97. msgstr "No contacts found"
  98. msgid "SelectTheCheckbox"
  99. msgstr "Select the check box"
  100. msgid "YouDontHaveInvites"
  101. msgstr "Empty"
  102. msgid "SocialInvitesComment"
  103. msgstr "Pending invitations."
  104. msgid "InvitationSentBy"
  105. msgstr "Invitation sent by"
  106. msgid "RequestContact"
  107. msgstr "Request contact"
  108. msgid "SocialUnknow"
  109. msgstr "Unknown"
  110. msgid "SocialParent"
  111. msgstr "My parents"
  112. msgid "SocialFriend"
  113. msgstr "My friends"
  114. msgid "SocialGoodFriend"
  115. msgstr "My real friends"
  116. msgid "SocialEnemy"
  117. msgstr "My enemies"
  118. msgid "SocialDeleted"
  119. msgstr "Contact deleted"
  120. msgid "MessageOutboxComment"
  121. msgstr "Messages sent."
  122. msgid "MyPersonalData"
  123. msgstr "My personal data"
  124. msgid "AlterPersonalData"
  125. msgstr "Alter personal data"
  126. msgid "Invites"
  127. msgstr "Invitations"
  128. msgid "ContactsGroups"
  129. msgstr "Group contacts"
  130. msgid "ErrorSendingMessage"
  131. msgstr "There was an error while trying to send the message."
  132. msgid "PendingInvitations"
  133. msgstr "Pending invitations"
  134. msgid "MyInbox"
  135. msgstr "My inbox"
  136. msgid "ViewSharedProfile"
  137. msgstr "View shared profile"
  138. msgid "SeeAll"
  139. msgstr "See all"
  140. msgid "ImagesUploaded"
  141. msgstr "Uploaded images"
  142. msgid "ExtraInformation"
  143. msgstr "Extra information"
  144. msgid "SearchContacts"
  145. msgstr "Search contacts"
  146. msgid "SocialSeeContacts"
  147. msgstr "See contacts"
  148. msgid "SocialUserInformationAttach"
  149. msgstr "Please write a message before sending the request"
  150. msgid "MessageInvitationNotSent"
  151. msgstr "your invitation message has not been sent"
  152. msgid "SocialAddToFriends"
  153. msgstr "Add to my contacts"
  154. msgid "UserNonRegisteredAtTheCourse"
  155. msgstr "User not registered in course"
  156. msgid "ChangeContactGroup"
  157. msgstr "Change contact group"
  158. msgid "Friend"
  159. msgstr "Friend"
  160. msgid "ViewMySharedProfile"
  161. msgstr "My shared profile"
  162. msgid "UserStatistics"
  163. msgstr "Reporting for this user"
  164. msgid "EditUser"
  165. msgstr "Edit this user"
  166. msgid "ViewUser"
  167. msgstr "View this user"
  168. msgid "RSSFeeds"
  169. msgstr "RSS feed"
  170. msgid "NoFriendsInYourContactList"
  171. msgstr "No friends in your contact list"
  172. msgid "TryAndFindSomeFriends"
  173. msgstr "Try and find some friends"
  174. msgid "ClearSearchResults"
  175. msgstr "Clear search results"
  176. msgid "SendInvitation"
  177. msgstr "Send invitation"
  178. msgid "SocialInvitationToFriends"
  179. msgstr "Invite to join my group of friends"
  180. msgid "MyCertificates"
  181. msgstr "My certificates"
  182. msgid "UnsubscribeFromPlatformSuccess"
  183. msgstr "Your account %s has been completely removed from this portal. Thank you for staying with us for a while. We hope to see you again later."
  184. msgid "ToChangeYourEmailMustTypeYourPassword"
  185. msgstr "In order to change your e-mail address, you are required to confirm your password"
  186. msgid "Invitations"
  187. msgstr "Invitations"
  188. msgid "MyGroups"
  189. msgstr "My groups"
  190. msgid "EditProfile"
  191. msgstr "Edit profile"
  192. msgid "Social"
  193. msgstr "Social"
  194. msgid "Profile"
  195. msgstr "Profile"
  196. msgid "MyFriends"
  197. msgstr "My friends"
  198. msgid "Messages"
  199. msgstr "Messages"
  200. msgid "CreateAgroup"
  201. msgstr "Create a group"
  202. msgid "UsersGroups"
  203. msgstr "Users, Groups"
  204. msgid "SorryNoResults"
  205. msgstr "Sorry no results"
  206. msgid "URL"
  207. msgstr "URL"
  208. msgid "AddPicture"
  209. msgstr "Add picture"
  210. msgid "GroupPermissions"
  211. msgstr "Group Permissions"
  212. msgid "Closed"
  213. msgstr "Closed"
  214. msgid "AddGroup"
  215. msgstr "Add group"
  216. msgid "Privacy"
  217. msgstr "Privacy"
  218. msgid "ThisIsAnOpenGroup"
  219. msgstr "This is an open group"
  220. msgid "YouShouldCreateATopic"
  221. msgstr "You should create a topic"
  222. msgid "IAmAnAdmin"
  223. msgstr "I am an admin"
  224. msgid "NewTopic"
  225. msgstr "Create thread"
  226. msgid "MessageList"
  227. msgstr "Messages list"
  228. msgid "EditGroup"
  229. msgstr "Edit group"
  230. msgid "MemberList"
  231. msgstr "Members list"
  232. msgid "WaitingList"
  233. msgstr "Waiting list"
  234. msgid "InviteFriends"
  235. msgstr "Invite friends"
  236. msgid "Members"
  237. msgstr "Members"
  238. msgid "Admin"
  239. msgstr "Administrator"
  240. msgid "AttachmentFiles"
  241. msgstr "Attachments"
  242. msgid "AddOneMoreFile"
  243. msgstr "Add one more file"
  244. msgid "MaximunFileSizeX"
  245. msgstr "Maximun file size: %s"
  246. msgid "ModifyInformation"
  247. msgstr "Edit information"
  248. msgid "GroupList"
  249. msgstr "Group List"
  250. msgid "GroupEdit"
  251. msgstr "Edit group"
  252. msgid "ThereAreNotUsersInTheWaitingList"
  253. msgstr "There are no users in the waiting list"
  254. msgid "SendInvitationTo"
  255. msgstr "Send invitation to"
  256. msgid "InviteUsersToGroup"
  257. msgstr "Invite users to group"
  258. msgid "PostIn"
  259. msgstr "It posted"
  260. msgid "Reply"
  261. msgstr "Reply"
  262. msgid "Newest"
  263. msgstr "Newest"
  264. msgid "Popular"
  265. msgstr "Popular"
  266. msgid "Moderator"
  267. msgstr "Moderator"
  268. msgid "DeleteModerator"
  269. msgstr "Remove moderator"
  270. msgid "UserChangeToModerator"
  271. msgstr "User updated to moderator"
  272. msgid "IAmAModerator"
  273. msgstr "I am a moderator"
  274. msgid "ThisIsACloseGroup"
  275. msgstr "This is a closed group"
  276. msgid "IAmAReader"
  277. msgstr "I am a reader"
  278. msgid "UserChangeToReader"
  279. msgstr "User updated to reader"
  280. msgid "AddModerator"
  281. msgstr "Add as moderator"
  282. msgid "UserDeleted"
  283. msgstr "The user is deleted"
  284. msgid "JoinGroup"
  285. msgstr "Join group"
  286. msgid "YouShouldJoinTheGroup"
  287. msgstr "You should join the group"
  288. msgid "WaitingForAdminResponse"
  289. msgstr "Waiting for admin response"
  290. msgid "Member"
  291. msgstr "Member"
  292. msgid "Re"
  293. msgstr "Re"
  294. msgid "FilesAttachment"
  295. msgstr "Files attachments"
  296. msgid "GroupWaitingList"
  297. msgstr "Group waiting list"
  298. msgid "Open"
  299. msgstr "Open"
  300. msgid "UsersAlreadyInvited"
  301. msgstr "Users already invited"
  302. msgid "SubscribeUsersToGroup"
  303. msgstr "Subscribe users to group"
  304. msgid "YouHaveBeenInvitedJoinNow"
  305. msgstr "You have been invited to join now"
  306. msgid "DenyInvitation"
  307. msgstr "Deny invitation"
  308. msgid "AcceptInvitation"
  309. msgstr "Accept invitation"
  310. msgid "GroupsWaitingApproval"
  311. msgstr "Groups waiting for approval"
  312. msgid "GroupInvitationWasDeny"
  313. msgstr "Group invitation was denied"
  314. msgid "UserIsSubscribedToThisGroup"
  315. msgstr "User is subscribed to this group"
  316. msgid "DeleteFromGroup"
  317. msgstr "Delete from group"
  318. msgid "GroupMembers"
  319. msgstr "Group members"
  320. msgid "Subscribe"
  321. msgstr "Subscribe"
  322. msgid "YouAreInvitedToGroupContent"
  323. msgstr "You are invited to access a group content"
  324. msgid "YouAreInvitedToGroup"
  325. msgstr "You are invited to group"
  326. msgid "ToSubscribeClickInTheLinkBelow"
  327. msgstr "To subscribe, click the link below"
  328. msgid "ReturnToInbox"
  329. msgstr "Return to inbox"
  330. msgid "View"
  331. msgstr "View"
  332. msgid "Me"
  333. msgstr "Me"
  334. msgid "ReturnToOutbox"
  335. msgstr "Return to outbox"
  336. msgid "EditNormalProfile"
  337. msgstr "Edit normal profile"
  338. msgid "GroupPendingInvitations"
  339. msgstr "Group pending invitations"
  340. msgid "LeaveGroup"
  341. msgstr "Leave group"
  342. msgid "UserIsNotSubscribedToThisGroup"
  343. msgstr "User is not subscribed to this group"
  344. msgid "InvitationReceived"
  345. msgstr "Invitation received"
  346. msgid "InvitationSent"
  347. msgstr "Invitation sent"
  348. msgid "YouAlreadySentAnInvitation"
  349. msgstr "You already sent an invitation"
  350. msgid "UserAdded"
  351. msgstr "The user is added"
  352. msgid "FilesSizeExceedsX"
  353. msgstr "Files size exceeds"
  354. msgid "YouShouldWriteASubject"
  355. msgstr "You should write a subject"
  356. msgid "Topics"
  357. msgstr "Topics"
  358. msgid "StatusInThisGroup"
  359. msgstr "Status in this group"
  360. msgid "FriendsOnline"
  361. msgstr "Friends online"
  362. msgid "GroupDescription"
  363. msgstr "Group description"
  364. msgid "MyProductions"
  365. msgstr "My productions"
  366. msgid "YouHaveReceivedANewMessageInTheGroupX"
  367. msgstr "You have received a new message in group %s"
  368. msgid "ClickHereToSeeMessageGroup"
  369. msgstr "Click here to see group message"
  370. msgid "OrCopyPasteTheFollowingUrl"
  371. msgstr "or copy paste the following url :"
  372. msgid "ThereIsANewMessageInTheGroupX"
  373. msgstr "There is a new message in group %s"
  374. msgid "UserIsAlreadySubscribedToThisGroup"
  375. msgstr "User is already subscribed to this group"
  376. msgid "AddNormalUser"
  377. msgstr "Add as simple user"
  378. msgid "DenyEntry"
  379. msgstr "Deny access"
  380. msgid "YouNeedToHaveFriendsInYourSocialNetwork"
  381. msgstr "You need to have friends in your social network"
  382. msgid "SeeAllMyGroups"
  383. msgstr "See all my groups"
  384. msgid "YouAlreadyInviteAllYourContacts"
  385. msgstr "You already invite all your contacts"
  386. msgid "YouShouldCreateAGroup"
  387. msgstr "You should create a group"
  388. msgid "MyFiles"
  389. msgstr "My files"
  390. msgid "MySocialGroups"
  391. msgstr "My social groups"
  392. msgid "SocialGroups"
  393. msgstr "Social groups"
  394. msgid "CreateASocialGroup"
  395. msgstr "Create a social group"
  396. msgid "EditMembersList"
  397. msgstr "Edit members list"
  398. msgid "IAmAHRM"
  399. msgstr "I am a human resources manager"
  400. msgid "UnsubscribeFromPlatform"
  401. msgstr "If you want to unsubscribe completely from this campus and have all your information removed from our database, please click the button below and confirm."
  402. msgid "UnsubscribeFromPlatformConfirm"
  403. msgstr "Yes, I want to remove this account completely. No data will remain on the server and I will be unable to login again, unless I create a completely new account."