123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604 |
- msgid ""
- msgstr ""
- "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 \n"
- msgid "langLineNumber"
- msgstr "Line Number"
- msgid "langLine"
- msgstr "line"
- msgid "langLines"
- msgstr "lines"
- msgid "langLineOrLines"
- msgstr "line(s)"
- msgid "langMoveUp"
- msgstr "Move up"
- msgid "langMoveDown"
- msgstr "Move down"
- msgid "langAddNewHeading"
- msgstr "Add new heading"
- msgid "langCourseAdministratorOnly"
- msgstr "Teachers only"
- msgid "langDefineHeadings"
- msgstr "Define Headings"
- msgid "langBackToUsersList"
- msgstr "Back to users list"
- msgid "langTracking"
- msgstr "Reporting"
- msgid "langCourseManager"
- msgstr "Teacher"
- msgid "langModRight"
- msgstr "change rights of"
- msgid "langNoAdmin"
- msgstr "has from now on <b>no</b> rights on this page"
- msgid "langAllAdmin"
- msgstr "has from now on <b>all</b> rights on this page"
- msgid "langModRole"
- msgstr "Change role of"
- msgid "langRole"
- msgstr "Description"
- msgid "langIsNow"
- msgstr "is from now on"
- msgid "langInC"
- msgstr "in this training"
- msgid "langFilled"
- msgstr "You have left some fields empty."
- msgid "langUserNo"
- msgstr "The login you chose"
- msgid "langTaken"
- msgstr "is already in use. Choose another one."
- msgid "langTutor"
- msgstr "Coach"
- msgid "langUnreg"
- msgstr "Unsubscribe"
- msgid "langGroupUserManagement"
- msgstr "Groups management"
- msgid "langUnregister"
- msgstr "Unregister"
- msgid "langAddAUser"
- msgstr "Add a user"
- msgid "UsersUnsubscribed"
- msgstr "The selected users have been unsubscribed from the training"
- msgid "ThisStudentIsSubscribeThroughASession"
- msgstr "This learner is subscribed in this training through a training session. You cannot edit his information"
- msgid "NoDataAvailable"
- msgstr "No data available"
- msgid "AddToFriends"
- msgstr "Are you sure you want to add this contact to your friends ?"
- msgid "AddPersonalMessage"
- msgstr "Add a personal message"
- msgid "Friends"
- msgstr "Friends"
- msgid "PersonalData"
- msgstr "Profile"
- msgid "Contacts"
- msgstr "Contacts"
- msgid "SocialInformationComment"
- msgstr "This screen allows you to organise your contacts"
- msgid "AttachContactsToGroup"
- msgstr "Attach contacts to group"
- msgid "ContactsList"
- msgstr "Contacts list"
- msgid "AttachToGroup"
- msgstr "Add to a group"
- msgid "SelectOneContact"
- msgstr "Select one contact"
- msgid "SelectOneGroup"
- msgstr "Select one group"
- msgid "AttachContactsPersonal"
- msgstr "Add personal contacts"
- msgid "AttachContactsToGroupSuccesfuly"
- msgstr "Successfully added contacts to group"
- msgid "InvitationDenied"
- msgstr "Invitation denied"
- msgid "AddedContactToList"
- msgstr "Added contact to list"
- msgid "ContactsGroupsComment"
- msgstr "This screen is a list of contacts sorted by groups"
- msgid "YouDontHaveContactsInThisGroup"
- msgstr "No contacts found"
- msgid "SelectTheCheckbox"
- msgstr "Select the check box"
- msgid "YouDontHaveInvites"
- msgstr "Empty"
- msgid "SocialInvitesComment"
- msgstr "Pending invitations."
- msgid "InvitationSentBy"
- msgstr "Invitation sent by"
- msgid "RequestContact"
- msgstr "Request contact"
- msgid "SocialUnknow"
- msgstr "Unknown"
- msgid "SocialParent"
- msgstr "My parents"
- msgid "SocialFriend"
- msgstr "My friends"
- msgid "SocialGoodFriend"
- msgstr "My real friends"
- msgid "SocialEnemy"
- msgstr "My enemies"
- msgid "SocialDeleted"
- msgstr "Contact deleted"
- msgid "MessageOutboxComment"
- msgstr "Messages sent."
- msgid "MyPersonalData"
- msgstr "My personal data"
- msgid "AlterPersonalData"
- msgstr "Alter personal data"
- msgid "Invites"
- msgstr "Invitations"
- msgid "ContactsGroups"
- msgstr "Group contacts"
- msgid "ErrorSendingMessage"
- msgstr "There was an error while trying to send the message."
- msgid "PendingInvitations"
- msgstr "Pending invitations"
- msgid "MyInbox"
- msgstr "My inbox"
- msgid "ViewSharedProfile"
- msgstr "View shared profile"
- msgid "SeeAll"
- msgstr "See all"
- msgid "ImagesUploaded"
- msgstr "Uploaded images"
- msgid "ExtraInformation"
- msgstr "Extra information"
- msgid "SearchContacts"
- msgstr "Search contacts"
- msgid "SocialSeeContacts"
- msgstr "See contacts"
- msgid "SocialUserInformationAttach"
- msgstr "Please write a message before sending the request"
- msgid "MessageInvitationNotSent"
- msgstr "your invitation message has not been sent"
- msgid "SocialAddToFriends"
- msgstr "Add to my contacts"
- msgid "UserNonRegisteredAtTheCourse"
- msgstr "User not registered in course"
- msgid "ChangeContactGroup"
- msgstr "Change contact group"
- msgid "Friend"
- msgstr "Friend"
- msgid "ViewMySharedProfile"
- msgstr "My shared profile"
- msgid "UserStatistics"
- msgstr "Reporting for this user"
- msgid "EditUser"
- msgstr "Edit this user"
- msgid "ViewUser"
- msgstr "View this user"
- msgid "RSSFeeds"
- msgstr "RSS feed"
- msgid "NoFriendsInYourContactList"
- msgstr "No friends in your contact list"
- msgid "TryAndFindSomeFriends"
- msgstr "Try and find some friends"
- msgid "ClearSearchResults"
- msgstr "Clear search results"
- msgid "SendInvitation"
- msgstr "Send invitation"
- msgid "SocialInvitationToFriends"
- msgstr "Invite to join my group of friends"
- msgid "MyCertificates"
- msgstr "My certificates"
- msgid "UnsubscribeFromPlatformSuccess"
- msgstr "Your account %s has been completely removed from this portal. Thank you for staying with us for a while. We hope to see you again later."
- msgid "ToChangeYourEmailMustTypeYourPassword"
- msgstr "In order to change your e-mail address, you are required to confirm your password"
- msgid "Invitations"
- msgstr "Invitations"
- msgid "MyGroups"
- msgstr "My groups"
- msgid "EditProfile"
- msgstr "Edit profile"
- msgid "Social"
- msgstr "Social"
- msgid "Profile"
- msgstr "Profile"
- msgid "MyFriends"
- msgstr "My friends"
- msgid "Messages"
- msgstr "Messages"
- msgid "CreateAgroup"
- msgstr "Create a group"
- msgid "UsersGroups"
- msgstr "Users, Groups"
- msgid "SorryNoResults"
- msgstr "Sorry no results"
- msgid "URL"
- msgstr "URL"
- msgid "AddPicture"
- msgstr "Add picture"
- msgid "GroupPermissions"
- msgstr "Group Permissions"
- msgid "Closed"
- msgstr "Closed"
- msgid "AddGroup"
- msgstr "Add group"
- msgid "Privacy"
- msgstr "Privacy"
- msgid "ThisIsAnOpenGroup"
- msgstr "This is an open group"
- msgid "YouShouldCreateATopic"
- msgstr "You should create a topic"
- msgid "IAmAnAdmin"
- msgstr "I am an admin"
- msgid "NewTopic"
- msgstr "Create thread"
- msgid "MessageList"
- msgstr "Messages list"
- msgid "EditGroup"
- msgstr "Edit group"
- msgid "MemberList"
- msgstr "Members list"
- msgid "WaitingList"
- msgstr "Waiting list"
- msgid "InviteFriends"
- msgstr "Invite friends"
- msgid "Members"
- msgstr "Members"
- msgid "Admin"
- msgstr "Administrator"
- msgid "AttachmentFiles"
- msgstr "Attachments"
- msgid "AddOneMoreFile"
- msgstr "Add one more file"
- msgid "MaximunFileSizeX"
- msgstr "Maximun file size: %s"
- msgid "ModifyInformation"
- msgstr "Edit information"
- msgid "GroupList"
- msgstr "Group List"
- msgid "GroupEdit"
- msgstr "Edit group"
- msgid "ThereAreNotUsersInTheWaitingList"
- msgstr "There are no users in the waiting list"
- msgid "SendInvitationTo"
- msgstr "Send invitation to"
- msgid "InviteUsersToGroup"
- msgstr "Invite users to group"
- msgid "PostIn"
- msgstr "It posted"
- msgid "Reply"
- msgstr "Reply"
- msgid "Newest"
- msgstr "Newest"
- msgid "Popular"
- msgstr "Popular"
- msgid "Moderator"
- msgstr "Moderator"
- msgid "DeleteModerator"
- msgstr "Remove moderator"
- msgid "UserChangeToModerator"
- msgstr "User updated to moderator"
- msgid "IAmAModerator"
- msgstr "I am a moderator"
- msgid "ThisIsACloseGroup"
- msgstr "This is a closed group"
- msgid "IAmAReader"
- msgstr "I am a reader"
- msgid "UserChangeToReader"
- msgstr "User updated to reader"
- msgid "AddModerator"
- msgstr "Add as moderator"
- msgid "UserDeleted"
- msgstr "The user is deleted"
- msgid "JoinGroup"
- msgstr "Join group"
- msgid "YouShouldJoinTheGroup"
- msgstr "You should join the group"
- msgid "WaitingForAdminResponse"
- msgstr "Waiting for admin response"
- msgid "Member"
- msgstr "Member"
- msgid "Re"
- msgstr "Re"
- msgid "FilesAttachment"
- msgstr "Files attachments"
- msgid "GroupWaitingList"
- msgstr "Group waiting list"
- msgid "Open"
- msgstr "Open"
- msgid "UsersAlreadyInvited"
- msgstr "Users already invited"
- msgid "SubscribeUsersToGroup"
- msgstr "Subscribe users to group"
- msgid "YouHaveBeenInvitedJoinNow"
- msgstr "You have been invited to join now"
- msgid "DenyInvitation"
- msgstr "Deny invitation"
- msgid "AcceptInvitation"
- msgstr "Accept invitation"
- msgid "GroupsWaitingApproval"
- msgstr "Groups waiting for approval"
- msgid "GroupInvitationWasDeny"
- msgstr "Group invitation was denied"
- msgid "UserIsSubscribedToThisGroup"
- msgstr "User is subscribed to this group"
- msgid "DeleteFromGroup"
- msgstr "Delete from group"
- msgid "GroupMembers"
- msgstr "Group members"
- msgid "Subscribe"
- msgstr "Subscribe"
- msgid "YouAreInvitedToGroupContent"
- msgstr "You are invited to access a group content"
- msgid "YouAreInvitedToGroup"
- msgstr "You are invited to group"
- msgid "ToSubscribeClickInTheLinkBelow"
- msgstr "To subscribe, click the link below"
- msgid "ReturnToInbox"
- msgstr "Return to inbox"
- msgid "View"
- msgstr "View"
- msgid "Me"
- msgstr "Me"
- msgid "ReturnToOutbox"
- msgstr "Return to outbox"
- msgid "EditNormalProfile"
- msgstr "Edit normal profile"
- msgid "GroupPendingInvitations"
- msgstr "Group pending invitations"
- msgid "LeaveGroup"
- msgstr "Leave group"
- msgid "UserIsNotSubscribedToThisGroup"
- msgstr "User is not subscribed to this group"
- msgid "InvitationReceived"
- msgstr "Invitation received"
- msgid "InvitationSent"
- msgstr "Invitation sent"
- msgid "YouAlreadySentAnInvitation"
- msgstr "You already sent an invitation"
- msgid "UserAdded"
- msgstr "The user is added"
- msgid "FilesSizeExceedsX"
- msgstr "Files size exceeds"
- msgid "YouShouldWriteASubject"
- msgstr "You should write a subject"
- msgid "Topics"
- msgstr "Topics"
- msgid "StatusInThisGroup"
- msgstr "Status in this group"
- msgid "FriendsOnline"
- msgstr "Friends online"
- msgid "GroupDescription"
- msgstr "Group description"
- msgid "MyProductions"
- msgstr "My productions"
- msgid "YouHaveReceivedANewMessageInTheGroupX"
- msgstr "You have received a new message in group %s"
- msgid "ClickHereToSeeMessageGroup"
- msgstr "Click here to see group message"
- msgid "OrCopyPasteTheFollowingUrl"
- msgstr "or copy paste the following url :"
- msgid "ThereIsANewMessageInTheGroupX"
- msgstr "There is a new message in group %s"
- msgid "UserIsAlreadySubscribedToThisGroup"
- msgstr "User is already subscribed to this group"
- msgid "AddNormalUser"
- msgstr "Add as simple user"
- msgid "DenyEntry"
- msgstr "Deny access"
- msgid "YouNeedToHaveFriendsInYourSocialNetwork"
- msgstr "You need to have friends in your social network"
- msgid "SeeAllMyGroups"
- msgstr "See all my groups"
- msgid "YouAlreadyInviteAllYourContacts"
- msgstr "You already invite all your contacts"
- msgid "YouShouldCreateAGroup"
- msgstr "You should create a group"
- msgid "MyFiles"
- msgstr "My files"
- msgid "MySocialGroups"
- msgstr "My social groups"
- msgid "SocialGroups"
- msgstr "Social groups"
- msgid "CreateASocialGroup"
- msgstr "Create a social group"
- msgid "EditMembersList"
- msgstr "Edit members list"
- msgid "IAmAHRM"
- msgstr "I am a human resources manager"
- msgid "UnsubscribeFromPlatform"
- msgstr "If you want to unsubscribe completely from this campus and have all your information removed from our database, please click the button below and confirm."
- msgid "UnsubscribeFromPlatformConfirm"
- msgstr "Yes, I want to remove this account completely. No data will remain on the server and I will be unable to login again, unless I create a completely new account."