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- namespace * thrift.test
- /**
- * Docstring!
- */
- enum Numberz
- {
- ONE = 1,
- TWO,
- FIVE = 5,
- SIX,
- EIGHT = 8
- }
- const Numberz myNumberz = Numberz.ONE;
- // the following is expected to fail:
- // const Numberz urNumberz = ONE;
- typedef i64 UserId
- struct Msg
- {
- 1: string message,
- 2: i32 type
- }
- struct NestedListsI32x2
- {
- 1: list<list<i32>> integerlist
- }
- struct NestedListsI32x3
- {
- 1: list<list<list<i32>>> integerlist
- }
- service ThriftTest
- {
- void testVoid(),
- string testString(1: string thing),
- oneway void testInit()
- }