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- <?php
- /*
- for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
- */
- $langClarContent = "Here, professors and assistants create and administer courses websites. Students read (documents, agendas, informations) and, sometimes, make exercises, publish papers, participate to forum discussions...</p><b>Registration</b><p>The following instructions only apply if your version of claroline allows self-registration (some sites register you automatically). <br>If you are a Student, you just need to register selecting 'Follow courses (student)', then choose the courses you would like to follow.</p><p>If you are a Professor or an Assistant, register too, but select 'Create courses (professor)'. You will then have to fill a form with Course Code, Faculty and Course Title. Once this validated, you will be driven to the site you have just created and allowed to modify its content and organisation according to your requirements. </p><p>The 'To do' option is to allow feedback to your claroline website administrators. Things that you might post here include faults or suggestions for improvements. The 'To do' list is linked to on the Home Page of the campus (once logged in).</p><p>The support forum is different. It connects all Claroline users worldwide.If you don't find the answer to a question inside your claroline campus and environment,post a message there.</p><p>The link to Registration (if present) is on the Home Page of the campus (top right).</p><b>Login</b><p>On your next visits, type login/password and Ok to access your courses. The URL of the site is";
- ?>