english.php 683 B

  1. <?php
  2. $strings['plugin_title'] = "Maintenance mode";
  3. $strings['plugin_comment'] = "Put chamilo in maintenance mode";
  4. $strings['tool_enable'] = 'Enable plugin';
  5. $strings['IPAdmin'] = "Admin's IP";
  6. $strings['MaintenanceModeIsOff'] = "Maintenance mode is off";
  7. $strings['MaintenanceModeIsOn'] = "Maintenance mode is on";
  8. $strings['IPAdminDescription'] = "Only the admin with this IP will maintain access to the platform during maintenance mode.";
  9. $strings['MaintenanceFileNotPresent'] = "Can't create file: %s. Check permissions in the root folder";
  10. $strings['TheFollowingTextWillBeAddedToHtaccess'] = "The text below (editor box) will be temporarily added to the .htaccess file.";