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  15. <h1>Chamilo&nbsp;Changelog</h1>
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  20. <h1>Chamilo 1.8.8 - Miraflores</h1>
  21. <h3>New Features</h3>
  22. <ul>
  23. <li>New application of a drop-down menu to select where to save new documents created (Feature #1758)</li>
  24. <li>Added possibility to chose target in links even when not on homepage (Feature #1879)</li>
  25. <li>Now showing teachers results in exercises results list (was confusing for most teachers)</li>
  26. <li>Updated Google Maps plugin to 1.98 (Feature #1925)</li>
  27. <li>Added a personal portfolio to Social Network. All users can easy copy some files from several courses in his/her personal portfolio (Feature #1853)</li>
  28. <li>Students can edit, move and delete documents and drawings; create, move and delete subfolders, create user templates and make personal backups into a course inside his user shared folder (Features #2076, #2484)</li>
  29. <li>Learning Path: New LP exercises reports added for teachers and admins (Feature BT#1634)</li>
  30. <li>Support for displaying vector graphics files (SVG) and multimedia OGG files, facilitating the inclusion of videos and audios in HTML 5 (Feature #2244)</li>
  31. <li>Admin tool to compare and move scores and tracking from a course to a session course BT#1786</li>
  32. <li>An optional "Course (training) validation" feature has been implemented. When it is activated, teachers loose ability to create coursers. Teachers fill course requests instead. Then, after approval, the requested courses are created by the platform administrator. (Feature # 2099)</li>
  33. <li>A new UI option "Fill with exemplary content" have been added to the forms about training/course creation. Now teachers and platform administrators are able to choose whether exemplary content should be put or not in the trainings/courses they are going to create. When a training/course is not created directly by a user, then the platform setting "Example material on training creation" is taken into account. (Feature # 539)</li>
  34. <li>Added install/uninstall script possibilities for plugins (BT#1752)</li>
  35. <li>New drawing tool. Integrate svg-edit. Teachers, students (into his/her user folder) and groups can create, edit and import SVG vector graphics online and export to PNG (Feature #2044, #2101,)</li>
  36. <li>A new plugin for making ASCIIsvg-based mathematical graphics has been created for the online editor (enable it from administrator's section). For using it, browsers should support SVG-technology. See a demo, implemented on TinyMCE: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>; for syntax and additional information see <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. This plugin uses the library file chamilo/main/inc/lib/asciimath/ASCIIMathML.js which has combined functionality ASCIIMathML + ASCIIsvg (Feature #2132)</li>
  37. <li>Feature #2132: In the administrator's section "Administration &gt; Configuration settings &gt; Editor" some settings are to be used as follows:
  38. <ul>
  39. <li>"ASCIIMathML mathematical editor" - activates the plugin for inserting mathematical formulas;</li>
  40. <li>"Mathematical graphics editor ASCIIsvg" - activates the plugin for inserting mathematical graphs;</li>
  41. <li>"Load the file ASCIIMathML.js in all the system's pages" - activates the possibility for inserting/showing formulas and graphics outside the "Documents" tool, elsewhere in the system.</li>
  42. </ul>
  43. </li>
  44. <li>A new plugin for insert Widgets into your web pages</li>
  45. <li>Users can use online service to convert your text vozMe in mp3 audio files (Feature #2497)</li>
  46. <li>Students also can export documents to pdf</li>
  47. <li>Easy enabled for spellcheck button on web editor (Feature #2207)</li>
  48. <li>Increased control by platform administrator on the visibility of the folders in the documents tool (Feature #2164,#2484)</li>
  49. <li>Added admin feature to hide tools from all courses - BT#1942</li>
  50. <li>New voice generator tool. Mp3 audio files generation from a text. Mp3 audio files generation from a text. Teachers, students (into his/her user folder) and groups can create and save mp3 audio files from a text through external service support speech synthesis of Google (build and save), Pediaphon (build and save) and vozMe (build and download)(Feature #2497)</li>
  51. <li>jqgrid library added (Feature #340)</li>
  52. <li>Careers and promotions funcionality added see #2706</li>
  53. <li>Session start date can be left in blank as well as the end date see BT#1911 </li>
  54. <li>Exercises: Question list interface was changed, new drag and drop behaviour added</li>
  55. <li>New Session page added when clicking in the session name in the Course list</li>
  56. <li>Social notifications added in the Social tab</li>
  57. <li>Support for Hindi language has been added (Feature #2746)</li>
  58. <li>Added sessions, promotions and careers cloning features (Feature BT#1916)</li>
  59. <li>Integration of Pixlr image editing services and photo retouching (Feature #2712)</li>
  60. <li>Added experimental MySQLi driver. Requires manual replacement of database.lib.php to enable it</li>
  61. <li>Added font resize capabilities for accessibility (Feature #2237)</li>
  62. <li>Added management of favicon.ico by multi-url (Feature #1739) - just add the favicon.ico file inside the home/url/ directory</li>
  63. <li>Added notification by e-mail on social network events (Feature #2189)</li>
  64. <li>Added Excel questions import</li>
  65. </ul>
  66. <h3>Debugging</h3>
  67. <ul>
  68. <li>Added more quality at the icons</li>
  69. <li>Fixed an encoding problem about database connection which is specific to Chinese language. The initial solution has been proposed by Oliver Corre (Bug #1802)</li>
  70. <li>Attendance: Adding sticky header for the attendance sheet BT#</li>
  71. <li>Multiple URL feature: Fixed Course user list (BT#1547) </li>
  72. <li>Multiple URL feature: Fixed User List options when adding courses, users, sessions see BT#1470 </li>
  73. <li>Multiple URL feature: System Announcements and Global agenda now are filtered by URL see BT#1441</li>
  74. <li>Multiple URL feature: Added multiple URL support when adding user, courses, sessions to a Human Resources see BT#1470 </li>
  75. <li>Student publication: Fixed bug when editing an item see BT#1377</li>
  76. <li>Student publication: Fixed bug when deleting an item see BT#1556</li>
  77. <li>Exercises: Fixed bug in QTI import (private task BT#1368)</li>
  78. <li>Exercises: Now we show the firstname and lastname of the students in different columns see BT#1263</li>
  79. <li>Exercises: Support UTC dates for time control and Exercise time limits see #2075</li>
  80. <li>Exercises: Time control bugs fixed #2069</li>
  81. <li>Exercises: Question order in results fixed #2073</li>
  82. <li>Exercises: Fixing question list order #2075</li>
  83. <li>Exercises: Allowing duplicate an exercise within a session BT#1647</li>
  84. <li>Exercises: Improving pagination when browsing exercise results (private task BT#1901)</li>
  85. <li>Exercises: Question Pool improvements: now we can copy a question from other courses see BT#1917</li>
  86. <li>Documents: Fixing coach and students in a session permissions BT#1652</li>
  87. <li>Learning Path: Teachers can reset LP results see #2024</li>
  88. <li>Learning Path: Fixing bug when deleting a LP item that have prerequisites in other itels see #1756</li>
  89. <li>Learning Path: Fixing empty document names after migration when adding documents in a LP see BT#1803</li>
  90. <li>Profile: Deleting production user's files fixed see #1682</li>
  91. <li>Installation: Tracking will be always enabled #2066</li>
  92. <li>Thickbox does not work well in the Social Tool #1995</li>
  93. <li>Fixed Chamilo social-content-right #2010</li>
  94. <li>Fixed screen when you try to access a protected course through the url #2026</li>
  95. <li>Fixed bug deleting course teacher in admin edition #2109</li>
  96. <li>Administration: Fixing links "Add a page (CMS)" when using multple urls see BT#1805</li>
  97. <li>Gradebook: Hiding print icon in Certificates BT#1650</li>
  98. <li>Link Tool: IE icons replaced</li>
  99. <li>Wiki: Fixed sessions #1659</li>
  100. <li>Wiki: Fixed behaviour of plugin wikilink #2217</li>
  101. <li>Wiki: Fixed links with accents and special characters do not work well in utf-8 #2286</li>
  102. <li>A student can edit a file through url into documents tool after visit his/her group #2485</li>
  103. <li>Social network to run from 1024x768 #1958</li>
  104. <li>Irrelevant check has been removed, it prevented the page "Administration &gt; Setting the registration page" to be accessed
  105. in the case of assigned value "No" to the setting "Administration &gt; Configuration settings &gt; Portal &gt; Registration".
  106. This bug has been reported by Wolfgang in the forum and by Oliver Corre in the Chamilo support site (Bug #1846)</li>
  107. <li>Until now, when a training was emptied, only as database records related to SCORM learning paths were removed.
  108. Now the correspondent folders containing the unzipped SCORM packages are removed from the file system too (Bug #875)</li>
  109. <li>Fixed bug in plugin display areas (Bug #741)</li>
  110. <li>Fixed items reordering in profiling tool (Bug #1153)</li>
  111. <li>Fixed confusing interface in "Forgot my password" screen (Bug #1754)</li>
  112. <li>Fixed name consistency in web services (Bug #1905)</li>
  113. <li>Fixed footer in Internet Explorer (Bug #1305)</li>
  114. <li>Fixed missing function prototype (Bug #1906)</li>
  115. <li>Fixed document preview frame - now adaptative size (Bug #1751)</li>
  116. <li>Fixed misuses of api_get_local_time() (Bug #1851)</li>
  117. <li>Fixed new tools notifications in courses list (Bug #1132)</li>
  118. <li>Removed many backticks (on our way to db independentization)</li>
  119. <li>Fixed bug with split user directories and personal files (Bug #2239)</li>
  120. <li>Fixed bug in link to course from courses list when code != from category</li>
  121. <li>Fixed bug with unregistered directories in documents when copying course to other course (Bug #3059)</li>
  122. <li>Fixed positionning on last element of subsection in learnpath building (BT#2333)</li>
  123. <li>Fixed bug by which tracking in courses could only be exported up to 50 rows at a time as for the HTML page limit (BT#2342)</li>
  124. </ul>
  125. <h3>Security</h3>
  126. <ul>
  127. <li>Fixed potential low-impact security issues in wiki</li>
  128. </ul>
  129. <h3>Known issues</h3>
  130. <ul>
  131. <li>Groups (admin only): When a user is subscribed in a Course through a Group and he's also subscribed in the same Course (tradional way), when removing the user from the Group, the user will be also removed from the Course in both levels.</li>
  132. <li>Changed "givenname" for "cn" in LDAP queries. This might break some of the previous implementations of this plugin</li>
  133. <li>If you used split users directories before v1.8.8 in combination with the "My files" feature (if it existed at all at that point), you will probably have a problem now, as the code in the previous version was wrong and was saving the personal portfolio file in another directory than the user's. Sorry about that. If you need professional assistance, see the website under support -> professional support for official providers who could help you. And don't forget to keep a backup. If you don't understand a thing about what I'm talking about, you are probable not concerned by this bug, so don't worry too much.</li>
  134. </ul>
  135. <h3>Deprecated files</h3>
  136. <ul>
  137. <li>main/garbage/ directory</li>
  138. </ul>
  139. <h1>Chamilo - Palmas</h1>
  140. <h3>New Features</h3>
  141. <ul>
  142. <li>Ajax File Manager updated to 1.0 RC5 (Feature #247)</li>
  143. <li>Display message when uploading a file that is larger than the maximum file size (Feature #250, #1769)</li>
  144. <li>Improved SCORM lesson_status behaviour (Feature #283)</li>
  145. <li>Multiple answers can now be shuffled (Feature #291)</li>
  146. <li>Added simple document search feature (Feature #300)</li>
  147. <li>Added short URL feature for users profile (through .htaccess disabled by default) (Feature #322)</li>
  148. <li>ASCIIMathML.js: The script for showing mathematical formulas has been upgraded from version 2.0.2 to version 2.1. Additional changes have been made in the online editor's plugin asciimath (Feature #541)</li>
  149. <li>Moved slideshow buttons to action bar to improve usability (Feature #744)</li>
  150. <li>Added robots.txt to avoid parsing by index engines (Feature #837)</li>
  151. <li>Added e-mail notification on wiki updates (Feature #1202)</li>
  152. <li>Re-enabled course tutor role: a student can be tutor and help the teacher (Bug #1206)</li>
  153. <li>Removed possibility for student to upload an assignment outside an assignment directory (Bug #1220)</li>
  154. <li>Improved gradebook XLS report (Bug #1237)</li>
  155. <li>Added performance info in test server mode (Feature #1634)</li>
  156. <li>Adding an assignment to the calendar is now done by hand out date instead of creation date (Bug #1638)</li>
  157. <li>The mPDF library (which is used for PDF-files generation) has been upgraded from version 4.2 to version 4.6 (Feature #1656)</li>
  158. <li>Now a student only downloads *his* shared folder (Feature #1663)</li>
  159. <li>General visual improvements in gradebook tool (Feature #1740)</li>
  160. <li>General code improvements in gradebook (Feature #1742)</li>
  161. <li>Now displaying images uploaded by users in courses inside their social profile (Feature #1750)</li>
  162. <li>Added simple social network link featurei (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, ...) (Feature #1764)</li>
  163. <li>Enabled PDF export for HTML documents in documents tool (Feature #1768)</li>
  164. <li>Changed Mr. Chamilo picture in course introduction for the Chamilo logo (more professional) (Feature #1778)</li>
  165. </ul>
  166. <h3>Debugging</h3>
  167. <ul>
  168. <li>Fixed excessive memory usage caused by HTMLPurifier (Bug #1297)</li>
  169. <li>Duplicate query calls have been removed from .../install/ The bug has been reported (with solution given) by Omar Arino (Bug #1713)</li>
  170. <li>Fixed answer option rendering problem (Bug #351)</li>
  171. <li>Fixed install process not detecting HTTPS (Bug #413)</li>
  172. <li>Fixed multi-url statitics bug (Bug #1099)</li>
  173. <li>Fixed references to previous platform in hotspot (Bug#1161)</li>
  174. <li>Fixed UTF-8 characters encoding problems in hotspot (Bug #1752)</li>
  175. <li>Fixed various wiki comments bugs (Bug #1203, #1204)</li>
  176. <li>Improved the survey report export to make one cell for each percentage question (Bug #1249)</li>
  177. <li>Tests tool: Errors have been fixed about showing HotPotatoes tests and results. The solution has been proposed by Hubert Borderiou (Bug #1301)</li>
  178. <li>Fixed cache memory problem preventing sub-languages to show translated tool titles in course homepages (Bug #1304)</li>
  179. <li>Fixed problem with more than 100 users in attendance sheets (Bug #1364)</li>
  180. <li>Fixed bug with left and right arrows in learning paths, whereby the system didn't move to the next chapter (Bug #1413)</li>
  181. <li>Fixed wiki report (Bug #1432)</li>
  182. <li>Fixed minor spacing problem in new links in wiki (Bug #1433, #1434)</li>
  183. <li>Fixed notice messages in Chamilo install process (Bug #1442)</li>
  184. <li>Fix users and courses reports access bug when upgrading from to 1.8.7 (Bug #1443, #1449)</li>
  185. <li>Fixed users CSV import/export issues (Bug #1454)</li>
  186. <li>Fixed PDF export under Linux (Bug #1461)</li>
  187. <li>Fixed DB errors in attendance through session users list stats (Bug #1462)</li>
  188. <li>Fixed access to course documents by students in session courses (Bug #1463)</li>
  189. <li>Limited global announcement e-mails to selected language users (Bug #1471)</li>
  190. <li>Fixed sender e-mail for global announcements (Bug #1472)</li>
  191. <li>Fixed sending global announcements to disabled users (Bug #1474)</li>
  192. <li>Fixed bug in score in trainer reporting view (Bug #1479)</li>
  193. <li>Fixed call to undefined function imageftbbox in stats (Bug #1481)</li>
  194. <li>Fixed (through #1297) bug preventing attendance sheets to show (Bug #1510)</li>
  195. <li>Fixed HotPotatoes score not being saved in learning path (Bug #1512)</li>
  196. <li>Fixed error in progress page with single-db installs (Bug #1581)</li>
  197. <li>Improved resource visibility from sessions (Bug #1599)</li>
  198. <li>Fixed various French sintaxis minor bugs (Bug #1608, #1635, #1636, #1639, #1642, #1643, #1644, #1645, #1648))</li>
  199. <li>Fixed chat history file download auto-triggered (Bug #1637)</li>
  200. <li>Tasks now create a calendar event based on the hand out date instead of the task creation date (if hand out date is defined) (Bug #1638)</li>
  201. <li>Fixed minor unescaped backslash in assignments description (Bug #1641)</li>
  202. <li>Fixed wrong character set used in RSS feed import (Bug #1649)</li>
  203. <li>Fixed hidden extended profile fields in social network's shared profile - now visible if selected by admin (Bug #1650)</li>
  204. <li>Fixed moving learnpath chapters (Bug #1651)</li>
  205. <li>Fixed learning paths visibility from sessions (Bug #1653)</li>
  206. <li>Fixed plain text pasting in wiki (Bug #1655)</li>
  207. <li>Fixed certificates "back" button (Bug #1683)</li>
  208. <li>Fixed bug not showing star icon for documents created through session (Bug #1684)</li>
  209. <li>Fixed next/previous links in sessions list preventing numerous sessions to be seen (Bug #1712)</li>
  210. <li>Fixed copy of questions between courses (Bug #1714)</li>
  211. <li>Fixed bug in breadcrumb for shared directory (Bug #1718)</li>
  212. <li>Improved shared folder when inside session (Bug #1719, #1720, #1721)</li>
  213. <li>Fixed order in attendance sheets (Bug #1733)</li>
  214. <li>Fixed encoding problem in announcements in Chinese (Bug #1734)</li>
  215. <li>Fixed broken UTF-8 text in hotspot (Bug #1752)</li>
  216. <li>Fixed image insertion in documents (Bug #1760)</li>
  217. <li>Tests tool: Titles of the imported HotPotatoes tests are retrieved in their original spelling, without modifications due to technical reasons, as it was before. The problem has been reported by Oliver Corre (Bug #1761)</li>
  218. <li>Fixed PDF export from wiki to limit header/footer repetition (Bug #1767)</li>
  219. <li>Fixed unclear label in tests list titles (Bug #1770)</li>
  220. <li>Fixed videoconference starter page (classroom/meeting) (Bug #1774)</li>
  221. <li>General code cleanup (if conditions) (Feature #1744)</li>
  222. </ul>
  223. <h3>Security</h3>
  224. <ul>
  225. <li>Fixed security bugs in the wiki (Bug #1666)</li>
  226. </ul>
  227. <h3>Deprecated files</h3>
  228. <ul>
  229. <li>html2pdf library (replaced by mPDF libray)</li>
  230. <li>main/WCAG folder has been removed (deprecated) </li>
  231. <li>main/online folder has been removed (deprecated)</li>
  232. </ul>
  233. <h1>Chamilo 1.8.7 - Istanbul</h1>
  234. <h3>Release notes - summary</h3>
  235. <p>Chamilo 1.8.7 is a major&nbsp;release including a lot of new features, mostly focused on social network, the handling of sessions (which will help many educational institutions, public or private, to manage their contents in a more flexible way) and visual style, and a few important bugfixes. It lays the first stable stone in the Chamilo software project. This version is the first one to <b>highly recommend PHP 5.2</b> or superior, and <b>require PHP 5.1</b> or higher.<br />Also, this version of Chamilo will automatically convert all your data to UTF-8, which will make it more difficult to migrate from Dokeos versions higher than</p>
  236. <h3>New Features</h3>
  237. <ul>
  238. <li>Full UTF-8 support has been implemented (Feature #272)<ul>
  239. <li>UTF-8 becomes recommended system encoding to be used. It is also recommended that HTML-documents created with external tools be UTF-8 encoded.</li>
  240. <li>For newly installed systems: UTF-8 is the default value of the administrator's setting "Character set". Database tables will now be storing UTF-8 encoded text.</li>
  241. <li>For upgraded systems: The upgrade procedure automatically changes the character set to UTF-8. During upgrade database tables are converted to UTF-8 and the corresponding changes to text fields are applied. Conversion to UTF-8 of HTML documents stored in the file system is not performed, this is not mandatory.</li>
  242. <li><em>Note about integration with external systems</em>: Keep in mind that since version 1.8.7, pieces of text kept in the database are UTF-8 encoded. If an external system accesses database records directly, some corrections to contents of the external database might be necessary.</li>
  243. </ul>
  244. </li>
  245. <li>Class attendance (usable in Gradebook), which allows b-learning teachers to keep attendance registers</li>
  246. <li>Student certificates allow teachers to build certificates in their own format, using online-built HTML templates</li>
  247. <li>Thematic/Academic progress (shown on course homepage), which allows teachers to show how their courses is progressing following a pre-established schedule</li>
  248. <li>Timezone management at user and platform level (Feature #599)</li>
  249. <li>HR dashboard: statistical reporting page (by blocks) about students, courses or sessions, available to platform administrator, session administrator or human resources manager</li>
  250. <li>Exercise tool: Teachers can delete students results of an exercise (NOT LP results)</li>
  251. <li>Exercice tool: Shuffle answers</li>
  252. <li>Exercice tool: Copy exercises, copy questions (Feature #651)</li>
  253. <li>robots.txt file added (Feature #837)</li>
  254. <li>Upgraded PclZip library to version 2.8.2 (Feature #553)</li>
  255. <li>Upgraded PHPMailer library to version 5.1 (Feature #272)</li>
  256. <li>pChart Horizontal bars library added thanks to gferri see (Feature #790)</li>
  257. <li>Added setting to remove permission for teachers to subscribe students in their course</li>
  258. <li>Added setting to show "report bug" link in header</li>
  259. <li>Added new visualization mode for courses: vertical activity</li>
  260. <li>Improved presentation of courses + sessions in courses list (bigger icons, clearer boxes)</li>
  261. <li>Adding Ical import funcionality in agenda events see CT#1238</li>
  262. <li>Updating license version to GNU/GPL v3</li>
  263. </ul>
  264. <h3>Debugging</h3>
  265. <ul>
  266. <li>Fixed major course copy drawback by which exercise contents were keeping links to the old course (thanks to Ludovic Gasc and SANTEXCEL - BT#658)</li>
  267. <li>Some PHP short tags fixed. Reported by Sicabol, see <a href="" target="_blank"></a> (Feature #347)</li>
  268. <li>Student publications deleted when an user is unsubscribed of a course. Reported and fixed by André Boivin</li>
  269. <li>Fixed bug reported by Carlosbrolotobar in <a href="" target="_blank"></a> whereby normal students don't can't see their social profile section in the right menu if they can't see the courses catalog.</li>
  270. <li>Corrected mailing functions, now they load the file <em>mail.conf.php</em>. Previously the file <em>mail.conf.dist.php</em> was to be loaded by mistake. (Feature #272)</li>
  271. <li>Online editor: A new configuration option about editor's background has been proposed by Wofganag Schneider and it has been implemented. See <a href="" target="_blank"></a> (Feature #347)</li>
  272. <li>Online editor: IE proprietary commenting tags are desactivated before loading the edited text. This fix has been proposed by Hubert Borderiou. (Bug #573)</li>
  273. <li>Online editor: Upgraded from FCKEditor 2.6.5 to FCKEditor 2.6.6, Build 25427 - Feature #626</li>
  274. <li>Fixed bugs caused by the undefined constant REL_SYS_PATH and by the declared twice constant TABLE_MAIN_GROUP. Problems have been reporded by krikrizzz and Knightly. See the related forum topics <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and <a href="" target="_blank"></a> (Feature #347)</li>
  275. <li>Fixed course copy table lp_item audio not copied. Reported by Henri Hedman (Bug #575)</li>
  276. <li>Fixed Added an option to cancel prerequisites in a course (Learning path). Fixed by aboivin in <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </li>
  277. <li>Empty extra user fields are now deleted from the database</li>
  278. <li>Quiz tool: erasing "rn" characters in fill in blanks and free answer bug fixed (Bug #829). Reported by David Auzeine</li>
  279. <li>Quiz tool: answer field updated from "id" to "id_auto" in the chamilo_stats.track_e_attempt table when migrating from to 1.8.7 </li>
  280. <li>Quiz tool: Answer list fixed when using "matching" question type (BT#801). Reported by Noa Orizales</li>
  281. <li>Quiz tool: Fixed problem with open questions when entering words with the "rn" characters see CT#1035 </li>
  282. <li>Quiz tool + LP : Fixed bug when adding a exercise twice in the same LP with multiple attempts or not.</li>
  283. <li>Quiz tool + LP + Multiple attempts : Pre requisites will work the first time a student pass the LP.
  284. If a student finished all steps correctly he will view all steps, prerequisites will not work here.</li>
  285. <li>Learning Path (Courses): PHP sessions of a LP are destroyed when visiting the main course page.</li>
  286. <li>Assignment tool: Work.php deletes all homeworks bugs fixed. Reported and fixed by carlosbrolotobar <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
  287. <li>Core API: Support has been implemented for json_encode() function for PHP version &#60; 5.2. The correspondent bug-report "Hide and show not working" and testing have been done by Hubert Borderiou <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
  288. <li>Fixed target problems in links tool, in link edition</li>
  289. <li>Fixed minor bug in online mail editor in order to show the sender's name and e-mail</li>
  290. <li>Fixed bug that prevented importing SCORM resource from course archives (Bug #872)</li>
  291. <li>Fixed bug that prevented proper tests importing from course zip-archives created on systems prior to Chamilo (Bug #879)</li>
  292. <li>Quiz tool: fixed graphical bug preventing the use of matching-type exercises (thanks to USIL team - BT#914)</li>
  293. <li>Added hidden debugging feature that marks all right answers (for matching, multiple and single choice questions) (private BT#914)</li>
  294. <li>Adding javascript library for the Pear HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect class (see CT#883)</li>
  295. <li>Assignment tool: Fixed problem with work/assignment tool whereby a moved work lost the ability to be scored</li>
  296. <li>Announcement tool: display images inside content of announcement sent by email (now the attachment images are embedded inside content) - private BT#925</li>
  297. <li>User image is show in the course list (User portal)</li>
  298. <li>Copy course sessions fixes see CT#1253</li>
  299. <li>SQL query fixed Wiki tool see CT#1201. Report by Hubert Borderiou</li>
  300. <li>Learning path: Show document title instead of filename. Report and fix sent by Hubert Borderiou; See CT#1038</li>
  301. <li>Many other bug fixes</li>
  302. </ul>
  303. <h3>CSS changes</h3>
  304. <ul>
  305. <li>Added HTML div around plugin areas</li>
  306. <li>Updated header area (reduced header height)</li>
  307. <li>Changed .rounded style from background: #ccc to border: 3px solid #CCCCCC in all styles</li>
  308. <li>By creating a new course, will be enabled default, the option to display the chat in a new window</li>
  309. <li>When installing the platform will be active by default the following options: Allow edit tutors in the courses of the sessions, social network and sending messages</li>
  310. <li>When you add an answer in Multiple choice or Multiple answers the score default is zero </li>
  311. <li>Portal news UI improvements</li>
  312. <li>User portal page UI improvements</li>
  313. </ul>
  314. <h3>Known issues</h3>
  315. <ul>
  316. <li>Timezone functionality is not available in the most recent versions of PHP available for CentOS/RHEL ( 5.1.6-23.2.el5_3 ) (see Chamilo now requires PHP 5.1 or superior and <b>highly</b> recommends PHP 5.2.</li>
  317. <li>When the user publishes an event as announcement, this same announce can be repeat many times</li>
  318. <li>FCKEditor FLV Videos: If you already insert a FLV video you should re-embed it. The SWFObject was replaced with object tags.</li>
  319. </ul>
  320. <h3>Deprecated files</h3>
  321. <ul>
  322. <li>Online editor: The plugins "Flash" (obsolete) and "placeholder" (non-relevant to the finished product) have been removed. (Feature #347)</li>
  323. </ul>
  324. <h3>Security</h3>
  325. <ul>
  326. <li>HTMLPurifier updated to version 4.1.0</li>
  327. <li>FLV FCKEditor Plugin modified. SWFObject replaced with "object" and embed tags. Avoids the execution of javascript. See CT#1297</li>
  328. <li>Security: fixed several possible SQL injections in links edition</li>
  329. </ul>
  330. <br />
  331. <h1>Chamilo <span style="font-style: italic;">Salto</span> - January 2010</h1>
  332. <h3>Release notes - summary</h3>
  333. <p>Chamilo is a intermediate&nbsp;release including a lot of new features, mostly focused on social network, the handling of sessions (which will help many educational institutions, public or private, to manage their contents in a more flexible way) and visual style, and a few important bugfixes. It lays the first stable stone in the Chamilo software project.</p>
  334. <h3>New Features</h3>
  335. <ul>
  336. <li>Implemented by-session content creation tools updates</li>
  337. <li>Added tabs editor (from admin)</li>
  338. <li>Added course catalogue</li>
  339. <li>Added a link to export courses in the "platform administrator &gt; courses list" entry (DT#4257)</li>
  340. <li>Added sessions history (optional access to previous sessions in read-only or read-write, for students)</li>
  341. <li>Added advanced search in sessions: you can also search by session name, session category, tutor and visibility. (DT#5541)</li>
  342. <li>Added an option to configure courses as "auto-registered" (every user has it in his courses list and is automatically subscribed)</li>
  343. <li>Added chat tool to the groups(DT#3318)</li>
  344. <li>Allowed password to be recovered using username *or* e-mail</li>
  345. <li>Added editable section to the registration form</li>
  346. <li>Added option to send a email to a portal administrator upon course creation (DT#3489)</li>
  347. <li>Added privacy for the chat tool in a sessions or groups context (DT#5558)</li>
  348. <li>Added possibility to view glossary terms in exercises and learning paths (courses)</li>
  349. <li>Reporting: notification of users who have never been active yet</li>
  350. <li>Reporting: the additional user profile fields (defined by the platform administrator through platform administration &gt; profiling) can now be shown in the reporting screens</li>
  351. <li>Subscribing users in a course: you can now filter on addtional user profile fields when subscribing a user in a course (through user/subscribe_user.php) </li>
  352. <li>Definition of wiki pages as tasks for students is now possible</li>
  353. <li>Added feedback to student wiki pages, synchronized with their progress in the task</li>
  354. <li>Added posibility to establish a time limit for each wiki page</li>
  355. <li>Added posibility to establish a max number of words into each wiki page</li>
  356. <li>Added posibility to establish a max number of versions for each wiki page</li>
  357. <li>Improved control of concurrent users in wiki</li>
  358. <li>Improved the use of wiki pages such as student's portfolios (individual task)</li>
  359. <li>Added an immediate redirection to the course after login when a user is enrolled only in one course (defined by the platform administrator through platform administration &gt; configuration settings &gt; training)- DT#3466</li>
  360. <li>Added user's photo into users list interface - DT#5496</li>
  361. <li>Disabled trainer/tutor name field in create course form, set to current user's name by default. Can be modified into course settings - DT#5496 </li>
  362. <li>Added option to export the training list to CSV in Administration &gt; Training - DT#4256</li>
  363. <li>Added user tags in social network - DT#5508</li>
  364. <li>Revamped "Who is online" look - DT#5490</li>
  365. <li>Added new search tool - DT#5610 </li>
  366. <li>Added user groups at platform level (social network) with posibility to send group messages, add moderators, readers, etc - DT#5611</li>
  367. <li>Made construction of presentations with the images of document tool easier</li>
  368. <li>Upgraded from FCKEditor to FCKEditor 2.6.5, Build 23959 - DT#2867</li>
  369. <li>Added settings for WYSIWYG editor into the Platform Admin Area (instead of files)</li>
  370. <li>Upgraded html2pdf libray to 3.26</li>
  371. <li>Upgraded mimetex to 1.71</li>
  372. <li>Rebuilt social network menu interface</li>
  373. <li>Improved messages tool: Easier to use, no annoying ajax menun makes it faster and more reliable</li>
  374. <li>Added multiple attachments to messages sending</li>
  375. <li>Added possibility to send emails to multiple users</li>
  376. <li>Improved user portal page when Social Network is enabled: User image, and subscriptions links are shown</li>
  377. <li>Added inc/ajax library folder to structurer AJAX calls - see CT#431. All new jQuery + AJAX reponses should be located there</li>
  378. <li>RSS Feed added by default to the extra fields, as well as the user tag. Still requires manual visibility change to be enabled</li>
  379. <li>Improved reporting tab performance tenfolds (main/mySpace/courseLog.php file)</li>
  380. <li>Added list of students who have not submitted an assignment yet, and the possibility to send them a reminder by email - BT#487 BT#489</li>
  381. <li>Added new question type in exercise tool: Multiple answer combination a.k.a "Exact answer" - CT#402</li>
  382. <li>Added e-mail notifications when a student answers an exercise</li>
  383. <li>Added extensible footer style, allowing for much more information to be shown there</li>
  384. <li>List of course improved when using Course categories in user_portal.php </li>
  385. </ul>
  386. <h3>Debugging</h3>
  387. <ul>
  388. <li>Simplified SCORM engine, making it more reliable but supporting less SCORM messages (interactions and objectives disabled for now)</li>
  389. <li>Fixed a bug in course homepage always showing a box even when no tools were shown (r8747:3ad59f6aed1f)</li>
  390. <li>Score result in reporting is expressed as a percentage</li>
  391. <li>CSV export of reporting no longer contains html code in the last column</li>
  392. <li>The course list is now sorted like you have defined on the course management page</li>
  393. <li>Display order in LP fixed (Organize view) #5668</li>
  394. <li>Automatic deletion of a link in gradebook fixed - DT#5229</li>
  395. </ul>
  396. <br />
  397. <h3>CSS changes</h3>
  398. <ul>
  399. <li>New Chamilo themes added</li>
  400. <li>Fixed older styles support</li>
  401. <li>Added iepngfix hack to support png images in IE6</li>
  402. <li>Changed footer to allow for extensible height</li>
  403. <li>Added many CSS elements to support new tools (social network, glossary, etc)</li>
  404. </ul>
  405. <h3>Known issues</h3>
  406. <ul>
  407. <li>In Hotspot under Windows® (server-side), uploading a PNG file results in an unstable exercise</li>
  408. <li>Scorm: Objectives and interactions are not supported</li>
  409. <li>Scorm: Hotspot and Exact type of questions can't be exported in a SCORM package</li>
  410. <li>Course backup: When trying to generate a backup the image/video paths are not update with the new course code see CT#521</li>
  411. <li>If the "Show glossary terms" option is selected for the lessons tool (SCORM) and exercises, the description of the exercise might contain the answers to the question. Need human intelligence to avoid this.</li>
  412. </ul>
  413. <h3>Deprecated files</h3>
  414. <ul>
  415. <li>main/btf_functions.php file deleted. All functions are in the new class inc/lib/course_home.lib.php</li>
  416. <li>main/messages/message.class.php moved to inc/lib/message.lib.php in messages tool</li>
  417. <li>main/messages/message.css is now useless</li>
  418. <li>main/messages/cookies.js is now useless</li>
  419. <li>message_for_group_form_inc.php in social tool moved to the inc/ajax library</li>
  420. <li>main/social/select_options.php moved to inc/ajax library</li>
  421. </ul>
  422. <br />
  423. <h1>Dokeos - August 2009</h1>
  424. <h3>Release notes - summary</h3>
  425. <p>Dokeos is a minor&nbsp;release including just a few new features, mostly focused on internationalization, and several bugfixes.</p>
  426. <h3>New Features</h3>
  427. <ul>
  428. <li>Implemented new sub-language feature by which language terms redefinition becomes possible through the admin section (FS#4321)</li>
  429. <li>Admin: Terms and conditions added DT#4320</li>
  430. <li>Improvements in document tool, allow seeing glossary terms (FS#4337)</li>
  431. <li>Small improvements in SCORM export(FS#4300)</li>
  432. <li>At the beginning of the installation script, added an imperative check for PHP 5 has been added. (FS#4296)</li>
  433. <li>When the system Dokeos is switched into "Test server" mode, a clickable indicator appears in the footer. This indicator is visible by platform administrators only. (FS#4341)</li>
  434. <li>A transliteration function has been added. Currently, it is used in uploading files. Files with non-English names get names that contain ASCII letters only, remaining readable in the corresponding language. Rationale: The PHP5 run-time environment does not manage file name encodings, adding such a non-native feature involves too much work. For avoiding character encoding problems, transliteration of file names is the possible solution. (FS#306)</li>
  435. <li>An internationalization option has been added for improving sorting in arbitrary language. When the <a href="" target="_blank">intl</a> php-extension has been installed, various sorting routines exploit it for better sorting. Rationale: The PHP5 run-time environment does not provide native and reliable way of sorting UTF-8 strings. (FS#306)</li>
  436. <li>Installation script: The page about system requilements has been updated. Also, at the very beginning, a check has been added whether the <a href="" target="_blank">mbstring</a> php-extension is installed - see <a href="" target="_blank">the related forum topic</a>. (FS#306)</li>
  437. <li>A new php-based configuration for the online editor has been implemented, see <i>dokeos/main/inc/lib/fckeditor/myconfig.php</i>. Also, toolbar definitions have been split in separate php-files within the directory <i>dokeos/main/inc/lib/fckeditor/toolbars/</i> . Customization of the editor is more convenient and flexible now. (FS#2867)</li>
  438. <li>Online editor: A upgrade from FCKEditor 2.6.4 to <strong>FCKEditor</strong> has been implemented. (FS#4383)</li>
  439. <li>Online editor: Blocking copy/paste for trainees has been added. The feature is configurable through editing the toolbar definition files within the directory <i>dokeos/main/inc/lib/fckeditor/toolbars/</i> . (FS#2867)</li>
  440. <li>Online editor: Preview tabs have been added to the dialogs for inserting video, flv-video, and YouTube video. (FS#2867)</li>
  441. <li>Online editor: The <strong>audio</strong> plugin has been activated by default as an implementation of the "Insert audio / Audio properties" dialog. This new plugin is intended to replace the "MP3" plugin. (FS#2867)</li>
  442. <li>Online editor: The simple file manager, the advanced file manager and the image manager have been integrated by default with the editor's dialog system. Thus, they work faster and in a more secure way. (FS#2867)</li>
  443. <li>Online editor: Configuration of the <strong>mimetex</strong> plugin has been reworked to gain simplicity. The procedure for configuration has been updated, see <a href="" target="_blank">the related forum topic</a>. (FS#2867)</li>
  444. <li>Online editor: A new <strong>asciimath</strong> plugin for inserting mathematical formulas has been added. It is based on the <a href="" target="_blank">ASCIIMathML.js</a> library. (FS#2867)</li>
  445. <li>Social: Added possibility to define RSS feeds inside personal page of social network (need to define an 'rssfeeds' extra user text field)</li>
  446. </ul>
  447. <h3>Debugging</h3>
  448. <ul>
  449. <li>Online editor: Several known bug-fixes from FCKEditor 2.6.5 SVN have been implemented, tickets <a href="" target="_blank">#1537</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">#2156</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">#2689</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">#2821</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">#2856</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">#2874</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">#2915</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">#3120</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">#3181</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">#3427</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">#3429</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">#3439</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">#3446</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">#3481</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">#3677</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">#3818</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">#3880</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">#3925</a>. (FS#2867)</li>
  450. <li>Online editor: The toolbar icons have been upgraded to those from FCKEditor 3.0. (FS#2867)</li>
  451. <li>A solution has been implemented for fixing the <a href="" target="_blank">"__flash__removeCallback" bug</a>, which affects the media player on Internet Explorer browser. (FS#4378 and FS#2867)</li>
  452. <li>Quiz: fixed bug in multiple-choice/single-answer questions results (whereby the wrong answer was saved)</li>
  453. <li>Admin: Added courses from sessions inside AJAX popup of courses list in users list (SVN#22398)</li>
  454. <li>Admin: Showing full-length course titles in list of courses while adding to sessions(SVN#22399)</li>
  455. <li>Admin: Added session name in title of session edition pages(SVN#22400)</li>
  456. </ul>
  457. <br />
  458. <h3>CSS changes</h3>
  459. <ul>
  460. <li>Sticky footer now available in all Dokeos stylesheets. If you own a custom stylesheet you will need to update it, see <a href="">DT#3549</a> for further details.</li>
  461. </ul>
  462. <br />
  463. <h3>Known issues</h3>
  464. <br />
  465. <h3>Deprecated files</h3>
  466. <ul>
  467. <li>The whole main/inc/lib/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default/connectors/ directory should be removed for security reasons</li>
  468. </ul>
  469. <br />
  470. <h1>Dokeos 1.8.6 <span style="font-style: italic;">Svalbard</span> - June 2009</h1>
  471. <h3>Release notes - summary</h3>
  472. <p>Dokeos 1.8.6 Svalbard is a major&nbsp;release including new features.&nbsp;</p>
  473. <h3>New Features</h3>
  474. <ul>
  475. <li>FCKEditor 2.6.4, build 21629 added (FS#2528 and FS#2867)</li>
  476. <li>Improvements to the profiling tool (previously called "User fields") to improve presentation and flexibility, and allow edition</li>
  477. <li>Added new authorized charsets for learning path tool</li>
  478. <li>Official code available in My Reporting (FS#2640)</li>
  479. <li>Added possibility to switch fill-in-the-blanks answers (FS#2683)</li>
  480. <li>Now hiding database password field with *** in install/upgrade procedure (FS#2680)</li>
  481. <li>Added attempts limit to tests</li>
  482. <li>Hide language form if only one language available</li>
  483. <li>Added possibility for the course teacher and tutor to delete quiz attempts by users</li>
  484. <li>Added possibility for session coaches to register external users directly to their session (FS#2700)</li>
  485. <li>Added possibility to allow coach to access a defined number of days before and after a session (FS#2724)</li>
  486. <li>Activates unique (ajax) and multiple (multiple select) inscriptions for courses and users in sessions (FS#2719)</li>
  487. <li>Handling of sessions in tools has been improved : for example we can't see anymore an annoucment of another session (FS#2743)</li>
  488. <li>Tests : In students results page, set the question comment in red when the student's answer is wrong. Set in green when the answer id good</li>
  489. <li>New audio recorder in learning path</li>
  490. <li>New mp3 player (FS#2977)</li>
  491. <li>New Glossary tool (FS#3248)</li>
  492. <li>Integrated the gradebook at course level (FS#3173)</li>
  493. <li>New wiki tool (considerably improved, built on CoolWiki plugin) (FS#2873)</li>
  494. <li>Remove possibility to delete system directories in documents tool (FS#1522)</li>
  495. <li>Database server: no more need for special SQL modes for MySQL 5.0 to be turned off through the "sql_mode" setting. The Dokeos system does it internally (FS#2787)</li>
  496. <li>Some low-level functions that intensively use the language translation sub-system have been optimized for speed (FS#3260)</li>
  497. <li>Documents tool: The document-type icons have been made clickable (FS#3296)</li>
  498. <li>Documents tool: Online editor has been disabled for HotPotatoes tests in order their functionality to be preserved (FS#3345)</li>
  499. <li>Allow ZIP export of assignments for teacher and tutor </li>
  500. <li>Added attach documents to Agenda</li>
  501. <li>Added Web Services Interface (SOAP)</li>
  502. <li>Added Google Maps support</li>
  503. <li>Added Imagemap editor</li>
  504. <li>Online editor: Inserting links to YouTube streaming service has been added (FS#2867)</li>
  505. <li>Improved chat (open in new window option, smileys, teacher/learner difference and time indication for each message, user picture showing directly, possibility to hold several conversations in several courses at the same time)</li>
  506. <li>Option to hide/show e-mail addresses to all users (FS#3244)</li>
  507. <li>Added an introduction section for each group area (FS#3200)</li>
  508. <li>New Global Agenda (FS#3391)</li>
  509. <li>New Notebook tool in courses</li>
  510. <li>Added reporting on the last connections of a user in the chat</li>
  511. <li>Added link create course message to go directly to the course(SVN#17497)</li>
  512. <li>Added ability to take partial surveys and finish them later (FS#2510)</li>
  513. <li>New Survey Feature: Surveys without invitation mail (FS#3403)</li>
  514. <li>Added Booking system (a.k.a Reservation 2 Extension) (FS#821)</li>
  515. <li>Added user profiling fields in auto-registration page (FS#2666)</li>
  516. <li>Added check for writeable status of session save path in installation directory (FS#2970)</li>
  517. <li>Allow forum threads to be moved (FS#3460)</li>
  518. <li>Minor - Added update information for quizzes (FS#3417)</li>
  519. <li>Sending e-mails to all admin on user account creation confirmation (FS#3475)</li>
  520. <li>Changed user profile setting defaults to make phone field disabled and picture enabled (FS#3474)</li>
  521. <li>Added intermediary buttons in platform settings pages to avoid scrolling too much to apply atomic changes (FS#3473)</li>
  522. <li>Simplify default platform language choice by adding quick icon (FS#3472)</li>
  523. <li>Session admins can now add users to the portal (FS#3476)</li>
  524. <li>Added Advanced File Manager (FCKEditor plugin) to improve flexibility in files upload (FS#2970)</li>
  525. <li>Added New Message Tool (a.k.a Message 2 Plugin) (FS#3503)</li>
  526. <li>Added Question difficulty level in Exercises (FS#3515)</li>
  527. <li>Added Removed buggy audio recorder and added new MP3 player with easy upload (FS#3515)</li>
  528. <li>Improved Survey export (SVN#17927)</li>
  529. <li>Students can now view their uploaded works in Work tool (FS#3486)</li>
  530. <li>Implemented
  531. add to calendar an assignment with the date when it is completely
  532. closed, also when you remove it from assignment tool, it's removed into
  533. calendar too, the same case when it's edited, for that I had to change
  534. the value of add_calendar field into student_publication_assignment
  535. table, now when it's sent to calendar this value is the id into
  536. calendar_event table, instead this value is 0.</li>
  537. <li>Added Social tool + friend list (FS#3383)</li>
  538. <li>Added introduction section to blog and course description (FS#3165)</li>
  539. <li>Added import/export (CSV/XML) of extra user fields</li>
  540. <li>Added ability to import users in XML and subscribe to visual code (FS#3552)</li>
  541. <li>Added pChart v1.1.2 library to manage charts in Gradebook tool(FS#3718) and the Access details of a user </li>
  542. <li>Added SHA1 as a possibility to encrypt user passwords (FS#3798)</li>
  543. <li>Added global templates to use between courses (SVN#18955)</li>
  544. <li>Added To change your password, you must enter your current password (SVN#19225)</li>
  545. <li>Added New Dokeos stylesheets </li>
  546. <li>Improvements to the User profile</li>
  547. <li>Improvements to the Learning path display view (no more frames)</li>
  548. <li>Added HTML Purifier</li>
  549. <li>Added tracking/logging of admin activity FS#842</li>
  550. </ul>
  551. <br />
  552. <h3>Debugging</h3>
  553. <ul>
  554. <li>Improved security in exercises module</li>
  555. <li>Fixed issue in dropbox documents zipping feature - see <a href="">related forum post</a></li>
  556. <li>Increased size of php_session data field to allow for reasonable-sized session to be kept in the database (FS#2657)</li>
  557. <li>Fixed a few issues in mailing and codes for survey tool (FS#2662)</li>
  558. <li>Considerably improved migration of SCORM learning paths from Dokeos 1.6.x to 1.8.x</li>
  559. <li>Added student-view link for platform admin</li>
  560. <li>Fixed bug about last access reporting in dropbox tool (FS#2458)</li>
  561. <li>Saving survey invitation's mail subject (FS#2662)</li>
  562. <li>Various improvements in clone cleanliness - avoiding many notice-level error reports</li>
  563. <li>Fixed user picture problems in admin pages</li>
  564. <li>Mysql error fixed in Reporting in a single DB installation (FS#2638)</li>
  565. <li>Fixed phone number field missing during registration (FS#2639)</li>
  566. <li>Fixed breadcrumb in portal administration (FS#2642)</li>
  567. <li>Fixed issues in FCKeditor edition of documents with video, flash and mp3 included (FS#2679)</li>
  568. <li>Fixed security issue affecting Windows servers with system file inclusion on homepage (FS#2692)</li>
  569. <li>Fixed one-question-per-page view in Quiz tool (FS#2678)</li>
  570. <li>Removed possible risk of having a database code too large for the course.db_name field (FS#2426)</li>
  571. <li>Added missing online help for blogs (FS#811)</li>
  572. <li>Fixed bug showing whole article as link in blog (FS#811)</li>
  573. <li>Fixed bug whereby the course permissions were not updated when using the multiple-action mode in course users list</li>
  574. <li>Fixed bug preventing opening of a learning path item following a failed prerequisite condition (SVN#15853)</li>
  575. <li>Fixed bug preventing the activation of plugins (FS#2771)</li>
  576. <li>Fixed bug adding double comments in dropbox tool in IE only (FS#2757)</li>
  577. <li>Fixed IMS/QTI2 little export problem (FS#2634)</li>
  578. <li>The learners can't send files anymore to other learners if "Do not allow
  579. students to send documents to other students within a course" is false
  580. (FS#2780)</li>
  581. <li>The mails sent in exercises tool are sent from the address defined in admin (FS#2712)</li>
  582. <li>"Next" and "Previous" page now works when searching a session (FS#2721)</li>
  583. <li>Fixed bug when launching a quiz with one question per page (FS#2738)</li>
  584. <li>Fixed javascript bug with swap menu in ie6 (FS#2815)</li>
  585. <li>Fixed bug in surveys when we want to display answers of an invited person (FS#2731)</li>
  586. <li>Fixed
  587. bug when copying a course with surveys. There is now a check for
  588. existing surveys with the same code and language (FS#2734)</li>
  589. <li>Fixed bug when seeing matching results in quiz tool (SVN#15987)</li>
  590. <li>Added filtering of SCORM objectives when writing to DB (SVN#16437)</li>
  591. <li>Removed duplication of database write operations for SCORM objectives (SVN#16438)</li>
  592. <li>Fixed HTTP_REFERER bug in ical_export (FS#3041)</li>
  593. <li>Fixed bug in SQL queries for new installs, preventing the creation of the course_module table (FS#3040)</li>
  594. <li>Fixed
  595. the fact that the password was never sent by e-mail when encrypted,
  596. even when it had just been changed for a user, causing a useless e-mail
  597. to be sent (SVN#16673)</li>
  598. <li>Fixed bug in users pictures display when using the tuning setting of splitting users dirs (SVN#16673)</li>
  599. <li>Fixed bug in documents picture gallery preventing uppercase image extensions to be seen (SVN#16755)</li>
  600. <li>Fixed bug whereby the repeated agenda items in groups were visible to all (FS#3095)</li>
  601. <li>Fixed bug whereby e-mails sent did not have the standard syntax (SVN#16708)</li>
  602. <li>Fixed bug whereby an empty institution name gave a useless output in the header (SVN#16710)</li>
  603. <li>Fixed bug whereby questions ordering was broken when deleting one question in the middle (SVN#16879)</li>
  604. <li>Fixed
  605. bug in user fields, not displayed the default value in profile and add
  606. user, and you could modify this values(see FS#3307) </li><li>Fixed bug in link (see FS#3306)</li>
  607. <li>Improved display of human resource manager option (see FS#3304)</li>
  608. <li>Documents tool, folder selector: Fixed a bug that prevented Home (root) folder to be shown (FS#3089)</li>
  609. <li>Users tool: Fixed a bug preventing detailed information about a user to be shown or edited (FS#3009)</li>
  610. <li>Fixed a bug causing various problems due to improper priority order of loading PEAR packages (FS#3237)</li>
  611. <li>The
  612. PclZip library has been upgraded to version 2.6. Additionally, a known
  613. bug has been fixed - improper processing of the option
  614. PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH on Windows (FS#3243)</li>
  615. <li>Fixed a bug causing improper numeric sorting of data displayed in various tables (FS#3282)</li>
  616. <li>Agenda tool: Fixed a wrong range for hour selection. The bug has been reported and solved in a forum by TL (FS#3324)</li>
  617. <li>Agenda tool: style changes - Align drop-down lists in date and time when you add a new calendar event and modify it</li>
  618. <li>Fixed Date Validation when you add a new exercises and modify it (FS#3249)</li>
  619. <li>Tests tool: Fixed broken filter on orphan questions in questions pool, reported and solved in the forums by mark111 (FS#3329)</li>
  620. <li>Fixed security flaw allowing anonymous user to enter "open to the platform" courses (FS#3359 - SVN#17499)</li>
  621. <li>Fixed forum visibility bug for private groups forum (FS#3327)</li>
  622. <li>Fixed many links bugs when using a forum inside a learning path (FS#3256)</li>
  623. <li>Fixed: dropbox changed notification icon appears while dropbox inaccessable (FS#3395)</li>
  624. <li>Fixed: access to a hidden document was possible (FS#2835)</li>
  625. <li>Dropbox fix: move multiple selected files to category feature is back. (FS#3005)</li>
  626. <li>Fixed: Long lines in Announcements did not show up in email (FS#2988)</li>
  627. <li>Fixed: the productions users aren't saved in the the correct directory (FS#3456)</li>
  628. <li>Fixed error in install/htaccess.dist whereby the url-append was not set correctly (SVN#17791)</li>
  629. <li>Fixed missing check on cDir in (SVN#17793)</li>
  630. <li>Removed possibility to create sub-directories in the dropbox tool - wasn't working anyway for various versions (FS#3434)</li>
  631. <li>Improved access control for group tool (FS#3209)</li>
  632. <li>Fixed profiling date field popup bug (FS#2985)</li>
  633. <li>Added check on max members in group before subscribing new people (FS#3453)</li>
  634. <li>Changed usage of mail functions to use api_mail() everywhere and fix mail headers problems (FS#2445)</li>
  635. <li>Fixed bug changing the language to false in platform settings (FS#3472)</li>
  636. <li>Fixed various HTTPS + IE related bugs, related to caching in general (SVN#17795)</li>
  637. <li>Fixed 31 bugs in file/image/sounds/flash uploads/delete/permissions in profile/homepage/agenda edition pages</li>
  638. <li>Fixed a bug in migration for several versions at once whereby new course tools were repeated several times (SVN#17935)</li>
  639. <li>Fixed security issue allowing users to upload php files on the server through FCKEditor (FS#2970)</li>
  640. <li>Fixed folders by default into document tool must not be removed - see FS#3611</li>
  641. <li>Fixed qualification of themes into forum tool - see FS#3609</li>
  642. <li>allow show results with floating point,in exercice tool - (partial FS#3630) - SVN#18367</li>
  643. <li>Fixed event into agenda when it's sent from assignment and Improved display form when you create an assignment - see FS#3583</li>
  644. <li>Fixed difficulty of the question lost - see FS#3659</li>
  645. <li>Fixed XML user import for single courses import (related to FS#3552)</li>
  646. <li>Fixed bug with user image not showing in upgrade from previous versions</li>
  647. <li>Fixed bugs causing wrong attempts to translate some icons on course homepage when the server is in testing mode (FS#3285)</li>
  648. <li>A
  649. fix for the Oogie converter to work on Windows OS has been applied.
  650. Initial code has been proposed in the Dokeos forums by Øyvind Johansen
  651. (oyvind) and wilbrod - see FS#3969</li>
  652. <li>Fixed Windows-related
  653. bugs preventing creation of SCORM packages from presentations, see
  654. FS#3972. The problem has been reported in the Dokeos forums by
  655. irvienhooi</li>
  656. <li>Some minor bugs have been fixed in "Document Metadata" form (FS#4030)</li>
  657. <li>Fixed a bug preventing updating dates of group documents after edition. Many thanks to Ludwig Theunis, nickname: TL (FS#4072)</li>
  658. </ul>
  659. <br />
  660. <h3>CSS changes</h3>
  661. <ul>
  662. <li>Added classes glossary-term, glossary-term-title, glossary-term-desc, glossary-term-action-links for the glossary tool</li>
  663. <li>Added personal-notes tool-related styles</li>
  664. <li>Changed many things in the public-admin style (Dokeos default) to improve
  665. design - will probably affect other styles a little despite efforts not to</li>
  666. <li>Added new styles</li>
  667. </ul>
  668. <br />
  669. <h3>Important language changes</h3>
  670. <ul>
  671. <li>Changed "courses" to "trainings" in English and "Cours" to
  672. "Formations" in French. This change is likely to be very confusing to
  673. most users! Please either update your language files or warn your users
  674. if you are willing to keep that change.</li>
  675. <li>Changed "Learning Path" link to "Course" in English and French</li>
  676. <li>Changed and unified work/assignment/student publications tool as "assignments"</li>
  677. <li>Changed "Dropbox" tool to "Documents sharing" (or "Documents sharing space" when referring to one's own space in the tool)</li>
  678. <li>Changed "Student View" link to "Teacher view" and vice-versa</li>
  679. <li>Many buttons now have more defined action names</li>
  680. </ul>
  681. <br />
  682. <h3>Known issues</h3>
  683. <ul>
  684. <li>Inserting the same exercise twice in one learning path may generate score inconsistencies</li>
  685. </ul>
  686. <br />
  687. <h3>Deprecated files</h3>
  688. <ul>
  689. <li>The whole main/inc/lib/xajax/tests/ should be removed</li>
  690. </ul>
  691. <br />
  692. <h1>Dokeos 1.8.5 <span style="font-style: italic;">Valparaiso</span>, June 2008</h1>
  693. <h3>Release notes - summary</h3>
  694. <p>Dokeos 1.8.5 is a major debugging release but includes interesting new features as well.&nbsp;</p>
  695. <h3>New Features</h3>
  696. <ul>
  697. <li>Considerable security improvements - 2 major and 1 minor security patches have been applied since the latest stable version</li>
  698. <li>SCORM
  699. export improvement (now generates SCORM 1.2 compliant packages and
  700. transforms Dokeos quizzes into SCO items, using interactions as a bonus)</li>
  701. <li>Possibility to filter extension of submitted files all around Dokeos</li>
  702. <li>OpenID authentication support</li>
  703. <li>Possibility to import Word documents</li>
  704. <li>Possibility to import docx and pptx documents (new MS-Office format)</li>
  705. <li>Grades,
  706. evaluations and success certificates available thanks to the
  707. integration of the gradebook extension. Activating this module will
  708. clash with a gradebook extension installation made previously</li>
  709. <li>Coloured icons added to courses list in administration panel to show access permissions</li>
  710. <li>Logout button now shows the username of the current user</li>
  711. <li>Student view re-activated and fully-functional</li>
  712. <li>Searching
  713. the forum is now possible so you can use the forum as a knowledge base.
  714. The search results are highlighted throughout the forum and you can
  715. search on multiple words also. </li>
  716. <li>Group members are now displayed in a sortable table</li>
  717. <li>Possibility to export survey results in XLS format</li>
  718. <li>Documents, Works and Dropbox tools usability has been improved in many ways</li>
  719. <li>In the agenda, you can display the X upcoming events (can be configured by the platform admin)</li>
  720. <li>The course agenda now has a month view like the my agenda</li>
  721. <li>In
  722. the user list of the platform administration you can now quickly see
  723. for what courses the user is subscribed by hovering over the courses
  724. icon</li>
  725. <li>The platform system announcements can now be sent through email also</li>
  726. <li>User
  727. fields have been added globally, allowing you to add user data like
  728. birthdate, mother tongue, city or whatever data you want to ask your
  729. users</li>
  730. <li>LDAP
  731. <ul>
  732. <li>The LDAP code has changed. If you had some customisations there, you might want to save them and re-apply them after the upgrade</li>
  733. <li>Functions renamed to respect coding conventions and use ldap_ namespace</li>
  734. <li>Most
  735. parameters moved to the administration panel. You will need to
  736. configure the administration panel with the settings that were
  737. previously in</li>
  738. <li>Added non-anonymous mode (just add a login and a password in the configuration panel)</li>
  739. <li>Added search domain configuration through panel</li>
  740. <li>Added customizable field-check for student-teacher switch</li>
  741. <li>The installation guide has been updated to help you find your way through the new LDAP configuration panel</li>
  742. <li>You still need to activate LDAP by uncommenting two lines in configuration.php</li>
  743. </ul>
  744. </li>
  745. <li>New stylesheets can be added through the platform administration interface</li>
  746. <li>Notification
  747. by email has been improved in the forum. You can now indicate that you
  748. want to be informed of messages on the forum level or on the thread
  749. level, even if you did not participate in the discussion yet. </li>
  750. <li>The
  751. platform administrator can decide to display the courses that are not
  752. open on the login page. When these courses are displayed on the campus
  753. startpage then the user that is logged in can quickly subscribe to this
  754. course.</li>
  755. <li>When creating a new group you can decide to create
  756. a public or private forum or no forum at all. These are group category
  757. settings.</li>
  758. <li>Group forum is also displayed in the group space</li>
  759. <li>Surveys that are not based on invitation but open to all (or certain) members of the course are now available</li>
  760. <li>Agenda
  761. <ul>
  762. <li>iCal import and export of course events, with a choice of public, private or confidential markers</li>
  763. <li>Repetitive
  764. course events can be created (and exported to iCal). Repetitions types
  765. supported are: daily, weekly, monthly by date (e.g. the 5th of each
  766. month) and yearly by date</li>
  767. </ul>
  768. </li>
  769. <li>Document templates have been greatly improved to speed-up custom course content creation</li>
  770. <li>Audiorecorder
  771. (depending on streaming server) now records sounds in the
  772. document/audio directory, making them easily reusable by the course
  773. admin</li>
  774. <li>Audiorecorder is not loaded by default (took too long) and you can load it with a simple click</li>
  775. <li>W3C - Compliance with XHTML 1.0 Transitional has been improved</li>
  776. <li>Tracking - A new page to display access details by user is available under the Reporting tab, in the user details in a course</li>
  777. <li>Removed header from learning path tool. It was taking too much space and was not flexible enough for CSS styling</li>
  778. <li>Improved speed of 1.6 to 1.8 migration by adding indexes</li>
  779. </ul>
  780. <br />
  781. <h3>Debugging</h3>
  782. <ul>
  783. <li>Prerequisites management in learning paths fixed (includes quizzes, hotpotatoes and SCORM)</li>
  784. <li>Various minor bugs fixed in the learning path tool (scoring, copy, re-ordering)</li>
  785. <li>Various minor bugs fixed in the session handling</li>
  786. <li>Fixes to the survey tool (date management, questions order in export)</li>
  787. <li>Fixes to the calendar tool (access by students)</li>
  788. <li>Fixes to the announcement tool (access by students)</li>
  789. <li>Fixes to the group tool (default group settings)</li>
  790. <li>Bugfix: complete export in survey tool displayed the question of all the surveys and not only those of the selected survey</li>
  791. <li>Bugfix:
  792. registering a new user resulted in the language field of the user being
  793. empty which resulted in an english profile by default. This has now
  794. been changed to the platform language. </li>
  795. <li>Performance improvement in the user list of the platform administration </li>
  796. <li>Bugfix: group tutors were not migrated from 1.6 to 1.8</li>
  797. <li>SCORM export: fixes in export method</li>
  798. <li>Documentation is now fully XHTML 1.0 Transitional compliant</li>
  799. <li>Fix FCKeditor Flash upload lack of usability and problems with IE</li>
  800. </ul>
  801. <br />
  802. <h3>Known issues</h3>
  803. <ul>
  804. <li>Audiorecorder takes a few seconds to write the audio file
  805. back to the document directory, so the page shouldn't be changed too
  806. quickly after recording a sound track</li>
  807. <li>When migrating from 1.6 to 1.8, some SCORM learning paths might need to be re-imported, which means their tracking is lost</li>
  808. </ul>
  809. <hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
  810. <h1>Dokeos 1.8.4 - September 2007</h1>
  811. <h3>Release notes - summary</h3>
  812. <p>Dokeos
  813. 1.8.4 is both a features and debuggingmajor release.&nbsp;</p>
  814. <h3>New Features</h3>
  815. <ul>
  816. <li>Templates. See <a href=""></a></li>
  817. <li>Wide Hotspots tests to allow real-life situations simulation</li>
  818. <li>Flash video import and streaming</li>
  819. <li>Installation guide renewed. See&nbsp;<a href=""></a></li>
  820. <li>Added animated Mr Dokeos character : <a href=""></a></li>
  821. <li>English and Dutch teacher manual added</li>
  822. <li>Assignments form now fills automatically with document title and user name</li>
  823. <li>Document authoring space now bigger</li>
  824. <li>IMS/QTI export of tests</li>
  825. <li>Export of media (images, Flash, Audio) and tests in SCORM export</li>
  826. <li>Agenda default time management for an event improved</li>
  827. <li>Oogie PowerPoint converter setup simplified</li>
  828. <li>Improved support for other character sets (enabling better support for
  829. UTF-8 and russian and asian fonts)</li>
  830. </ul>
  831. <br />
  832. <h3>Debugging</h3>
  833. <ul>
  834. <li>Upgrade script improved : now possible to upgrade direct from 1.6 to 1.8.4.&nbsp;</li>
  835. <li>Blogs user rights</li>
  836. <li>FCK Editor image import</li>
  837. <li>Videoconferencing slides now include Documents directory of course</li>
  838. <li>SCORM content can be displayed Full Screen</li>
  839. <li>SCORM interactions now properly running</li>
  840. <li>Hotspots tests redesigned and bigger hotspots zone</li>
  841. <li>Alphabetical sorting of lists fixed</li>
  842. <li>Excel export in reporting now removes HTML tags</li>
  843. <li>My profile page display layout</li>
  844. <li>Import HotPotatoes tests scoring</li>
  845. <li>Images gallery in Documents bad display</li>
  846. <li>Agenda default date now more relevant</li>
  847. <li>Tests random questions order option clarified</li>
  848. <li>Templates editing and media removal now easier</li>
  849. <li>Apostrophe bug in Learning path Build mode</li>
  850. <li>Table of contents wider in Learning path</li>
  851. <li>Audio player now autostarts</li>
  852. <li>Spelling mistakes in French and English</li>
  853. <li>Group features now related to group, not generic</li>
  854. <li>Blogs SQL errors fixed</li>
  855. <li>Introduction images were missing in tests reporting</li>
  856. <li>SCORM export now working</li>
  857. <li>My agenda Personal events editor bug fixed</li>
  858. <li>Oogie PowerPoint import installation easier</li>
  859. <li>Time spent on platform tracking improved</li>
  860. <li>Course Backup/restore bugs fixed</li>
  861. <li>Course copy bugs fixed</li>
  862. <li>Default visibility status of learning paths fixed</li>
  863. <li>Images gallery display reordering</li>
  864. <li>Agenda default time management for an event improved</li>
  865. <li>Groups display alphabetical sorting fixed</li>
  866. </ul>
  867. <h1></h1>
  868. <hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
  869. <h1>Dokeos 1.8 - May 2007</h1>
  870. <h3>Release notes - summary</h3>
  871. <p>Dokeos 1.8 is a major release. The software becomes a complete suite
  872. including not only a learning management system and a learners
  873. administration dashboard, but also an easy-to-use authoring system and
  874. a simple videoconferencing interface.</p>
  875. <h3>New Features</h3>
  876. <ul>
  877. <li> Ms-PowerPoint® to Learning Path conversion</li>
  878. <li>Integrated Live Conferencing&nbsp;</li>
  879. <li>Templates and styles for rapid online authoring</li>
  880. <li>Search engine&nbsp;</li>
  881. <li>New question types: hotspots and&nbsp;open answers</li>
  882. <li>Reporting dashboard with export to Ms-Excel</li>
  883. <li>Surveys</li>
  884. <li>Educational blogs</li>
  885. <li>Learning Path: better import and export of SCORM, IMS and AICC </li>
  886. <li>Documents tool: PowerPoint and Word into HTML file type conversion</li>
  887. <li>Tests tool: less sequential and more user-friendly</li>
  888. <li>Forum : better admin and content management</li>
  889. <li>code cleanup </li>
  890. <li>new nice looking icons</li>
  891. <li>new layout for the course homepage</li>
  892. <li>Version check: be informed when a new Dokeos release is available. </li>
  893. <li>Platform Statistics so you can boast with your campus. </li>
  894. </ul>
  895. <h1></h1>
  896. <hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
  897. <h1>Dokeos 1.6.5 - July 2006 </h1>
  898. <h3>Release notes - summary</h3>
  899. <p>Security Release. 1 bug has been fixed. Click the link below to see the complete list of bugfixes<br />
  900. <a href=""></a></p>
  901. <h1>Dokeos 1.6.4 April 2006 </h1>
  902. <h3>Release notes - summary</h3>
  903. <p>Bugfix release. 2 bugs have been fixed. One security hole has been fixed <br />
  904. Click the link below to see the complete list of bugfixes<br />
  905. <a href=""></a></p>
  906. <h1>Dokeos 1.6.3 February 2006 </h1>
  907. <h3>Release notes - summary</h3>
  908. <p>Bugfix release. 44 bugs have been fixed. Click the link below to see the complete list of bugfixes<br />
  909. <a href=""></a> </p>
  910. <h1>Dokeos 1.6.2 - September 2005</h1>
  911. <h3>Release notes - summary</h3>
  912. <p>Bugfix release. 14 bugs have been fixed. Click the link below to see the complete list of bugfixes<br />
  913. <a href=""></a></p>
  914. <h1>Dokeos 1.6.1 - August 2005</h1>
  915. <h3>Release notes - summary</h3>
  916. <p>Bugfix release. 31 bugs have been fixed. Click the link below to see the complete list of bugfixes<br />
  917. <a href=""></a></p>
  918. <h1>Dokeos 1.6 - July 2005</h1>
  919. <h3>Release notes - summary</h3>
  920. <p>In Dokeos 1.6, security and interoperability have been improved. Protection<br />
  921. for documents has improved, and courses have more accessibility options.<br />
  922. Password encryption is enabled by default. The php.ini setting <br />
  923. "register globals" does not have be on anymore.<br />
  924. <a href=""> </a></p>
  925. <h3>New Features</h3>
  926. <ul>
  927. <li>Campus home page can be edited online</li>
  928. <li> Improved translations, made with the new Dokeos translation tool</li>
  929. <li> Language switch - when you enter the portal, you can choose your language.</li>
  930. <li> Who is online: a list of users who are logged in, you can click to see
  931. their pictures and portfolio, or click to talk to them through our built-in web chat tool.</li>
  932. <li>Learning path - import and export of SCORM packages, improved layout,
  933. prerequisites based on score in tests</li>
  934. <li> Agenda - many new options, e.g. every user can add personal agenda items.</li>
  935. <li>Document tool - many new options, improved layout, improved HtmlArea</li>
  936. <li> Security - PHP register globals setting don't need to be on anymore</li>
  937. <li> Administration section - all functions are easier to access, you can
  938. configure many options through the web interface instead of by digging through the code. </li>
  939. <li> Improved course management - completely rewritten course import/export
  940. functions, easily copy content from one course to another</li>
  941. <li> Plugins and modularity - new system to add plugins to Dokeos more easily</li>
  942. <li> API libraries - our function libraries have been expanded and improved</li>
  943. <li>Interoperability: support for SCORM import/export, XML import/export for
  944. some features, IEEE LOM Metadata support in documents and groups, import of
  945. Hotpotatoes, connection with QuestionMark (this last one will be available
  946. as plugin).</li>
  947. </ul>
  948. <h3>Roadmap</h3>
  949. <p><a href=""></a></p>
  950. <h1>Dokeos 1.5.5 </h1>
  951. <ul>
  952. <li>Learning path : Scorm content import tool</li>
  953. <li> WYSIWYG editor : create content on the fly</li>
  954. <li> Table of contents : structure content on the fly</li>
  955. <li> Dropbox : peer2peer content sharing management</li>
  956. <li> Links categories : structure links catalogue</li>
  957. <li>New navigation : one click to tool</li>
  958. <li> Events since my last visit : be informed of what has changed since your last login</li>
  959. <li> My agenda : synthetic weekly view of all the events related to you</li>
  960. <li> Add a picture to my profile : see who is who</li>
  961. <li> Security : privacy and anti-cracking protection</li>
  962. <li> 5 more languages : russian, catalan, vietnamese, brazilian, thai and a revised chinese</li>
  963. <li> New chat tool : real-time textual discussion</li>
  964. <li> Audio &amp; video conference : real-time live broadcasting of events + textual interaction with ore than 200 people.</li>
  965. <li> Announcements to some users or some groups only</li>
  966. <li> Time-based learning management : add resources to time line in Agenda</li>
  967. <li> Audio &amp; video in Tests tool : create listening comprehensions, situation-based questions on the fly</li>
  968. <li> Forum thread/flat view : see discussions in more detail</li>
  969. <li>Forum email notification : get an email when your forum topic is active</li>
  970. <li> language revision : dokeos vocabulary has been generalised to be adapted
  971. to different types of organisations and not only universities</li>
  972. </ul>
  973. </div>
  974. </div>
  975. <hr />
  976. <a href=""><img src="" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional" style="margin: 1em; float: right;" height="31" width="88" /></a>
  977. <a href="">
  978. <img src="" style="margin: 1em; float: right;" alt="Valid CSS" />
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