123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152 |
- <?php
- /* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- /**
- * Class ScoreDisplayForm
- * Form for the score display dialog
- * @author Stijn Konings
- * @author Bert Steppé
- * @package chamilo.gradebook
- */
- class ScoreDisplayForm extends FormValidator
- {
- /**
- * @param $form_name
- * @param null $action
- */
- public function ScoreDisplayForm($form_name, $action= null)
- {
- parent :: __construct($form_name, 'post', $action);
- $displayscore = ScoreDisplay :: instance();
- $customdisplays = $displayscore->get_custom_score_display_settings();
- $nr_items = (count($customdisplays)!='0') ? count($customdisplays) : '1';
- $this->setDefaults(array (
- 'scorecolpercent' => $displayscore->get_color_split_value()
- ));
- $this->addElement('hidden', 'maxvalue', '100');
- $this->addElement('hidden', 'minvalue', '0');
- $counter= 1;
- //setting the default values
- if(is_array($customdisplays)) {
- foreach ($customdisplays as $customdisplay) {
- $this->setDefaults(array (
- 'endscore[' . $counter . ']' => $customdisplay['score'],
- 'displaytext[' . $counter . ']' => $customdisplay['display']
- ));
- $counter++;
- }
- }
- $scorecol = array();
- //settings for the colored score
- $this->addElement('header', get_lang('ScoreEdit'));
- if ($displayscore->is_coloring_enabled()) {
- $this->addElement('html', '<b>' . get_lang('ScoreColor') . '</b>');
- $this->addElement('text', 'scorecolpercent', array(get_lang('Below'), get_lang('WillColorRed'), '%'), array(
- 'size' => 5,
- 'maxlength' => 5,
- 'input-size' => 2
- ));
- if (api_get_setting('teachers_can_change_score_settings') != 'true') {
- $this->freeze('scorecolpercent');
- }
- $this->addRule('scorecolpercent', get_lang('OnlyNumbers'), 'numeric');
- $this->addRule(array('scorecolpercent','maxvalue'), get_lang('Over100'), 'compare', '<=');
- $this->addRule(array('scorecolpercent','minvalue'), get_lang('UnderMin'), 'compare', '>');
- }
- //Settings for the scoring system
- if ($displayscore->is_custom()) {
- $this->addElement('html', '<br /><b>' . get_lang('ScoringSystem') . '</b>');
- $this->addElement('static', null, null, get_lang('ScoreInfo'));
- $this->setDefaults(array(
- 'beginscore' => '0'
- ));
- $this->addElement('text', 'beginscore', array(get_lang('Between'), null, '%'), array(
- 'size' => 5,
- 'maxlength' => 5,
- 'disabled' => 'disabled',
- 'input-size' => 2
- ));
- for ($counter= 1; $counter <= 20; $counter++) {
- $renderer =& $this->defaultRenderer();
- $elementTemplateTwoLabel =
- '<div id=' . $counter . ' style="display: '.(($counter<=$nr_items)?'inline':'none').';">
- <!-- BEGIN required --><span class="form_required">*</span> <!-- END required -->
- <label class="control-label">{label}</label>
- <div class="form-group">
- <label class="col-sm-2 control-label">
- </label>
- <div class="col-sm-1">
- <!-- BEGIN error --><span class="form_error">{error}</span><br />
- <!-- END error --> <b>'.get_lang('And').'</b>
- </div>
- <div class="col-sm-2">
- {element}
- </div>
- <div class="col-sm-1">
- =
- </div>
- ';
- $elementTemplateTwoLabel2 ='
- <div class="col-sm-2">
- <!-- BEGIN error --><span class="form_error">{error}</span>
- <!-- END error -->
- {element}
- </div>
- <div class="col-sm-1">
- <a href="javascript:plusItem(' . ($counter+1) . ')">
- <img style="display: '.(($counter>=$nr_items)?'inline':'none').';" id="plus-' . ($counter+1) . '" src="'.Display::returnIconPath('add.png').'" alt="'.get_lang('Add').'" title="'.get_lang('Add').'"></a>
- <a href="javascript:minItem(' . ($counter) . ')">
- <img style="display: '.(($counter>=$nr_items && $counter!=1)?'inline':'none').';" id="min-' . $counter . '" src="'.Display::returnIconPath('delete.png').'" alt="'.get_lang('Delete').'" title="'.get_lang('Delete').'"></a>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>';
- $scorebetw = array();
- $this->addElement('text', 'endscore[' . $counter . ']', null, array (
- 'size' => 5,
- 'maxlength' => 5,
- 'id' => 'txta-'.$counter,
- 'input-size' => 2
- ));
- $this->addElement('text', 'displaytext[' . $counter . ']', null,array (
- 'size' => 40,
- 'maxlength' => 40,
- 'id' => 'txtb-'.$counter
- ));
- $renderer->setElementTemplate($elementTemplateTwoLabel, 'endscore[' . $counter . ']');
- $renderer->setElementTemplate($elementTemplateTwoLabel2, 'displaytext[' . $counter . ']');
- $this->addRule('endscore[' . $counter . ']', get_lang('OnlyNumbers'), 'numeric');
- $this->addRule(array ('endscore[' . $counter . ']', 'maxvalue'), get_lang('Over100'), 'compare', '<=');
- $this->addRule(array ('endscore[' . $counter . ']', 'minvalue'), get_lang('UnderMin'), 'compare', '>');
- }
- }
- if ($displayscore->is_custom()) {
- $this->addButtonSave(get_lang('Ok'));
- }
- }
- function validate() {
- return parent :: validate();
- }
- }