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enhance installation process

nico 8 năm trước cách đây
mục cha
3 tập tin đã thay đổi với 79 bổ sung36 xóa
  1. 5 2
  2. 71 31
  3. 3 3

+ 5 - 2

@@ -6,11 +6,14 @@ cd
 git clone https://repo/jarvis.git
-Run the install script with root privileges
+Run the install script.
-sudo ./jarvis/install/
+>**Note:** The install script must not be ran as root or with sudo. 
+You will be prompted to enter your sudo password during the installation process.
 You will be prompted to enter your sudo password during the installation process.
 Be sure you can record you voice, run the following command to capture audio from your microphone

+ 71 - 31

@@ -2,36 +2,76 @@
 - hosts: localhost
   gather_facts: no
   connection: local
-  become: True
+  vars:
+    - git_url: ""
+    - temp_local_repo: "/tmp/jarvis_repo"
+  tasks:
+    - name: clone project in /tmp as standart user
+      git:
+        repo: "{{ git_url }}"
+        dest: /tmp/jarvis_repo
+        accept_hostkey: yes
+- hosts: localhost
+  gather_facts: no
+  connection: local
+  become: True
+  vars:
+    - git_url: ""
+    - temp_local_repo: "/tmp/jarvis_repo"
+    - jarvis_install_path: "/usr/lib/jarvis"
-  - name: Install packages
-    apt: name={{ item }} update_cache=yes
-    with_items:
-      - python-pip
-      - python-dev
-      - libsmpeg0
-      - libttspico-utils
-      - libsmpeg0
-      - flac
-      - dialog
-      - libffi-dev
-      - portaudio19-dev
-      - build-essential
-      - libssl-dev
-      - libffi-dev
-      - sox
-  - name: Copy requirement
-    copy:
-      src: python_requirements.txt
-      dest: /tmp/requirements.txt
-  - name: Upgrade pip
-    pip:
-      name: pip
-      state: latest
-  - name: Install python libs
-    pip:
-      requirements=/tmp/requirements.txt
+    - name: Install packages
+      apt: name={{ item }} update_cache=yes
+      with_items:
+        - python-pip
+        - python-dev
+        - libsmpeg0
+        - libttspico-utils
+        - libsmpeg0
+        - flac
+        - dialog
+        - libffi-dev
+        - portaudio19-dev
+        - build-essential
+        - libssl-dev
+        - libffi-dev
+        - sox
+    - name: Copy requirement
+      copy:
+        src: python_requirements.txt
+        dest: /tmp/requirements.txt
+    - name: Upgrade pip
+      pip:
+        name: pip
+        state: latest
+    - name: Install python libs
+      pip:
+        requirements=/tmp/requirements.txt
+    - name: Check that the repo has been cloned
+      stat:
+        path: "{{ temp_local_repo }}"
+      register: git_repo_stat
+    - name: Remove old version if exist
+      file:
+        path: "{{ jarvis_install_path }}"
+        state: absent
+    - name: Move repo in /usr/lib
+      command: mv "{{ temp_local_repo }}" "{{ jarvis_install_path }}"
+      when: git_repo_stat.stat.exists
+    - name: Add entry in /usr/bin
+      file:
+        src: "{{ jarvis_install_path }}/"
+        dest: /usr/bin/jarvis
+        state: link
+        force: True

+ 3 - 3

@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
 # install packages
-apt-get install python-pip
+sudo apt-get install python-pip
 # install ansible
-pip install ansible==
+sudo pip install ansible==
 # Install the project
 cd jarvis/install
-ansible-playbook install/install.yml -K
+ansible-playbook install.yml -K