CourseUserRelationship.feature 781 B

  1. @course
  2. Feature: Course user relationship
  3. In order to setup add a user to a course
  4. As a teacher
  5. I need a working relationship
  6. Background:
  7. Given there are following users:
  8. | username | email | plain_password | enabled | groups |
  9. | student | | student | yes | Students |
  10. | teacher | | teacher | yes | Teachers |
  11. Given I have a course "My course"
  12. Scenario: A course contains a student
  13. When I add student "student" to course "My course"
  14. Then I should find a student "student" in course "My course"
  15. Scenario: A course contains a teacher
  16. When I add teacher "teacher" to course "My course"
  17. Then I should find a teacher "teacher" in course "My course"