skill_example.csv 1.0 KB

  1. id;parent_id;name;description
  2. 2;1;Reflection;
  3. 3;1;Manage learning;
  4. 4;1;Information literacy;
  5. 5;1;Organization skills;
  6. 6;1;Networking w/others;
  7. 7;1;Researching;
  8. 8;1;Communication skills;
  9. 9;1;Creative skills;
  10. 10;1;Collaboration skills;
  11. 11;4;Identify info;
  12. 12;4;Find information;
  13. 13;5;Personal librarianship;
  14. 14;5;Personal categorization;Personal categorization and taxonomies
  15. 15;6;Shared knowledge;Knowing what your network of people knows
  16. 16;6;Knowledge links;Knowing who might have additional knowledge and resources to help you
  17. 17;7;Researching;
  18. 18;7;Canvassing;
  19. 19;7;Paying attention;
  20. 20;7;Interviewing;
  21. 21;7;Observational;Observational 'cultural anthropology' skills
  22. 22;8;Perception;
  23. 23;8;Intuition;
  24. 24;8;Expression;
  25. 25;8;Visualization;
  26. 26;8;Interpretation;
  27. 27;9;Imagination;
  28. 28;9;Pattern recognition;
  29. 29;9;Appreciation;
  30. 30;9;Innovation;
  31. 31;9;Inference;
  32. 32;9;Understanding systems;Understanding of complex adaptive systems
  33. 33;10;Coordination;
  34. 34;10;Synchronization;
  35. 35;10;Experimentation;
  36. 36;10;Cooperation;
  37. 37;10;Design;