12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940 |
- <?php
- /* For license terms, see /license.txt */
- $strings['plugin_title'] = 'IMS/LTI';
- $strings['plugin_comment'] = 'IMS/LTI';
- $strings['enabled'] = 'Enabled';
- $strings['ImsLtiDescription'] = '<p>Learning Tools Interoperability® (LTI®) is a specification developed by IMS Global Learning Consortium. The principal concept of LTI is to establish a standard way of integrating rich learning applications (often remotely hosted and provided through third-party services) with platforms like learning management systems, portals, learning object repositories, or other educational environments.</p>';
- $strings['ManageToolButton'] = '<p>To manage the tools go to <a href="%s">Tool list</a></p>';
- $strings['AddExternalTool'] = 'Add external tool';
- $strings['ProviderName'] = 'Provider name';
- $strings['LaunchUrl'] = 'Launch URL';
- $strings['ConsumerKey'] = 'Consumer key';
- $strings['SharedSecret'] = 'Shared secret';
- $strings['CustomParams'] = 'Custom params';
- $strings['CustomParamsHelp'] = 'Custom params required by the Tool Provider. Format: <code>name=value</code>';
- $strings['ToolName'] = 'Tool name';
- $strings['ToolNotAdded'] = 'Tool not added';
- $strings['AvailableTools'] = 'Available tools';
- $strings['ToolSettings'] = 'Tool settings';
- $strings['ToolNotAvailable'] = 'Tool not available';
- $strings['IsGlobal'] = 'Is global';
- $strings['EditExternalTool'] = 'Edit external tool';
- $strings['ToolDeleted'] = 'Tool deleted';
- $strings['ToolAdded'] = 'Tool added';
- $strings['PressToContinue'] = 'Press to continue to external tool';
- $strings['ConfigureExternalTool'] = 'Configure external tools';
- $strings['SupportDeepLinking'] = 'Support Deep-Linking';
- $strings['ScoreNotSet'] = 'Score not set';
- $strings['ScoreForXUserIsYScore'] = 'Score for %s is %s';
- $strings['ToolsAdded'] = 'Added tools';
- $strings['ToolEdited'] = 'Tool edited';
- $strings['ShareLauncherName'] = 'Share launcher\'s name';
- $strings['ShareLauncherEmail'] = 'Share launcher\'s email';
- $strings['ShareLauncherPicture'] = 'Share launcher\'s picture';
- $strings['NoTool'] = 'Tool not exists';
- $strings['ToolAddedOnCourseX'] = 'Tool addeed on course <strong>%s</strong>.';
- $strings['SupportDeppLinkingHelp'] = 'Contact your Tool Provider to verify if Deep Linking support is mandatory';
- $strings['NoAccessToUrl'] = 'No access to URL';
- $strings['LaunchUrlNotFound'] = 'Launch URL not found';