settings.php 846 B

  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. * English language file
  4. *
  5. * @license GPL 2 (
  6. * @author Giuseppe Di Terlizzi <>
  7. */
  8. // for the configuration manager
  9. $lang['defaultSize'] = 'Default size for icon';
  10. $lang['defaultPack'] = 'Default icon package';
  11. $lang['fontAwesomeURL'] = 'Font Awesome CSS URL (CDN or local)';
  12. $lang['typiconsURL'] = 'Typicons CSS URL (CDN or local)';
  13. $lang['fugueURL'] = 'Fugue base path URL (CDN or local)';
  14. $lang['oxygenURL'] = 'Oxygen base path URL (CDN or local)';
  15. $lang['loadFontAwesome'] = 'Do you want load the CSS file of Font Awesome ?';
  16. $lang['loadTypicons'] = 'Do you want load the CSS file of Typicons ?';
  17. $lang['silkURL'] = 'Silk base path URL (CDN or local)';
  18. $lang['flagURL'] = 'Flag base path URL (CDN or local)';