12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334 |
- ifndef APP_ENV
- include .env
- endif
- ###> symfony/framework-bundle ###
- cache-clear:
- @test -f bin/console && bin/console cache:clear --no-warmup || rm -rf var/cache/*
- .PHONY: cache-clear
- cache-warmup: cache-clear
- @test -f bin/console && bin/console cache:warmup || echo "cannot warmup the cache (needs symfony/console)"
- .PHONY: cache-warmup
- CONSOLE=bin/console
- sf_console:
- @test -f $(CONSOLE) || printf "Run \033[32mcomposer require cli\033[39m to install the Symfony console.\n"
- @exit
- serve_as_sf: sf_console
- @test -f $(CONSOLE) && $(CONSOLE)|grep server:start > /dev/null || ${MAKE} serve_as_php
- @$(CONSOLE) server:start --docroot=public/ || exit 1
- @printf "Quit the server with \033[32;49mbin/console server:stop.\033[39m\n"
- serve_as_php:
- @printf "\033[32;49mServer listening on\033[39m\n";
- @printf "Quit the server with CTRL-C.\n"
- @printf "Run \033[32mcomposer require symfony/web-server-bundle\033[39m for a better web server\n"
- php -S -t public
- serve:
- @${MAKE} serve_as_sf
- .PHONY: sf_console serve serve_as_sf serve_as_php
- ###< symfony/framework-bundle ###