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Provider to use Pagerfanta with Silex

This Provider is based on WhiteOctoberPagerfantaBundle and includes:

  • Twig function to render pagerfantas with views and options.
  • Way to use easily views.


$app->register(new FranMoreno\Silex\Provider\PagerfantaServiceProvider());


This are the default parameters:

$app['pagerfanta.view.options'] = array(
    'routeName'     => null,
    'routeParams'   => array(),
    'pageParameter' => '[page]',
    'proximity'     => 3,
    'next_message'  => '»',
    'prev_message'  => '«',
    'default_view'  => 'default'

Rendering pagination

The Twig Extension provides this function:

{{ pagerfanta(my_pager, view_name, view_options) }}

The routes are generated automatically for the current route using the variable "page" to propagate the page number. By default, the bundle uses the DefaultView with the default name.

{{ pagerfanta(my_pager) }}

If you want to use a custom template, add another argument

<div class="pagerfanta">
    {{ pagerfanta(my_pager, 'my_template') }}

With Options

{{ pagerfanta(my_pager, 'default', { 'proximity': 2}) }}

See the Pagerfanta documentation for the list of the parameters.

Adding a custom template

You can use the CSS classes provided with DefaultView, but if you want to create a Custom View, you have to implement Pagerfanta\View\ViewInterface, then add the View to the Factory:

$app['pagerfanta.view_factory'] = $app->share($app->extend('pagerfanta.view_factory', function($viewFactory, $app) {
    $customView = new \Foo\Bar\View\CustomView();
        'my_view' => $customView

    return $viewFactory;

And if you want set as default view:

$app['pagerfanta.view.options'] = array(
    'default_view'  => 'my_view'

Use in controllers

use Pagerfanta\Pagerfanta;
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\ArrayAdapter;

$app->get('/index', function (Request $request) use ($app) {

    $results = $app['some.service']->getResults();

    $adapter = new ArrayAdapter($results);
    $pagerfanta = new Pagerfanta($adapter);
    $pagerfanta->setCurrentPage($request->query->get('page', 1));

    return $app['twig']->render('index.html', array(
        'my_pager' => $pagerfanta