123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536 |
- <?php
- /*
- for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
- */
- $lang_new_item = "new item added";
- $lang_title_notification = "Since your last visit";
- $lang_update_agenda = "existing agenda item updated";
- $lang_new_agenda = "new agenda item added";
- $lang_update_announcements = "existing announcement updated";
- $lang_new_announcements = "new announcement added";
- $lang_new_document = "new document(s) added";
- $lang_new_exercise = "new exercise enabled";
- $lang_update_link = "existing link information updated";
- $lang_new_link = "new link added";
- $lang_new_forum_topic = "new topic added";
- $lang_new_groupforum_topic = "new topic added to group forum";
- $lang_new_dropbox_file = "nou arxiu rebut";
- $lang_update_dropbox_file = "un arxiu dels seus documents compartits ha estat actualitzat";
- $ForumCategoryAdded = "La categoria del fòrum ha estat afegida";
- $LearnpathAdded = "Curs afegit";
- $GlossaryAdded = "Nou terme afegit al glossari";
- $QuizQuestionAdded = "Nova qüestió afegida en l'exercici";
- $QuizQuestionUpdated = "Nova qüestió actualitzada en l'exercici";
- $QuizQuestionDeleted = "Nova qüestió eliminada en l'exercici";
- $QuizUpdated = "Exercici actualitzat";
- $QuizAdded = "Exercici afegit";
- $QuizDeleted = "Exercici eliminat";
- $DocumentInvisible = "Document invisible";
- $DocumentVisible = "Document visible";
- $CourseDescriptionAdded = "Descripció del curs afegit";
- $WikiAdded = "Wiki afegit";
- $SurveyAdded = "Enquesta afegida";
- $NotebookAdded = "Nota afegida";
- $NotebookUpdated = "Nota actualitzada";
- $NotebookDeleted = "Nota eliminada";
- ?>