@@ -56,24 +56,24 @@
- - name: Check that the repo has been cloned
- stat:
- path: "{{ temp_local_repo }}"
- register: git_repo_stat
- - name: Remove old version if exist
- file:
- path: "{{ install_path }}"
- state: absent
- - name: Move repo in /usr/lib
- command: mv "{{ temp_local_repo }}" "{{ install_path }}"
- when: git_repo_stat.stat.exists
- - name: Add entry in /usr/bin
- file:
- src: "{{ install_path }}/kalliope.py"
- dest: /usr/bin/kalliope
- state: link
- force: True
+# - name: Check that the repo has been cloned
+# stat:
+# path: "{{ temp_local_repo }}"
+# register: git_repo_stat
+# - name: Remove old version if exist
+# file:
+# path: "{{ install_path }}"
+# state: absent
+# - name: Move repo in /usr/lib
+# command: mv "{{ temp_local_repo }}" "{{ install_path }}"
+# when: git_repo_stat.stat.exists
+# - name: Add entry in /usr/bin
+# file:
+# src: "{{ install_path }}/kalliope.py"
+# dest: /usr/bin/kalliope
+# state: link
+# force: True